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So the slot machines on Nar Shaddaa gave me an idea for a new credit sink that could be present in the game at all times, separate from events: gashapon. The term is Japanese and may be unfamiliar, but we've all seen these machines. They're coin-operated and dispense frivolous items in small plastic bubbles.


Now, believe it or not, there is a place for this sort of thing in TOR. Perhaps each world with a significant civilian population (Coruscant, Dromund Kaas, Alderaan, etc) could have one, each with unique prizes. The slot machines on Nar Shaddaa have proven that people will use them and try to get all the items.


The items you collect from them could be adaptive armor, weapons, emotes, or toys. There could even be achievements for those completionists out there. The infrastructure is already clearly in place with the slot machines and I realize this isn't what some people would call 'real content' but it would be fun.

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