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Thinking of transfering from Ebon hawk...


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I sent you a PM, but this: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=685979 is always a good thing to look at before transferring.


And to just quickly answer your questions here in a few brief sentences: (I'm speaking strictly for imps here)


I've seen only a few HM runs ever be advertised in fleet chat. Generally these only get formed out of guilds or friend circles/communities. There are a few out there, one of which is in the PM I sent you. In terms of actual progression teams, you can check the above thread for the guilds that have their kills advertised, plus a few others that have neglected to do so. There is definitely quality raiding on Begeren colony, but you need to know where to find it, and you won't find it in general chat on the fleet. There are many great guilds on this server who have very skilled players, but the only way of knowing which ones will mesh with you is playing with them in-game.

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Merc dps/ heals mostly 180s with a few 168s looking for progression. its hardt o find on Ebon hawk. Wondering what the volume of pugs and actual progression teams are like out there.


Actually if you look at the respective progression threads, The Ebon Hawk generally has more options than BC. It really comes down to pugs and faction though. One of the pronounced weaknesses of TEH is the fact that nearly all of the progression options are on Rep side. On Imp side, you basically have Proper Villains and…no one else. There are a couple other guilds floating around, like Nebula and Plausible Deniability, but it's not as diverse as Rep side is.


Anyway, I really can't say for sure if you're going to find what you're looking for on BC rather than TEH. My advice would be this: if you're really looking for progression and you don't care as much about PvP or RP aspects, transfer to Jedi Covenant instead.

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In all honesty, if you want to do progression raiding BC is not the place for you. The progression thread is very misleading because many of the guilds on there are inactive. In a matter of fact, I believe all the guilds clearing NiM content left the server or are no longer raiding. DWBI is the only guild to my knowledge on the server that was attempting to clear NiM DF.

Ascension and Dead on Arrival seemingly gave up on brontes and are no longer raiding. The last guild to clear a nightmare instance without over gearing it was EPIC and they moved to the Harbinger.


I used to play on BC a while back, and I transferred my guild off because there was simply no one to do Nightmare content with. Hard modes were also difficult to do on the server due to the population.

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Merc dps/ heals mostly 180s with a few 168s looking for progression. its hardt o find on Ebon hawk. Wondering what the volume of pugs and actual progression teams are like out there.


Begeren Colony is a nice casual server. Quiet and full of friendly enviroments if you know where to look, and it's a good place for casual raiders/pvpers. Some more dedicated than others.


But KBNinja and Thorazine are correct, our server lacks progression guilds and dedicated nightmare teams, because from the go, BC is a mixture of RPers, PVPers and PVE players, and the average skill


As far as progression goes, I can tell you that there's a LOT of people who wants to do progression and are currently trying, but the average skill of PUGs or most raiders in general does not meet what is needed for it.


You would have a really hard time trying to get into a team that's ready for nightmare (if even you're lucky enough to find one that has open slots) but I can assure you that hardmode pugs are NOT advertised by any means in general chat. You could look for a guild within a big community to find hardmode runs, or try to get info of most non-fleet pug channels. But as far as nightmare content... nu, at least not yet.

Begeren Colony is the place of casual raiding, strong pvpers and loads of fun.


TL;DR Not the place for progression, good for casual stuff, cool people.

Edited by SikeruT
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Actually if you look at the respective progression threads, The Ebon Hawk generally has more options than BC. It really comes down to pugs and faction though. One of the pronounced weaknesses of TEH is the fact that nearly all of the progression options are on Rep side. On Imp side, you basically have Proper Villains and…no one else. There are a couple other guilds floating around, like Nebula and Plausible Deniability, but it's not as diverse as Rep side is.


Anyway, I really can't say for sure if you're going to find what you're looking for on BC rather than TEH. My advice would be this: if you're really looking for progression and you don't care as much about PvP or RP aspects, transfer to Jedi Covenant instead.


That is kind of misleading. There's two guilds that have cleared NiM Brontes on TEH, one in each faction. If you look at guilds that have cleared Draxus, 3 of the 5 are Imperial. If you look at HM clears it's pretty dominated by the Imp side; 8 of 13 for HM DF clears and 8 of 12 for HM DP.

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