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*** Attis Station


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Glad it wasn't just me that found this hard.


It was tough, but, just for my two cents worth :


I had Qyzen, geared out to the max (not cheap, but worth it).


Turn off his EMP and nades.


I usually, shield him, send him in to a silver, while I CC a gold. With no EMP, the gold stays out of the way and he can take out the others. Obviously keeping an eye on his/your health.


Interrupts as best you can!


I think he died once. Although, I did run out and back in again, three times! :| It was a hard fight, but personally, I was finding Sage a bit too easy, so having a good tough fight, where you have to think about a strategy, really rewarding.

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For a kin shadow (with Tharan), if you:-


1) stealth in (with blackout) and mind maze the gold, then


2) retreat to a place free of potential aggro and force pull the silvers away from the CC-ed gold (so you can use AoEs - other awake mobs will of course follow the force pulled silver), then


3) by the time you kill that lot the gold's just coming out of CC, and you can take him on separately. Also,


4) use the buff stations, they do make a difference. And of course


5) use interrupts.


Follow these rules and it's really not much harder than any other content.


I agree though, that it's quite a bump in difficulty without much warning (and without any obvious info on the buff stations). It's good to have the occasional challenge, but it ought to be flagged in some way.


Bit of a slip in the "contextual learning" that BW have been banging on about.

Edited by gurugeorge
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I just did this quest last night. I had zero trouble. This is just the first quest that requires you to actually use your cc and defensive abilities. Just cc 1, then burn down the other 2 one at a time. They do very little damage with the buffs around the room. The only time I died was when I accidentally pulled the named elite while fighting.
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Thank you for making it impossible to beat. I love it. Really Tone down the quest and make the sith not use lightning. If you disagree then screw you. I am getting so angry over this quest it is ruining the whole fun of the quest line.


At least give us the option to let the sith have attis station and let the researchers die, then I could complete it. Unless that happens I will never beat the quest period.


Finally I do not know how in world I beat it, but I still say it needs to be nerfed. It was not a fun quest, so please BW make it fun and not so impossible or mark it as a group quest. Right now I would not call it easy or soloable or even fun. Thank you for wasting half my credits in damaged gear. Maybe the developers should start playing the republic side and not the sith side.

Edited by MOAI
Very Angry
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This quest was monstrously hard.


I would pull a group, kill the weakest of it, let my companion die, then force speed myself out of the station and let the mobs reset, then pick off the next. The last two groups of three strong sith were nearly impossible as a 36. Used the protection terminal and everything.


Just know that they respawn if you wait too long. So do it quickly, one at a time, bam bam bam.


That's exactly what I did lol.

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For a kin shadow (with Tharan), if you:-


1) stealth in (with blackout) and mind maze the gold, then


2) retreat to a place free of potential aggro and force pull the silvers away from the CC-ed gold (so you can use AoEs - other awake mobs will of course follow the force pulled silver), then


Can I suggest an alternative that works much better for me? Mind Maze the strongest, back up a good distance, pop Kinetic Ward, the Force Pull the CC'd mob to you -- everything else will get angry, but you can do a Force Speed Charge to them, then use Force Breach/Slow Time at will on them without breaking the CC on the gold that's now parked safely well away.


(This works especially well for preventing Nadia breaking CC with her channelled attack -- just remember to turn off the ability that throws the weak/regular mobs away, and turn on her blade ward).

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  • 3 weeks later...

Some dumdum answered my 1st ticket by explaining to me that a flashpoint is not to be soloed unless you exceed the quest requirement by .... Hello DUMDUM, class quest marked as soloable but cannot be soloed by my shadow spec, not even remotely close to doable.


Next 3 tickets I was told to be more specific. Geez, solo quest that cant solo, what part don't you get?


Last ticket as been forwarded (i.e. sent into a black hole never to be heard of again, ever)


How many pages of ITS BROKEN AND FIX IT do you need before doing something about it?


Either flag it as a group quest or lower the difficulty level.

