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Ultimate Revan's Respect Thread: Not by Me


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Revan was ruthless and a terrible Jedi from the moment he took up arms.

How exactly?


His genius was knowing what his enemies would expect, so he sacrificed countless worlds in the name of taking Mandalorian lives, he was an ends justify the means Jedi, not one who followed the code even slightly.

What worlds did he sacrifice?


And if Revan had lived to see the Triumvirate, Traya would have killed him herself, or hell, sent Nihilus or Sion, seeing as they both could have done it too.

I really doubt this.


Revan was a brilliant tactician and would have figured out a way to undermine the Sith Triumvirate. In-fact, Revan wanted to reform the Jedi Order and strengthen it with his newfound wisdom and understanding of the Force; he realized that the Jedi need to evolve if they are to contend with the threat of Sith and his belief had/have merit. The Jedi Order fell to the Sith Triumvirate because it lacked any brilliant leadership and became complacent after the fall of Darth Malak.

Edited by S_W_LeGenD
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Revan had no choice but to deal with the Mandalorians harshly; Mandalorians committed genocide in the worlds that fell to them and these events had an impact on Revan.


In addition, Revan wasn't being ruthless in the Jedi Civil War. His apprentice actually was being ruthless.


300 years later, Revan was not in a normal frame of mind. After enduring 300 years of worst kind of torture, no person would remain sane.


I don't recall Revan being brash and arrogant. I recall him being charismatic and wise. Yes, he had relationship with Bastilla Shan but can you fault him for this? Relationships represent natural instincts of sentient beings and feelings can develop for each other while helping each other. In-fact, Jedi Order attempted to suppress this natural instinct which often backfired. Much later, Luke Skywalker eventually realized this error in Jedi ways and permitted relationships.

There are times when the end justifies the means. But when you build an argument based on a whole series of such times, you may find that you've constructed an entire philosophy of evil.


--Luke Skywalker


Enter Darth Revan, because doing exactly what the Mandalorians are doing to beat them, and then going on to conquer the galaxy and turning it into a Sith Empire to protect it from the Sith is totally justified.


I meant rash, not brash, my bad. Referring to him rushing off to face to the Mandalorians, without considering what effect a practical schism might causes in the Jedi Order, and during the course of the war he sacrificed his ideals to win, again without thinking of the consequences, eventually becoming the very thing he sought to destroy.


Sound familiar? It is, its the story of the tragic hero. Tragic heroes are not role models.


And yes he was arrogant, he always tried to do things by himself and thought he could do it my himself. A stellar example if where he tried to infiltrate Dromund Kaas and defeat the Emperor twice by himself and failed twice. He then tried to take out the Empire all by himself once again after escaping his imprisonment and failed again.


Now I'm not necessarily denouncing Revan on moral grounds, but he is far from the model Jedi.

Edited by Beniboybling
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What worlds did he sacrifice?
When he finally joined the Republic Military in the war against the Mandalorians, Revan began to change. Over the course of the Mandalorian Wars, Revan became more and more cold and calculating, adopting the militant mindset of his enemies in order to win his battles. By the end of the war, Revan was more than willing to sacrifice allies and his citizens in order to gain or preserve an advantage over his opponent. Exposed to the teachings of the Sith, Revan and Malak were more than willing to utilize an untested weapon like the mass-shadow generator even with the possibility that the weapon might harm their own fleet.


--Taken from Wookieepedia.


Either your looking at Revan through rose-tinted spectacles, or your not as knowledgeable on him as you think.

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How exactly?



What worlds did he sacrifice?



I really doubt this.


Revan was a brilliant tactician and would have figured out a way to undermine the Sith Triumvirate. In-fact, Revan wanted to reform the Jedi Order and strengthen it with his newfound wisdom and understanding of the Force; he realized that the Jedi need to evolve if they are to contend with the threat of Sith and his belief had/have merit. The Jedi Order fell to the Sith Triumvirate because it lacked any brilliant leadership and became complacent after the fall of Darth Malak.


