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Elara Dorne apperance bug during Casualties of War


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Submitted in-game via /bug (ticket 13086432), but a screenshot may by helpful for this particular issue, so details are included here.


While interacting with trooper companion Elara Dorne during the mission Casualties of War, she takes on a different facial appearance. It does not resemble any existing companion customization that I'm familiar with. Here's a brief timeline of events:

  • Elara Dorne becomes unavailable as a companion as part of the mission Battle of the Gauntlet. Prior to this time she had a normal, uncustomized appearance.
  • After completing the Operation Talon mission, I receive the mission Casualties of War which requires me to speak to Elara. It is now that I notice her different appearance: both prior to the conversation while she is lying in my ship's med bay, and while interacting with her in a conversation (screenshot attached).
  • After completing this interaction (simultaneously completing the mission Casualties of War), she remains lying in the medbay with a different appearance. She is now available as a companion in the Crew Management tab ('N'), but is still not viewable in the companion screen ('C').
  • I right-click on Elara again (in case the conversation didn't complete properly) to no effect. I attempt to exit my ship, but only get a black screen of stars (no planet/spaceport loaded), so I restart the game. Upon logging in, her appearance is back to normal (uncustomized, as I had it before), and she is available in both the character tab and crew skills tab. Her change appears to have been temporary, and resolved at this point.



Screenshot attached of her different appearance during the Casualties of War conversation: http://i1192.photobucket.com/albums/aa325/rjdokk/bugreport.jpg

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