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OK! This quest proved to me that a sage with Theran for a companion is damn near invincible. The amount and length of the stuns available makes this quest a whole lot easier. Just be smart about the order you kill in and use the space available, and this will be much less daunting. This quest ended up being quite fun for me. Good luck on this bad boy. I felt like a bad mamma-jamma after I managed to solo this in 1 run (after making the mistake of rushing in the first time) :p
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I think I mentally blocked out this quest, I kept talking about how much Stark cost me in credit repairs, this one was a close second. I had to take my time in that room for sure kept going back in (luckily once you kill a group they do not respawn) but ugh it was tough. I think what I learned about crowd control now would help me if I ever roll up another consular and have to deal with that room again. But I don't think we get force lift around that time. I hope we do really cant remember. That ability alone is worth its weight in gold in that place. If I knew then what I know now about using force lift and picking off mobs slowly I could have saved myself a ton of repair bills and deaths.


But I definitely agree that place is monstrously hard it was a good challenge to me though I think a room full of siths like that would pose a big challenge to us.

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Did this quest as a Balance Jedi Shadow and died a lot. Did it as a Balance Jedi Sage and it was a complete and utter joke. It really comes down to CC to be honest. As a Sage I could run with Q without even breaking a sweat, turn off AoE on the minion, Force lift the strongest and the one next to it (talented), kill weakest to strongest, one by one. Sage's Force Lift is incredibly OP especially when you put extra points into it.
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Well contrary to the few nay sayers, 14 pages tells me that at least I'm not alone when I hit my head against the wall on this quest yesterday. Did Okay until 3rd group with 3 sith in far corner. (Seer sage)


I'm seer sage and was thinking of switching to Theran. The repair bills for this will kill my savings.

Edited by PatT
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ok w8... Did I read the comment right?? Are you trying solo a flashpoint? lol...


Flashpoints as I could see in this game are like heroic ones, but harder... translating: you'll need a group if you wanna complete it. AND... not just a group.. you need a GOOD GROUP.


That means that your tank have to tank, your healer have to heal and your dps have to do damage... The main problem in taking random groups to do such quests is that:


1) Your tanker don't known nothing about tanking... probably he never plays in team...


2) Your healer will heal the group and not run when attacked cause he just known to press one button (the heal button), he probably wont give you defensive buffs...


3) Your dps at least will do some damage cause... well (no offense for dps players.. I'm a dps sage too) even my dead grandmother can play as a dps.. it's much more easy than play as a tank or healer.


The problem in such quests (Heroic and Flashpoints) is that your tank wont tank, so the mobs will try to hit the dps or the healer... so, they will start running (the smarts) but nobody cares about nobody in randoms groups so they'll die. When one dps dies, the mobs will take less damage and kill the others fast... if the healer dies, it's worse.


Well, I'm not talking about the cc... Maybe you'll try cc at least one elite mob, and your smart dps will attack exactly that mob... awesome, right?


I'm really frustrated to enter heroics and flashpoints in randoms groups.


My advice: Try a normal quest with a group.. just for fun. If you notice that the group played well... try the heroic/flashpoint. If the group dies in a normal quest.. forget it.

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Its not marked as a Flashpoint but a Class quest therefor a Soloable quest, in theory. In practice its not soloable by every build. I cant solo that (moronic censorship here) (and here) quest with my Jedi Consular/Shadow. I tried every angle with both my companions to no avail. My tank get shredded in 3 seconds and my healer is a moron using heal over time mostly on a Light armored toon, you can imagine the outcome.


Made some tickets but they didn't give a .... about it. We cant change Advance Class but they designed that Class quest for the Sage, so screw the Shadow and whatever we say fall on deaf ears. Both get the same Class quest but they are not on par at all.

Edited by Ultack
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Hmmm... Well I agree some builds may have this harder than others, but I wouldn't call it broken/requiring patch. This is my first MMO, and I would admit I'm fairly casual about things, but I had limited problems with this place.


I admit I was surprised when I stealthed into the room to discover that every enemy was at least a silver! I checked my quest log and map to make sure I was in the right place and hadn't accidentally stumbled into a Heroic area. But I managed on my first attempt (barely with some of the groups), using Mind Maze and interrupting everything I could (Infiltration specced Shadow using Theran as my companion - kept all gear up to date).


I would call it a significant ramp up in difficulty compared to most of the other quests I'd faced up until that point (and if you think we've got it bad the smuggler story has you try and kill two lvl 45 guys on Balmorra when you're supposed to be in your 30s). But, provided you've got your rotation worked out and Mind Maze (or equivalent) on standby for the first gold, you should be able to get through it. At the end of one group I had barely 10% health left, so had a lot of standing around using Meditation doing this one. And don't be afraid to pop a medpack during each one.


