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Imperial PVE guild Summit


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I've updated the original post and included a google doc for everyone to look at and add comments to. I still need help contacting more PVE guilds. If you know of more people I can contact to get them in here please make it known! Edited by bluecheesebandit
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I would recommend getting in touch with Z'eus in <Sith Praxium>. He is not the GM, but run a 8 man team that has just started clearing HM DP. Also if anyone needs a Sniper or Jugg tank mine is free, haven't found a guild to join since Shades left on impside.


Ok! Yeah I talked to their GM and he said he'd be unavailable Saturday. I know of a sin tank in game named anaxyn who organized their HM runs, which I helped out on downing zero. (They did it their first try, unheard of!) Is Z'eus the in game character?


And yes, another part of leftovers (mentioned on the google doc) is that it allows unguilded people into HMs, NiMs, and prog teams.

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This is Kres'olaro'nyx, one of the GMs of Deadly Obsession. We're one of the larger PvP guilds on the server, but we've recently been looking at getting our own progression teams going. To that end, I and possibly one or two other representatives will be attending. If all goes well, we'd definitely like to explore Yovakka's suggestion of doing something similar for PvP as well, but that's a discussion for another time. For now I'd just like to thank Yovakka for organizing this and everyone involved for lending their support. Yovakka's a good friend of mine, and it's great to see such an ambitious idea of his take root. Edited by Skios
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Any plans on implementing this pub side? I know a number of guilds who would be interested, including my own!


Let me know


We have a Pub side guild as well and Had planned on taking what we learned from the imperial side and trying to bring it pub side. If this is something people do want to do please let me know. i mean I am open to this on the Republic side.

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Hey everyone,

For those asking about Pubside we have a community member that has been talking about getting something together for a bit, and has already spoken to several guilds about it. She cant post right now due to a snafu from the devs but if you are pubside and interested please contact Josslyn (cloake, hotsallday) for information on being included. You can also contact me in game and I can pass it along Jakefiresky (cydannis, mierlana, kriegle). We are very excited about getting a summit together to push progression in PvE.

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A second update has been added to the top of the original post.


We will be starting at 7 server time using Ordo's teamspeak and an in-game channel. You do not need a mic to participate. It is highly recommended that you read the google doc I linked in the OP and check out http://www.leftoversraiding.org.


All GMs and officers of Imperial PVE guilds are welcome to join.

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Ok! Yeah I talked to their GM and he said he'd be unavailable Saturday. I know of a sin tank in game named anaxyn who organized their HM runs, which I helped out on downing zero. (They did it their first try, unheard of!) Is Z'eus the in game character?


And yes, another part of leftovers (mentioned on the google doc) is that it allows unguilded people into HMs, NiMs, and prog teams.


Please contact the following names regarding the Guild Summit Meeting for (Sith Praxium):


Inhale or Huffington (Dark Council member)

Sky-lark or Pep 'purr (Dark Council member)


Sorry I can't make the Guild Summit Meeting this weekend. It sounds like a great idea for this server. I know a lot of great players have left for other servers.


Thank you


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I would recommend getting in touch with Z'eus in <Sith Praxium>. He is not the GM, but run a 8 man team that has just started clearing HM DP. Also if anyone needs a Sniper or Jugg tank mine is free, haven't found a guild to join since Shades left on imp side.


@Squigglezz - Please do not speak on behalf of the Sith Praxium as you are not an officer in our guild. We have our officers in place for this this meeting.

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Hey everyone,

For those asking about Pubside we have a community member that has been talking about getting something together for a bit, and has already spoken to several guilds about it. She cant post right now due to a snafu from the devs but if you are pubside and interested please contact Josslyn (cloake, hotsallday) for information on being included. You can also contact me in game and I can pass it along Jakefiresky (cydannis, mierlana, kriegle). We are very excited about getting a summit together to push progression in PvE.



Signed, do you want to organize a thread for it? Or can the OP make it a combined thread?

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Signed, do you want to organize a thread for it? Or can the OP make it a combined thread?


I don't have any level 55 toons on pubside, so my personal experience and interest is very low. Someone else should start a new thread if they wish to organize a similar event for pubside. One of the main reasons that I've organized this Impside is we have fewer progression teams hitting NiM. On pubside there are already some well defined progression teams and guilds.

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I don't have any level 55 toons on pubside, so my personal experience and interest is very low. Someone else should start a new thread if they wish to organize a similar event for pubside. One of the main reasons that I've organized this Impside is we have fewer progression teams hitting NiM. On pubside there are already some well defined progression teams and guilds.


No problem :)

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To wrap up this thread and to expand on it for the pubsiders:


The summit itself (in my opinion) was a smashing success. From the summit we're doing a few things: we've first off been able to get a LOT of raiding guilds together to just connect and see "who's who" sort of thing. We also started using an in-game channel "raids" designed to be a "LFraids" sort of thing to replace fleet chat, although I imagine it'll take a few weeks for the server to get fully transitioned. The most important step we took is introduce people to a website http://www.leftoversraiding.org which has been explained in detail in multiple places. If you wish to participate on leftovers, simply make an account, follow steps and sign up for raids!


Zuhara has also taken the initiative in developing a thread and criteria for a "dream team" or multiple teams to down 8m and 16m NiM content. Will update on the location of said thread for said dream team.

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Hello Imperials of Begeren Colony! Even though it has been less than a week since the last Imperial PVE guild summit, I’m going to host another one this Saturday at 4pm (PST). This time I’ll be inviting all of the leftovers team leads (WOW, SWTOR, tech, moderation and communication teams) to join us to get hopefully a bit better idea of what leftovers is about and to get guilds to sign on to leftovers and create their own charters. I’m planning on having this meeting just be about the leftovers system, if there are other topics you would like to discuss please ask me before or post here about it so we can determine if it is important enough to bring up during this leftovers-exclusive discussion. Therefore, if you and your guild has no interest whatsoever in leftovers, this meeting will probably not be a good use of your time. We will continue to have other meetings that are not exclusively about leftovers in the future, this one is just designed to give a broader and more in-depth introduction to leftovers.


Who: Anyone interested in learning more about the leftovers system, aimed at guild leaders and officers but will also be useful for HM and above raiders.

What: A more in depth introduction to leftovers, its history, its goals, etc.

Where: We will be using the leftovers teamspeak, details can be found on http://www.leftoversraiding.org and I will be providing the info again in the “pvesummit” channel on Saturday.

Why: To continue to generate interest in leftovers and try to get more guilds scheduling raids where we can participate as a server-wide community. See my google doc on the benefits of leftovers here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JF2VpEBwDZkAP3smM_XxuIH8Tb3QDXgMoJW8MeuQ278/edit

When: Saturday at 4pm (server)

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