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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

New graphics card or CPU?


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I downloaded Swtor already, But i feel the graphics aren't where they're supposed to be.. Laggy and choppy.. And I feel everytime I MOVE My character there's a 1 sec delay. I have my setting at low and shadow is OFF


Processor: AMD Phenom 9150 Quad-Core processor 1.80 GHZ


Memory(Ram): 4:00 GB


System type: 64 bit operating system



Graphics card: ATI Radeon Hd 3200 Graphics.





Please guys in the name of God, help me out! What should I buy?? A new cpu, graphics card??

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Graphics card. I'm running it nice and smooth on a GTX 460 Hawk I got during the Christmas sales last year. It can be found for not much over $100 now. Just avoid the SE version of the 460 if you can. Your cpu will be the bottleneck at that point though so it might be too much of a card unless you plan on upgrading your cpu later. Also make sure you have a powerful enough powersupply to run the card.


If you want to take the safe bet, you might want to get something like a GT 240. Dirt cheap and you won't need to worry about your powersupply.

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I doubt it, it was a really nice upgrade from my hd4200 onboard I had a while back. If you plan on gaming at 1920x1080 be sure to get the 1gb version. But lag can also be from other sources. I'm guessing most or all of your issues would go away though.


Edit: BTW, I had the Asus version of the 240. Seemed the best buy (price/quality).

Edited by Valhallus
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well what should I do? Because I dont wanna spend 60-100 bucks on a new graphics card.. but my cpu is only at 1.80 ghz.


that's not good righT??


That's right. The CPU would bottleneck any decent graphics card extremely bad. Your CPU definitely needs an upgrade, and if you just went a slapped a 6950 in your computer you would see better results and be able to play at decent framerates, but that CPU would be bottlenecking the card bad. If it was me I'd go for an upgrade to the CPU and a cheap graphics card like the 5570/GT 220 which both can run the game at most things up but shadows at over 30 fps. Unless of course you don't have a budget issue, and don't buy a card your power supply can't handle.

Edited by Shamiez
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