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Spark of Insanity Group 3 Recruiting - OT+2 dps


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Havoc Squad is the 3rd 8hm progression group in Spark of Insanity and due to 3 of us went afk cause of real life situations, we now have following 3 fixed spots open:



1 melee dps - sentinel, guardian or shadow

1 range dps - commando or sage


Our progression till 2 weeks ago before the afks event is DF4/5 and DP4/5, with 95% in brontes almost kill.

We now continuing raiding in cooperation with another progression group DP8hm and DF16hm, while we slowly recruit stable and friendly raiders.. we not stressing rushing with the recruiting tho, since we really wanna be sure recruits fit our friendly group spirit.


Raiding nights - I adapt given everyone preferences - so with new 3 recruits I would re-confirm, but times always start at 19h30 uk time:

Tuesday 19h30..21h30 - fun run, but will be used for either brontes or council when we finishing recruiting.

Friday 19h30..22h30 - here we doing DP8hm

Saturday 19h30..22h30 - here we doing DF16hm


Send me pm via enjin.com to:


for more information, quick chat in our TS.


Thank you ~


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