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I have to be honest about this event


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You changed what you were on about when you started going on about the rewards being the fun. I addressed that particular point.


If I want to get paid at the end of the month, I need to go to work. Sometimes just knowing I've got spare cash is enjoyable and it allows me to do things that are fun.

If I want the comms to get that 180 gear, I need to do certain things in the game. Having that 180 gear may be fun in itself or it might allow me to do things in the game I want to do that are fun.





Carry on if you want, I've said my piece and I'm out.

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You know the only way you can "win" this argument is to simply declare yourself the winner, perhaps while stating you are too coo/busy/important/smart to keep arguing with me.



Again, if you're not having fun doing it, even if the fun is that last piece of 180 gear your grinding Ultimates for, you would not do it. The fun in this example is the reward, not the activity itself.


So now you've circled back around to agree with people you disagreed with in prior posts. Well done I had faith in you to be able to see reason. This calls for fireworks.

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So now you've circled back around to agree with people you disagreed with in prior posts.

Not even close. Any more gross mischcaracterizations you care to engage in before you count your trolling attempt as complete?


You changed what you were on about when you started going on about the rewards being the fun. I addressed that particular point.


If I want to get paid at the end of the month, I need to go to work. Sometimes just knowing I've got spare cash is enjoyable and it allows me to do things that are fun.

If I want the comms to get that 180 gear, I need to do certain things in the game. Having that 180 gear may be fun in itself or it might allow me to do things in the game I want to do that are fun.

Work, leisure activity, not the same thing (unless you happen to be lucky enough to be paid to engage in leisure activities). Your analogy, inapt. Illogical. Unsurprising. Will explain why you are wrong, but suspect you no longer care nor would it register with you.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Work, leisure activity, not the same thing (unless you happen to be lucky enough to be paid to engage in leisure activities). Your analogy, inapt. Illogical. Unsurprising. Will explain why you are wrong, but suspect you no longer care nor would it register with you.

Your time, a better use for it there is. Find it, you can.

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I guess what's still bugging me about the slot machines is that it feels like a half-hearted attempt to listen to people. For a loooooong time, people have been asking for pazaak, sabaac, or some other Star Wars-y type of mini-game to be added. Pazaak wasn't terribly complicated, but you did have to think a little bit. There was some minor sense of satisfaction when you won.


It feels like they just slapped this together thinking that it would satisfy all the people asking for mini-games.

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I guess what's still bugging me about the slot machines is that it feels like a half-hearted attempt to listen to people. For a loooooong time, people have been asking for pazaak, sabaac, or some other Star Wars-y type of mini-game to be added. Pazaak wasn't terribly complicated, but you did have to think a little bit. There was some minor sense of satisfaction when you won.


It feels like they just slapped this together thinking that it would satisfy all the people asking for mini-games.


I'm hoping it's a test run for a more fully functioning casino.


Pipe dream. :D

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Got the rancor on one of my first kingpin rolls and three of the other speeder shortly after. Also managed to accumulate enough gold certificates for a few items.


My RNG is so utterly **** on all of my toons. At least i've managed to eeek out some legacy weapons. Mounts though, never a chance to win those on my toons. Seriously, my RNG is like "1" on random rolls. Always has been :(.


Nice that some are lucky I guess.

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