Sacrificing worlds.


Plenty, Malachor's the best example. He willingly destroyed the majority of his fleet to finish the Mandalorians, knew full well the consequences and specifically Hid them from Surik to ensure she didn't try to stop him.


No, the Jedi Order fell because the Sith Assassins and Triumvirate were perfect counters for Jedi in every way, Revan couldn't have stopped them no matter how hard he tried, and as we've seen, Traya has a knack of getting to places she shouldn't be, and killing people she shouldn't be able to kill.

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Enter Darth Revan, because doing exactly what the Mandalorians are doing to beat them, and then going on to conquer the galaxy and turning it into a Sith Empire to protect it from the Sith is totally justified.

Please keep in mind that Emperor Vitiate orchestrated both Mandalorian Wars and Jedi Civil War. He first converted Mandalore the Ultimate in to his puppet to do his bidding (to attack the Republic) and later on converted Revan in to his puppet to do his bidding (to attack the Republic) after the latter came to know about the existence of Sith and attempted to assassinate their Emperor.


However, Revan learned vital lessons from his past experiences after redemption and attempted to reform the Jedi Order with his newfound wisdom and understanding of the Force. Unfortunately, he was once again cast aside by the same Jedi High Council which had blundered before and learned nothing from its mistakes.


I meant rash, not brash, my bad. Referring to him rushing off to face to the Mandalorians, without considering what effect a practical schism might causes in the Jedi Order, and during the course of the war he sacrificed his ideals to win, again without thinking of the consequences, eventually becoming the very thing he sought to destroy.

He rushed in to the war? great....tell me, should he have waited until the Mandalorian forces had reached Coruscant?


Once again you are missing the point, Mandalorians were being ruthless and committed genocide in Republic worlds that fell to them during battles. This was having an impact on Republic citizens and Revan had to do something to defeat such a powerful and ruthless enemy with limited resources under his disposal.


Sound familiar? It is, its the story of the tragic hero. Tragic heroes are not role models.

Revan have been a role model Jedi and a legend for the galaxy at large. This is official.


Role models are those who learn from their mistakes and set examples for others.


And yes he was arrogant, he always tried to do things by himself and thought he could do it my himself. A stellar example if where he tried to infiltrate Dromund Kaas and defeat the Emperor twice by himself and failed twice. He then tried to take out the Empire all by himself once again after escaping his imprisonment and failed again.

Mandalorian Wars likely had an impact on Revan's mindset but he didn't loose his sanity. Mandalorian Wars proved to be very costly for the Republic and Revan was literally caught off guard by the discovery of another superpower in the Outer Rim that also threatened the very existence of the Republic. Jedi thought that they had destroyed the Sith during the Great Sith War but existence of a powerful Sith Empire came as a surprise to Revan and he needed time to prepare for this new threat. He decided to attempt to assassinate the leader of the Empire which was also a good plan but it backfired since the Emperor turned out to be tremendously powerful.


The second time, Revan was cast aside from the Jedi Order. He had no support or powerbase to rely upon this time and he had forgotten about the existence of a powerful Sith Empire in the Outer Rim. His memories were slowly returning but it was too late for him to rally support for this threat after his capture. By the time, Revan was rescued, Emperor had imposed curfew on the entire Dromund Kaas and no ship could leave it without getting shot down. Therefore, Revan was once again left with no option but to attempt to assassinate the Emperor. At minimum, he sought to delay Emperor's plan to destroy the Republic and the Jedi Order and he succeeded at doing so.


Now I'm not necessarily denouncing Revan on moral grounds, but he is far from the model Jedi.[/color]

He actually is a model Jedi as confirmed in an official source. I am not making stuff up.


