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How do pre-made ops groups get the GF comms?


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So theoretically I go into GF and get in an ops group and when we finish I get ultimate comms. But most leaders are forming the ops group outside of GF. How does that mechanism work so that everyone gets the comms? Does the leader go into the queue by themself when the ops group is full? Also, does that mechanism defeat the purpose of the Ops via GF considering they're formed on fleet anyways?
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If it works the way it works for FPs, as long as the group meets the criteria for a "proper" group, all the leader does is queue up the group and they go.


How does it defeat the purpose? The purpose of the daily GF reward is to use GF, not to "force" people to group with random strangers.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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So theoretically I go into GF and get in an ops group and when we finish I get ultimate comms. But most leaders are forming the ops group outside of GF. How does that mechanism work so that everyone gets the comms? Does the leader go into the queue by themself when the ops group is full?

Yes, the leader of the group queues through the group finder. If the ops group is complete, it pops immediately, and everyone in the group gets the Group Finder reward when the op is finished.

Also, does that mechanism defeat the purpose of the Ops via GF considering they're formed on fleet anyways?

Sometimes the ops group may be less than full, and the empty stops are filled by other players in the queue. Sometimes the ops members are on different planets, and the advantage of instant transport into the op (with instant transport back) is convenient.

Edited by Khevar
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Pretty sure I said that already.

I mainly wanted to comment on the second part of the OP, by giving examples of why a pre-made ops group would use the Group Finder.

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When challenged to support his/her declaration of the "purpose" of GF:

Gee, I guess I used that large organ between my ears. And I don't mean my nose.

So, even though you stated your conjectured "purpose" for GF as if it were a fact, you admit now that it is just your opinion of why GF exists, and just your opinion that it isn't to allow strangers to form groups together, and you offer no support for these opinions.


I think that is typically called "shenanigans" here. And I think your "large organ" isn't as big as you might think.

Edited by BuriDogshin
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So, even though you stated your conjectured "purpose" for GF as if it were a fact, you admit now that it is just your opinion of why GF exists, and just your opinion that it isn't to allow strangers to form groups together, and you offer no support for these opinions.

So tell us, Mr. Amazing, what do you think think the purpose of the daily GF reward is, if not to get people to use the GF? BWEA just feels generous and wants to reward players for no particular reason?

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So tell us, Mr. Amazing, what do you think think the purpose of the daily GF reward is, if not to get people to use the GF? BWEA just feels generous and wants to reward players for no particular reason?


The point of creating the group finder in the first place is, as its name suggests, to find people groups more easily. If a group is already formed then they don't need a "group finder", as they've already found a group.


The purpose of the group finder daily would be to encourage people to use the group finder, increasing the amount of groups being formed. A preformed group exists completely outside the group finder system, they just take advantage of it. They never actually enter the queue, and they don't help in finding anyone a group, which benefits no one. In other words, rewarding preformed groups defeats the purpose.

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So tell us, Mr. Amazing, what do you think think the purpose of the daily GF reward is, if not to get people to use the GF? BWEA just feels generous and wants to reward players for no particular reason?


Bioware is trying to encourage random grouping, but knows that everyone would try and game the system if they didn't allow a full group to also get the same reward. They would game the system by queing up, bullying the non-intended members out repeatedly until they got their intended group. This would lead to a net loss of players in the system as nobody would want to get kicked out just because someone else was gaming the system.

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So tell us, Mr. Amazing, what do you think think the purpose of the daily GF reward is, if not to get people to use the GF? BWEA just feels generous and wants to reward players for no particular reason?

MillionKnives has answered this question; I cannot fault him for responding to a query addressed to "Mr. Amazing."

I post merely to express my appreciation of your backing off your claim of knowing the purpose of Group Finder.


[Edit: I see annabethchase has also responded to the query to "Mr. Amazing." I will assume that she is applying the old convention that masculine words can be applied to females as well, or that his nom de'forum does not reflect his gender. Either way, I do not fault him/her for responding to a query addressed to "Mr. Amazing."]

Edited by BuriDogshin
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Sorry, I just took the bait to forum pvp. Guess I was bored.

I hope you aren't apologizing to me. I was just riffing on the sarcastic "Mr. Amazing" that other guy gratuitously inserted into his post.


I thought your answer, and MillionKnives', were better than what I would have written - amazing, even. :)

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So tell us, Mr. Amazing, what do you think think the purpose of the daily GF reward is, if not to get people to use the GF? BWEA just feels generous and wants to reward players for no particular reason?


Wow, I'm surprised you wanted my opinion on this, but then again I am Mr. Amazing.


so, the Group Finder rewards are for those that use the system to help them find a group. Now not to make those that already have found a group feel unloved, they too can get the rewards. But in case you aren't popular, or maybe there's just that something about you that keeps folks from calling you Mr. Amazing, you still can find a group with a bunch of strangers that don't know they need to dislike you yet. And they're forced to group with you.


Yes, you too can be "that guy" that folks talk about when you PUG it up, and swear off PUGing ever again, but you know they'll be back. And you'll be there, ready to jump into GF and make them run with you again. So, be "that guy" be proud that you too, friends or not, can use GF and get rewarded. And there are probably plenty of folks out there who will remember you. Remember Infamous is at it's root, still Famous.

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so, the Group Finder rewards are for those that use the system to help them find a group. Now not to make those that already have found a group feel unloved, they too can get the rewards.

No doubt.


But note that this whole sidebar discussion came about due to the wording in the OP:

Also, does that mechanism defeat the purpose of the Ops via GF considering they're formed on fleet anyways?

Don't you think that if Bioware considered this mechanism (i.e. pre-grouping and then using the "Group Finder") to be "defeating the purpose of the GF" that they would only allow partial pre-mades to get the rewards?


In other words, group with all 8, and you get the fast-travel, but no rewards. Group with 7 or less and everyone gets the fast-travel AND the rewards.


But they didn't actually implement it this way.

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No doubt.


But note that this whole sidebar discussion came about due to the wording in the OP:



Of course, but I mean how can you not point out the obvious when a guy whips out the whole "I used the organ between my ears" comment.


If there ever was a post that pretty much screamed "I need more Group Finder", am I right?

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We are blessed with so many of you, Mr. Amazing, it's just ... amazing! :)


Yes..yes we are. Of course, not to undercut the Mr. Wonderfuls and the Mr. Incredibles, and the lovely Mrs. Fantastics too. I think they too deserve a hearty round of applause.

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