Also, I'm embarrassed to say that I didn't know what those stations along the walls did, so didn't hit them until after the encounter was over (as I believed that hitting them would spawn more enemies - but maybe that's my paranoia in action).



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I just finished this quest as a tank shadow. Thanks to everyone who gave tips--Mind Snap and Force Pull became my best friends.


I blew through quests two and three levels above me with Tharan. No problems. I arrived on Quesh at level 35 and merrily bounced into the station. I promptly got my *** handed to me within 30 seconds. This was literally the first time this has happened to me in 35 levels. This is my first MMO and the shadow tank has been by FAR the easiest to level until now. Normally I can make it through really tough fights with Tharan and have beaten elites three levels ahead of me without problem, but the multiple silvers with AOE makes it extra nasty.


I can definitely see how this quest would be rough with Qyzen, who attacks whatever mob he feels like sometimes and can interrupt Mind Snap. I didn't try any fights with Zenith but that might help if you're a Sage.


I will say this quest is tough but doable if you're solo'ing, which is more than I can say for some Jedi Knight quests (*coughcoughVALIScough*).


That said, if you ever need help with this quest...PM me here or ping me at Valere or Calledan. For serious. I don't mind. I try to help people with hideously difficult quests like this.

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I would call it a significant ramp up in difficulty compared to most of the other quests I'd faced up until that point (and if you think we've got it bad the smuggler story has you try and kill two lvl 45 guys on Balmorra when you're supposed to be in your 30s). But, provided you've got your rotation worked out and Mind Maze (or equivalent) on standby for the first gold, you should be able to get through it. At the end of one group I had barely 10% health left, so had a lot of standing around using Meditation doing this one. And don't be afraid to pop a medpack during each one.


I will say this quest is tough but doable if you're solo'ing, which is more than I can say for some Jedi Knight quests (*coughcoughVALIScough*).


To me, the fact that this Consular quest is less broken than Smuggler or Knight quests speaks to the fundamental flaws in the game. The class story is the only part of the game that is not optional. If I find the class quests insufficiently challenging, I can go solo Heroic 2 quests or take on a Flashpoint with only three players. But if I find hitting a brick wall incredibly frustrating and annoying, I still have to find a way through it.

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When I did this quest I didn't find it exceptionally hard... I just used Tharan, a nice stim and a reusable medpack. Tharan's Holiday stun is something I abused the hell out of.


Thats What i did on my shadow, Also used Mind maze on mage ran back alil force lifted another took third down good amount as therans holiday stun took out the lifted user when he came back in. took out the other while the Mage was still CC'd. let theran heal me up some then took out mage using my interupts at every possible chance.

Edited by Kesac
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Thanks for all the tips in here.. as a Shadow tank, I died a lot.. but then realized what all I CC skills I had not been using. After a refresher course in the posts here.. it was a breeze.. The tip on hitting the station to get the incoming damage reduction was excellent.. I had missed it before.
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It was not an easy quest, that's for sure. I handled the ones on the first floor without much trouble, using Tharan Cedrax always, and the great Force Lift. However, the three Strong ones on the second really got me a few times. To defeat them, I lifted the Sorcerer and activated Channel the Force to keep the other one under Force Stun, while destroying the third. With the help of the damage reduction from the stations, it went quite well. After killing one the others go easily. I'm a Telekinetics Sage.
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I went in there as a healer sage, died 4-5 times, tought I should reset skills to dps. Went back got killded 4-5 times, then realised ..... This is a mmo, so I did my smartest move today and asked for help in general chat.


10 min later the quest was done, I got a new trooper friend from Florida and discovered dps is more fun than healer for me.


Im happy to see 15+ pages about this quest and that im not the onlyone who felt it was over the top difficult.

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Have to ask... those having hard time beating this place, are you using cc (lift/maze, stuns, knockback) at all? As many posters have already said / learned the hard way (:)), using your lift and interupt abilities is the key. Add Tharan to that for extra interupt/mezz and heals, no matter your spec. The difficulty ramp-up leading to this quest could be a a bit smoother, but otherwise I don't think it's unreasonable for a quest aimed for mid-30s to require use of your core class abilities. Edited by Freor
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