When he finally joined the Republic Military in the war against the Mandalorians, Revan began to change. Over the course of the Mandalorian Wars, Revan became more and more cold and calculating, adopting the militant mindset of his enemies in order to win his battles. By the end of the war, Revan was more than willing to sacrifice allies and his citizens in order to gain or preserve an advantage over his opponent. Exposed to the teachings of the Sith, Revan and Malak were more than willing to utilize an untested weapon like the mass-shadow generator even with the possibility that the weapon might harm their own fleet.


--Taken from Wookieepedia.


Either your looking at Revan through rose-tinted spectacles, or your not as knowledgeable on him as you think.

I am fully aware of Revan's story, every aspect of it.


Revan had limited resources under his disposal and consequently limited choices as well on how to defeat the Mandalorian forces. Revan may have intended to use a superweapon (i.e. Mass Shadow Generator) against the Mandalorian forces to cripple them but he lured the enemy on an uninhabited world Malachor V for this purpose to minimize potential casualties on Republic side or prevent loss of innocent lives.


By the way, Surik gave order to use the superweapon, not Revan.

Edited by S_W_LeGenD
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Sacrificing worlds.


Plenty, Malachor's the best example. He willingly destroyed the majority of his fleet to finish the Mandalorians, knew full well the consequences and specifically Hid them from Surik to ensure she didn't try to stop him.


No, the Jedi Order fell because the Sith Assassins and Triumvirate were perfect counters for Jedi in every way, Revan couldn't have stopped them no matter how hard he tried, and as we've seen, Traya has a knack of getting to places she shouldn't be, and killing people she shouldn't be able to kill.

As I asked, which are these "plenty" worlds as you have claimed? Malachor V is just one planet and it was an uninhabited Sith world. Its destruction would be inconsequential to the Republic at large.


And I am not sure that exactly at what point of the battle Revan intended to use the super-weapon since he was also active on the frontlines in the Battle of Malachor V and subdued the Mandalorian leader in the same battle. Also, I recall Surik giving the order to use the superweapon during this battle.


No, the Jedi Order fell because the Sith Assassins and Triumvirate were perfect counters for Jedi in every way, Revan couldn't have stopped them no matter how hard he tried, and as we've seen, Traya has a knack of getting to places she shouldn't be, and killing people she shouldn't be able to kill.

Look! In absence of brilliant leadership, no Order or military force can perform well during conflicts. Darth Traya doesn't holds a candle to leadership abilities of Revan and neither she was as charismatic and popular as he had been. She couldn't control two apprentices, let alone an entire Order or Empire.


Revan had ample experience under his belt vis-à-vis wars and threat of Sith; he had ample knowledge of tactics employed by Sith to undermine enemies including assassination strategies. He would have prevented destruction of the Jedi Order and would have been instrumental in the downfall of Sith Triumvirate much like he had been during the Jedi Civil War in the defeat of the Sith Empire led by Darth Malak.

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As I asked, which are these "plenty" worlds as you have claimed? Malachor V is just one planet and it was an uninhabited Sith world. Its destruction would be inconsequential to the Republic at large.


And I am not sure that exactly at what point of the battle Revan intended to use the super-weapon since he was also active on the frontlines in the Battle of Malachor V and subdued the Mandalorian leader in the same battle. Also, I recall Surik giving the order to use the superweapon during this battle.



Look! In absence of brilliant leadership, no Order or military force can perform well during conflicts. Darth Traya doesn't holds a candle to leadership abilities of Revan and neither she was as charismatic and popular as he had been. She couldn't control two apprentices, let alone an entire Order or Empire.


Revan had ample experience under his belt vis-à-vis wars and threat of Sith; he had ample knowledge of tactics employed by Sith to undermine enemies including assassination strategies. He would have prevented destruction of the Jedi Order and would have been instrumental in the downfall of Sith Triumvirate much like he had been during the Jedi Civil War in the defeat of the Sith Empire led by Darth Malak.


The Essential Guide to Warfare states that Revan and Malak took a slogan of victory at all costs, sacrificing planets, territory or resources in order to push and slaughter the Mandalorian troops.

