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Class question responses?


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Not sure if this is gen discussion or customer service but I've seen the devs make quite a few responses here. So I have to ask can we get an ETA on the operative class question responses? The questions were picked up late by musco on Tuesday the 27th of may(supposed to be taken the 23rd) so that would mean that we should have gotten a response on the 10th (technically the 3rd because musco said that he and the combat team will spend about a week per set) but we haven't received any response yet. Should we expect a response on Thursday or Friday? Because I think I speak on behalf of the entire community when I say that we will be kinda pissed if we don't get a response this week with no communication from the devs because quite a few are already are pissed that we haven't gotten anything and are kinda tired of waiting. While I understand that the class questions are viewed as an added bonus to some players that the devs don't need to do, but I am of the belief that if I'm told that I will be gotten back to in a week(which is normally like 2 weeks) and I have to wait almost 3 I find it frustrating.


So again I ask more plainly, tait, Eric, somebody is there an ETA on when operatives will ge their response back? any form of communication would be very appreciated and will calm down a few of our quite angry players.

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I think it's fair to expect that when one party (BW) makes a promise to another party (the community), that when the first party doesn't hold up their end of the bargain, the other party can still demand them to do so.
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I think it's fair to expect that when one party (BW) makes a promise to another party (the community), that when the first party doesn't hold up their end of the bargain, the other party can still demand them to do so.


well they are already demanding they fix the problems, so you want to demand they fix the problems AND answer all your questions?


don't think that is a bit much to demand in a few days.


demand it be perfect

not perfect demand it be fixed

demand it be fixed QUICKLY (regardless of how difficult it may be)

on top of that demand that they do something in addition to the demands you already posed on them.


can they demand we stop demanding?


edit: maintaining some sense of reality and realistic expectations isn't too much to demand is it?

Edited by DOHboy
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well they are already demanding they fix the problems, so you want to demand they fix the problems AND answer all your questions?


don't think that is a bit much to demand in a few days.


demand it be perfect

not perfect demand it be fixed

demand it be fixed QUICKLY (regardless of how difficult it may be)

on top of that demand that they do something in addition to the demands you already posed on them.


can they demand we stop demanding?


edit: maintaining some sense of reality and realistic expectations isn't too much to demand is it?


I'm not demanding, I tried to not come off that way in my post. I was trying to make a request, as friendly as possible because we has waited three weeks for BW to give us a response to something in which they have already taken late because Eric has admitted before that Friday isn't the best day for them and it seems as if they has weekends off so the earliest they can get to you is Monday. I think what I take the most take offense to is that small graphical glitches with armor, which have only been present since this Tuesday, seem to be taking priority over something that has been their responsability for almost three weeks now. Like the other poster said if group A says to B that they'll look into something major for them. then group C comes into play after and starts saying they have little minor problems which do not effect the overall game play(ie armor clipping or discoloration) and group A is giving them more responses and communication while telling group B nothing and being past their due date is it not reasonable for group B to be jellous and request that they at least are told something even if it is something like "sometime this week" or "I do not know". The former at least lets you know that you are going to get it relatively soon while the ladder communicates that they haven't put much thought to you, which is more curtious to group B because you're being more upfront about it instead of keeping it in the dark. IK that they are very busy and that is why I only requested a general idea of when it would be time for group B, a group which Eric has admitted is very frustrated with group A to begin with and was using this as a way to regain faith in A, to ge their answers. To me it seems like BW ha it's priorities out of wack at the moment and is inadvertently hurting its already strained relationship with group B. Ik I take some serious offense to the fact that the devs has responded to someone saying that a piece of armor juts out slightly on the neck but not to at least give some information on a response to a entire community's(no matter) community question. Does tht sound more reasonable?

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I even took the time to watch to dev stream and respectfully spam(putting in once every 2-3 minuets or so)" is there and ETA on when the operative class questions"? While I understand it was a stream about GSF and the event I don't think somethig as simple as an "I don't know my self" from tait would be too unreasonable, especially hen he responded to the questions above and below mine, but never mine. I understand that there were troll spammers but I do not believe i was coming off as a troll, was I wrong to believe this? Maybe it is me asking for too much and being blinded by my own ignorance and I'm just being to unreasonable to the devs.
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