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<Spark of Insanity> 3rd Progression Group "Havoc Squad" is recruting OT+H+2x DPS


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We experience great performance in past 2 months when a new OT joined us during Corruptor zero in DF8hm, then we simply sky rocket all DP bosses in single-night-boss kills, having cleaned DP8hm1..4 in just 2 weeks.


But then in past 2 weeks some cosmic-murphy-rl-stuff-happens, we lost this great OT (decided to quit gaming and focus in university), 1 of our healers (changed his RL work location and with no gaming net capability) and couple days ago 1 dps.


So we now have 4 fixed spots open:

1 OT

1 healer

1 melee

1 ranger


Im raid leader and MT and im actively looking to fill in the spots.


A bit overview on Havoc, we friendly since I care a lot about not retaining drama people or elitist-ego type of players.

I have been recruiting from the level 53 non experienced raider all the way to full DF78/186 geared experienced raiders, but bottom line is they all need to pass social/non-drama trial..


The other 50% of winning the trial to get fixed spot is of course performance.

We help players become better players, since we have a rich base of very experienced raiders in all types of specs/adv. classes in the guild.

If you are the raider enjoying to learn, able to listen, used to google in order to achieve better performance but you also enjoy a friendly mature environment then you will feel well with us.


We have 3 active 8 man progression group in the guild, and sometimes we also run 16hm DF/DP runs using raiders from the 3 groups.


If interested apply in our community website - and inform you aplying for Havoc Squad group so we know:



If you wanna chat a bit with me, please pm on enjin - my user is:

Budha (1444684)




Cya ingame, :)


Edited by Fate-
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