And in the battle of Malachor, while surik gave the order, the point is Revan knew that his fleet, his Jedi, His troops, would be decimated too, and he let her call the order, oblivious to what was going to happen.


Traya couldn't control 2 apprentices? Revan couldn't control one. At least BOTH of them had to attack Traya together, seeing as they were never given the option of betraying her with an entire army.


And it doesn't matter how good Revan is. The Triumvirate had no worlds to invade, no fortresses with information to steal. They had stealth, and the ability to slaughter any Jedi with ease.


He wouldn't have stood a chance.

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He actually is a model Jedi as confirmed in an official source. I am not making stuff up.


By the way, Surik gave order to use the superweapon, not Revan.


I have yet to see such a quote or source.


And Surik had no idea what it would do to her own forces, she didn't even know the huge damage it would do to the Mandalorian fleet.


Also, are you not forgetting that during the Mandalorian wars, Surik already considered Revan fallen? Revan had already begun secretly taking prominent force sensitives or battle hardened Jedi and turning them to the Dark Side?

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The Essential Guide to Warfare states that Revan and Malak took a slogan of victory at all costs, sacrificing planets, territory or resources in order to push and slaughter the Mandalorian troops.

Exact quote will be appreciated.


Also, I am not sure what the word sacrifice implies in this case. Revan had limited resources and options at his disposal and he had to think of strategies to destroy Mandalorian forces otherwise he could loose the war.


And in the battle of Malachor, while surik gave the order, the point is Revan knew that his fleet, his Jedi, His troops, would be decimated too, and he let her call the order, oblivious to what was going to happen.

Blaming Revan for every development is not a sound argument. Revan was fighting the Mandalorians as well and he didn't force Surik to give the order to use the super-weapon. It was Surik's responsibility to consult Revan before giving the order to use the super-weapon. Surik made a miscalculation and many individuals paid the price.


In-fact, Surik didn't blame Revan for this incident; after the war ended, she went to the Jedi High Council and admitted her mistakes since she felt guilty and responsible for loss of lot of lives in the Battle of Malachor V.


Traya couldn't control 2 apprentices? Revan couldn't control one. At least BOTH of them had to attack Traya together, seeing as they were never given the option of betraying her with an entire army.

Revan have demonstrated the capability to lead a Sith Empire with great success and had absolute control over it. No Sith can get better then this and Darth Traya doesn't even registers before his accomplishments. Revan's fall is circumstantial (result of actions of Jedi) but Sith never ganged-up on him to uproot him from power. Unlike Darth Traya, Revan inspired loyalty from his followers due to his charismatic personality and brilliant leadership abilities.


Darth Malak acted when he felt that Revan had been compromised by the actions of the Jedi, he did what an ambitious and smart Sith would do in his place. If the leadership of an Empire is comprised, it can result in disorientation and discord within the Empire and order should be restored before it is too late. Darth Malak, being the second most senior individual in the Empire, did not waste time and acted swiftly.


And it doesn't matter how good Revan is. The Triumvirate had no worlds to invade, no fortresses with information to steal. They had stealth, and the ability to slaughter any Jedi with ease.


He wouldn't have stood a chance.

You are ignoring some ground realities here.


Sith Triumvirate was based on remnants of an already beaten Sith Empire and a disorganized movement; a mere shadow of what the original Empire used to be actually. Its tactics weren't unique in regard to undermining the Jedi Order. Sith Triumvirate utilized same methods to assassinate Jedi that Revan and Malak had employed during the Jedi Civil War. Stealth technologies weren't a new addition to these strategies either. In addition, Sith Triumvirate operated from a Sith stronghold established by Revan in Malachor V and it could be targeted and destroyed there.


Issue is that Jedi Order was lacking in leadership aspect and its most powerful members (i.e. Revan, Bastilla Shan and Meetra Surik) were foolishly cast aside from the Order by the Jedi High Council which had learned nothing from its mistakes. On top of this, Jedi Order grew complacent after the demise of Darth Malak and so many Jedi gathered on a single world (Katarr) for an unknown reason that they forgot that they were taking a huge risk in this manner. In short, mistake after mistake which eventually proved fatal for the Jedi Order at large due to ineptness of its leaders. If these blunders had not been committed, Sith Triumvirate would have stood no chance.


