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Who Voices The Dread Masters? ( MILD SPOILERS )


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I've already done a topic identical to this one here, in the General Discussion section of the forum but seeing I'm really curious on the subject and I'm hoping that some people around these parts are able to help out, I'll post it here as well.


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Hello everyone.


For a serious while, I've been trying to ascertain for sure who voices each Dread Master but so far, I haven't exactly been successful. I keep hearing their VA's fairly often - I think - while playing the game and even though I do have some suspicions for some, I'm at a loss concerning others.


As such and since I had some time on my hands - servers being down and all - I've taken the time to compile a list of sorts, with the help of those players who take the time to upload their videos to YT.


PS - My apologies if some of the videos have advertising preceding them but this is an unintended effect out of my control. Obviously, some of the videos do contain SPOILERS for some of the class stories, Oricon quest-chain and OPERATIONS involving the Dread Masters.




( Raptus )




I'm going on a stretch and assume this is probably the one people fancy the most, me included. After some careful examination, I believe the character is voiced by Gideon Emery or Tom Kane; Here are other examples, where I believe it's the same VA.




( Calphayus )




Not sure who he is but I believe he voices the characters that follow as well, just to name a few.




( Styrak )




I think Styrak is voiced by Desmond Askew, who I believe also voices other characters such as the ones that follow.




( Tyrans )




This one is incredibly distinct in my book. He voices several other secondary characters throughout the game.




( Bestia )




Same VA who voices the ones that follow. By far one of the most prolific female VA's in this game or at the very least, one of the most memorable. Lani Minella perhaps?


Darth Lachris



( Brontes )




This one is a bit more tricky seeing that she doesn't have as much screen time as Raptus, Calphayus or Styrak. Regardless, on Dragon Age, you have this character called Sophia Dryden voiced by Stephanie Wolfe. Should also point out that both characters sound similar(?) to




To sum it up, based on my hearing...


Gideon Emery or Tom Kane voice Raptus; Desmond Askew voices Styrak; Stephanie Wolf voices Brontes. Have no idea about the names for Calphayus, Bestia or Tyrans - though someone suggested to me Lani Minella as Bestia - so any ideas would be appreciated.



Huge thanks if you took the time to peruse the above. ;)





Final one I almost forgot, kinda unrelated to the DM's:


Eric Musco recently asked Charles Boyd his name during a Twitch stream but Charles couldn't remember at the time, except that he was english if memory serves me right... Not much to go on but it's a start.


I believe the characters that follow may be voiced by him.




Edited by Darth_Wicked
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I'm torn on this. On the one hand, the voices behind these guys is amazing. The people who voiced these guys have serious talent. They're iconic to the game and drive all the end-game content. On the other hand, it's like knowing who voiced Vader. Whoever voiced Vader was talented, Vader is iconic, but knowing who voiced him drew away from the mystery and legendariness of him, which is why we didn't find out until way down the road. In 20 years, sure, let's find out who voiced the DM's but for now, not knowing adds to their awesomeness.
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I'm torn on this. On the one hand, the voices behind these guys is amazing. The people who voiced these guys have serious talent. They're iconic to the game and drive all the end-game content. On the other hand, it's like knowing who voiced Vader. Whoever voiced Vader was talented, Vader is iconic, but knowing who voiced him drew away from the mystery and legendariness of him, which is why we didn't find out until way down the road. In 20 years, sure, let's find out who voiced the DM's but for now, not knowing adds to their awesomeness.


The thing is that apart from Brontes, you can clearly tell who the voice actors are from voicing several other characters throughout the game.


Knowing who they are for sure by confirming their names won't change their awesome work, if only will allow the people who play this game to further acknowledge their superb voice acting.


Also, I never thought any less of Darth Vader from the moment I knew it was James Earl Jones doing the VA.


Regardless, at this point, I'm fairly convinced that Gideon Emery and Desmond Askew voice Raptus and Styrak respectively. Would just like a confirmation really.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Also, I never thought any less of Darth Vader from the moment I knew it was James Earl Jones doing the VA.


Why would you think less of him for being voiced by James Earl Jones? I'm not judging you for that statement or anything. Personally, I'd have liked Vader more if he'd been voiced by Sean Connery or Arnold Schwarzenegger or Eddie Murhpy.



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Why would you think less of him for being voiced by James Earl Jones? I'm not judging you for that statement or anything. Personally, I'd have liked Vader more if he'd been voiced by Sean Connery or Arnold Schwarzenegger or Eddie Murhpy.




Why are you even asking me that? :confused:


I was THE ONE presenting a counterargument about that.


I'm torn on this. On the one hand, the voices behind these guys is amazing. The people who voiced these guys have serious talent. They're iconic to the game and drive all the end-game content. On the other hand, it's like knowing who voiced Vader. Whoever voiced Vader was talented, Vader is iconic, but knowing who voiced him drew away from the mystery and legendariness of him, which is why we didn't find out until way down the road. In 20 years, sure, let's find out who voiced the DM's but for now, not knowing adds to their awesomeness.
Edited by Darth_Wicked
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I think what I was trying to say got misinterpreted. Vader was and always will be an iconic villain and knowing who voices him wouldn't change that. I'm just saying that not knowing for all those years added to the mystery until one day the curtain got pulled back. I'm not saying I think less of Vader knowing who voiced him, I'm saying that waiting to reveal who voiced him really made the character more interesting and revealing it later was the smart thing to do.
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The weird thing is the voices change. For example, Brontes' voice in Dread Fortress is completely different from all the other cinematics. I keep wondering what this was about.


The same happens for every single Dread Master truth be told, though the change for some is considerably less noticeable.


Bestia and Tyrans are still easily recognizable but Raptus for example, apart from the accent, ALSO sounds radically different; Same with Styrak.


Regardless, I believe it is meant to convey the impression that the DM's are talking to the player from afar for the most part. During S&V,

, his voice sounds "cleaner" compared to the
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