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I feel so epic when...


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chests are randomly generated. (most likely)


The fact that it generates next to a champion mob has nothing to do with its contents.


They aren't randomly generated. I have been camping and killing this boss for 2 days now. The chest is on a 7 minute 15 second respawn timer and the boss is on a 15 minute respawn timer. It ONLY gives level 50 loot, oh except the level 7 whites that EVERY chest has a chance to drop.

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They aren't randomly generated. I have been camping and killing this boss for 2 days now. The chest is on a 7 minute 15 second respawn timer and the boss is on a 15 minute respawn timer. It ONLY gives level 50 loot, oh except the level 7 whites that EVERY chest has a chance to drop.

That's exactly why it's not going to drop epic gear every time....because people like you will sit there and farm that boss repeatedly. Good job BW, way to deter farming. Hilarious that you think you should get epic gear for farming the same boss repeatedly for 2 days. Frankly, I'd like to see the chance for good gear diminish each time the same action is repeated.

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