Funny development is that Darth Traya's own schemes led to destruction of Sith Triumvirate; it was doomed since the beginning and every Sith Lord doesn't have what it takes to be successful like Revan.


I have yet to see such a quote or source.

Already mentioned:


Revan always had been a model Jedi, ignoring his Sith history.


Had Revan been born a generation sooner, he might have been touted as a Jedi standard, but in light of the war started by Exar Kun, Revan's boldness in righting wrongs meets with suspicion from a progressively conservative Jedi Council. (Taken from Knights of the Old Republic: Campaign Guide)


The Jedi High Council of Revan's era was the real culprit for not properly adhering to the ideals of the Jedi Order. Jedi were supposed to be the guardians of the Republic and prevent disasters but the Jedi High Council refused to help the Republic when the Mandalorians invaded it with a mighty military force and openly committed genocide in various worlds. More proof of the stupidity of this Council is apparent form the story of Zayne Carrick who was targeted for assassination by some paranoid Jedi Masters. Heck, those Jedi Masters literally slaughtered some other apprentices in cold blood in a gathering.


After eliminating the threat of Darth Malak, when Revan attempted to rejoin the Jedi Order and reform it with his newfound wisdom and understanding of the Force, the Jedi High Council once again snubbed him and cast him aside. End result was a Jedi Order lacking in preparation to effectively tackle major threats in the galaxy and Sith Triumvirate had a field day with it, destroyed it.




And Surik had no idea what it would do to her own forces, she didn't even know the huge damage it would do to the Mandalorian fleet.

So how is this fault of Revan?


Surik wasn't an ordinary soldier, she was a general and was expected to make a calculative decision. She didn't.


Also, are you not forgetting that during the Mandalorian wars, Surik already considered Revan fallen? Revan had already begun secretly taking prominent force sensitives or battle hardened Jedi and turning them to the Dark Side?

I am not sure if Surik considered Revan as fallen, she was among his most loyal followers. Revan was not deliberately luring the Jedi to the dark side during the war. The sheer brutality of Mandalorian forces took a toll on mindset of lot of Republic soldiers and Jedi and made them do things they wouldn't do otherwise.

Edited by S_W_LeGenD
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I killed him easy with just my companion, guess he wasn't to powerfull after all, my sith INQ was more powerfull lol:rolleyes:

Revan is an incredibly powerful Force-user. Official data confirms that an "Imperial Strike Team" was sent to handle him even after he endured 300 years of torture and was not at his prime condition. Revan still held his own against such a formidable adversary with his powers for a while before bending time and space to vanish from the region.


Revan is actually underrated by some.

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I was the creator of the that thread, glad it is getting attention. It is the largest Revan Respect Thread in existence.

Everything I quoted in that Respect Thread was canonical. If you have any questions on the sources, please ask me.

I can gladly quote you to the source where it compares Revan to Caedus and Sidious, or any others for that matter.

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I was the creator of the that thread, glad it is getting attention. It is the largest Revan Respect Thread in existence.

Everything I quoted in that Respect Thread was canonical. If you have any questions on the sources, please ask me.

I can gladly quote you to the source where it compares Revan to Caedus and Sidious, or any others for that matter.

Those quotes made by Drew are not canonical. I am fairly sure that that Wizards of the Coast quote should be considered canon either considering its not an official sourcebook.


But impressive work nonetheless.

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Drew is the creator of Revan's character, he knows more about the character and his limitations then anyone else.

Wizards of the Coast is deemed canonical by Wookieepedia, and made all the sourcebooks, so I see no reason not to include it. And thanks.

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Drew is the creator of Revan's character, he knows more about the character and his limitations then anyone else.

Wizards of the Coast is deemed canonical by Wookieepedia, and made all the sourcebooks, so I see no reason not to include it. And thanks.

Yet Drew's word is not canon, a fact he himself is fully aware of, and therefore no doubt allows himself the luxury of hyperbole and metaphor. On top of that, Drew is not an expert on the EU he compares Revan with.


Wizards of the Coast official sourcebooks are, but as far as I'm aware Wizards of the Coast: Sith Showdown is not a sourcebook, and therefore like Drew are aloud the luxury of hyperbole and metaphor.


Not that I'm saying that these sources are irrelevant, just not official canon, and therefore open to interpretation.

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Drew doesn't compare other EU with Revan, hence why he never answers questions of versus on emails. I'm aware it is not strictly canon, but that doesn't change the fact I will use it in my respect thread. Like I said, he knows more about the character and his limitations then anyone else, and we shouldn't ignore this. Most other versus forums don't ignore it either, besides seemingly this one.


Drew rarely does hyperbole and metaphor with Revan, if at all. All his statements are blunt and to the point. Sith Showdown, being an official document on Wizards of the Coast, should be recognized as some form of canon. This is only logical. Besides, the hype itself is immense. Most of the documents there are actually stated to be "online additions" to the sourcebooks already published. Even Wookieepedia, KillerMovies, and ComicVine understands this.


There isn't anything open to interpretation with these sources, to be honest. They are directly blunt and state without any implications of anything else. There isn't anything to speculate over. Rather quotes from Kreia or other in-game characters are what is questionable, because hyperbole would be most common in this situation.


Members who dismiss Revan's placement as among the most powerful in the mythos, which has been confirmed repeatedly now by various sources, make me chuckle. That is why I spent a year working on the thread, and I am still constantly updating it whenever I find new material. I also work on other threads, covering Revan's raw power, lightsaber skills, etc. With such, I have also created a Darth Malak, Darth Nihilius, and Darth Nyriss Respect Threads. It should be noted that Revan is apparently stronger then all three of these characters (stated to be Darth Nihilus' superior in the Star Wars The Old Republic: Revan novel). He is ultimately, the "Prodigal Knight." :cool:

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Well, nice to see Legends opened an alt account.... At least I hope that's a legend alt.


If you're serious about Revan rivalling Caedus and Sidious, your either laughably biased or just flat out brain dead.



You also contradict yourself, saying he compared Revan to Sidious or Caedus (unless you assume I meant the Wizards "sourcebook"), then saying he never compares Revan to other EU material.


Also, Derpashyn knows revans character, but nothing else, which is why he's a pathetic failure of an author.


The whole POINT of Abeloth and the ones is that you CANNOT use both sides of the force at once, no amount of godly power will let you do it, they're polar opposites that will rip you apart, yet Derpashyn just slapped it in his novel.


And his butchering of the exile... Don't get me started.

Edited by Selenial
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Well, nice to see Legends opened an alt account.... At least I hope that's a legend alt.


If you're serious about Revan rivalling Caedus and Sidious, your either laughably biased or just flat out brain dead.



You also contradict yourself, saying he compared Revan to Sidious or Caedus (unless you assume I meant the Wizards "sourcebook"), then saying he never compares Revan to other EU material.


Also, Derpashyn knows revans character, but nothing else, which is why he's a pathetic failure of an author.


The whole POINT of Abeloth and the ones is that you CANNOT use both sides of the force at once, no amount of godly power will let you do it, they're polar opposites that will rip you apart, yet Derpashyn just slapped it in his novel.


And his butchering of the exile... Don't get me started.


Look Selenial, Revan IS COMPARABLE to Sidious or Caedus, because that is how Star Wars Legends work.


Example to prove my point: Yoda facing Bane Spirit is Morraband (Koriban)


Struggle is intense, Same with Exar Kun and Luke and countless examples which state that SW characters are comparable to other SW characters and timeframe doesnt matter really.


Your trying to use benchmarks, the benchmark that counts is FORCE POWER.


Revan is definetly on-lvl with Caedus if not more, same with Sideous.

Edited by ZahirS
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Well, nice to see Legends opened an alt account.... At least I hope that's a legend alt.

Excuse yourself and your hostility. Nearly every other forum board sans these classifies Revan among the Top Jedi.

The reason you don't encounter many here are because they don't want to deal with people like you.

If you're serious about Revan rivalling Caedus and Sidious, your either laughably biased or just flat out brain dead.

I never stated they rival Caedus or Sidious (I don't believe that either). Don't twist my words to fit your personal desires.

Rather, it *is* stated by *another* source that they do, so I included it in my respect thread.

That is only how respect threads work, sweetheart. I don't just ignore information because people don't like it.

You also contradict yourself, saying he compared Revan to Sidious or Caedus (unless you assume I meant the Wizards "sourcebook"), then saying he never compares Revan to other EU material.

I believe...you have reading issues. I stated *Drew* does not regularly compare his own works to others. When he does, it is rather rare. He confirms this in some of his interviews.


Drew is no way affiliated with Wizards of the Coast, which is the source that compares Revan with Sidious and Caedus. I have no clue why you are in the belief every Revan quote arrives from Drew, because that is certainly not the case.

Also, Derpashyn knows revans character, but nothing else, which is why he's a pathetic failure of an author.


The whole POINT of Abeloth and the ones is that you CANNOT use both sides of the force at once, no amount of godly power will let you do it, they're polar opposites that will rip you apart, yet Derpashyn just slapped it in his novel.


And his butchering of the exile... Don't get me started.

I don't care for your opinion on the author, he is a rather nice guy if you email him.

However, myself, and others, care if your opinion of an author makes you bias against a character.

I suggest you actually give my respect thread a thoughtful read and stop bickering. :rolleyes:

Edited by MarcheseAMM
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Excuse yourself and your hostility. Nearly every other forum board sans these classifies Revan among the Top Jedi.

The reason you don't encounter many here are because they don't want to deal with people like you.


We actually do mark Revan among the 'Top Jedi'...

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Look Selenial, Revan IS COMPARABLE to Sidious or Caedus, because that is how Star Wars Legends work.


Example to prove my point: Yoda facing Bane Spirit is Morraband (Koriban)


Struggle is intense, Same with Exar Kun and Luke and countless examples which state that SW characters are comparable to other SW characters and timeframe doesnt matter really.


Your trying to use benchmarks, the benchmark that counts is FORCE POWER.


Revan is definetly on-lvl with Caedus if not more, same with Sideous.


Its posts like this that just make me want to cry....


Next time Revan opens a rift in time and space that envelopes and destroys a fleet, I'll put him on par with Sidious.


Revans force feats are laughable in the eyes of Sidious and Cardus, or Skywalker and Yoda. They're in a class of their own.


By the way, I suggest you actually read up on Kun before you post something as ridiculous as that. Learn HOW he was able to wield that power and I might take you seriously.

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If that is true, I see no problems with my Respect Thread. :\


But there is! You may not know but people on this forum need to make absolutely sure that they know Revans place otherwise the hordes will descend upon us and usher in the end of the forum!! The fanboys will be unstoppable! I mean can you imagine the burden it would be on us -the people that know better- if others went around believing Revan is the best and most powerful Sith, spreading those lies! Even though he SO clearly isn't- I mean we can't just ignore them! They would force us to read the trash that they spew! To go to every thread with his name on it and argue with them! To spend hours upon hours of going around in circles only to do so again in another thread! Someone would have to! Let us not forget the Dark Times..


But don't worry! There are a select few that will give those fanboys a good beatin- er, educating!...Those poor ignorant fools. They know not what they do.. Thank the force we have such people in our forum to make sure those morons don't ruin this respectful place!





PS: Drew Karpyshyn is a horrible stupid man.


Never let go~ :rolleyes:

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