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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Has SWTOR gotten any better?

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6 WZ maps
More like two new maps that everyone generally dislikes, AHG and the new HB map that even made fans of HB cringe. The normal queue would be better without these maps. Fine, you can count Novare too but it's so old that it feels like a launch map.

3 arena maps

solo rated arenas

group rated arenas

Based on the assumption that people like Arena, the vast majority of people despise it.

Which is about as much PvP as a game of tic tac toe. Yes, it is PvP in the sense that you play against other players but no "real" PvP'er would ever bring it up in the context of PvP. Might aswell tell the person to try a racing game, it has about as much in common with ground PvP as GSF does.

gree event PVP( more fun than old ilum kill trading zergs )
You mean how that one guild per server is bringing a full ops to kill stray PvE'ers? Yeah it really worked out well >_>

lots of open world PVP happens in the daily 55 areas( more fun than old ilum kill trading zergs ).
Your server is apparently located in Narnia. For the rest of us, out in the real world, OWPvP is pretty much dead, give or take the random ganker.

8 person rated was replaced by 4 person rateds which was a big improvement. so nothing was actually taken away.
In what way was it a huge improvement ?

*It killed guilds and made people quit the game

*There arent more 4 vs 4 teams than there were 8 vs 8 teams

*Class balancing is a bigger isssue in 4 vs 4

*IF 8 vs 8 had a solo queue option it would have been the go-to playlist. Arena has a yolo queue option and it's on life support.

Edited by MidichIorian
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Your server is apparently located in Narnia. For the rest of us, out in the real world, OWPvP is pretty much dead, give or take the random ganker.


if you left fleet once in a while you would see that is not true. unless you are on a PVE server, which means you don't really want OWPVP to begin with.


I take part in OWPVP every single day and so do a whole lot of other people.

Edited by MiaRB
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if you left fleet once in a while you would see that is not true. unless you are on a PVE server, which means you don't really want OWPVP to begin with.


I take part in OWPVP every single day and so do a whole lot of other people.


well...... world pvp happens on PVE servers as well, yanno :D and it can be a lot of fun, with guilds mobilizing and all :D

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Yeah, don't let the heavy status full you, the population for BC is not one of the highest.


What is considered one of the highest population then.


Also I know FFXIV hasnt been around for a longtime. A longtime is considered 3-6 months for me

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Yet, another thread being derailed with personal attacks. Why do you guys let this stuff get to you? He said she said games are stupid and pointless. Let them hate the game and spend the money on something they dislike so much. It probably makes them feel better in real life knowing they can cause such a stir. But, even if somebody hates something and it gives the thing they hate money to keep going, I'm not going to complain :p


That being said. SWTOR rocks and continues to grow and will keep growing for a very long time. Stop responding to these instigators guys. Not worth it. Keep it civil :)

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And you already lost the argument by only being able to attempt and rebut a SINGLE point in Midis argument. Hyperbolic and anecdotal arguments at its finest :o


If you expect anyone with the username 'FTFlop' to be taken seriously, well I've got some bad news for ya.

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Lots of off topic nonsense in this thread as per usual in the SWTOR forums. I will tell you OP that yes SWTOR has gotten better since launch. The Legacy system is amazing, a great achievement of the Bioware devs, who should be proud. PVP is fun, no matter what some people on here say. Leveling is amazing, there is a rich story that changes depending on what class you are leveling, and what choices you make. Player housing is coming and the devs promise it will be different from any other implementation on the market. There is a plethora of things to do once you reach level cap, it's almost overwhelming. They solved the issue of slow queue times as dps while leveling by creating "tactical flashpoints" which don't require specialized roles. Galactic Starfighter is fun for PVP space battles, very well implemented (although I would like to see PVE GSF content someday). Life in SWTOR as a subscriber is great, I don't recommend FTP, unless you strategically purchase unlocks from the Cartel Market. There is also a vibrant community of players that are active on reddit, and that create podcasts (Ootinicast is the best one), and Dulfy's website for answers to all of your questions. As a player who has hopped around various MMOs for years, SWTOR is my current home, for the unforseeable future.
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My bad on the time that I left the sub, was in 2013 when I left, just checked my account history.


Funny mistake to make yes? One would think that you remembered playing for more than a year rather than only a few months??

I have never queued for 2-8 hours, and I find I hard to belive you have. Unless you were logged in the middle of the night and servers were on low population.


Im calling troll on this one.

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Depends what you define as better.


Ability lag has been addressed, server consolidation resulted in good queue pop rates and if you left before the cap raise there are a couple new features. Most notably in pvp terms ranked switched from 8v8 warzones to 4v4 arenas.


But it's still fundamentally the same game, it didn't change into SWG EMU or EVE or whatever. Couple of people in this thread consider that fact = not getting better but it's up to you to decide how sane that is.

Edited by aeterno
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Funny mistake to make yes? One would think that you remembered playing for more than a year rather than only a few months??

I have never queued for 2-8 hours, and I find I hard to belive you have. Unless you were logged in the middle of the night and servers were on low population.


Im calling troll on this one.



It was more like in the middle of the day between 4:00 and 6:00 PM when i got online.

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What is considered one of the highest population then.


Also I know FFXIV hasnt been around for a longtime. A longtime is considered 3-6 months for me


Try Harbinger. the population is genuinely high. I think RP servers seemed to have a lower threshold to what is considered to be heavy status.

Edited by Nickious
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PvP queues are pretty quick. Any other queue, if you aren't a tank or healer, is almost never ending. If you don't want to do KDY spam, then you essentially can't run dungeons. If you are ok with KDY all day every day, then you will have short queues always.
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PvP queues are pretty quick. Any other queue, if you aren't a tank or healer, is almost never ending. If you don't want to do KDY spam, then you essentially can't run dungeons. If you are ok with KDY all day every day, then you will have short queues always.


all the new tactical FPs queues pop quick, not just KDY.

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SWTOR has objectively gotten worse and worse. Ever since the switch to F2P, EAware has made the cartel market their #1 priority now. I know it makes them lots of $ but now you can see their pressuring their dying playerbase almost EVERY month to spend more and more IRL money on it. More PvP content has been removed than added, and that is an objective analysis. Ilum WPvP is gone (no the "new" even does NOT count since it is a PvE event), no x server when it was promised for ranked 8s Season 1, only THREE WZs added since launch and all more than 1.5 years apart, and then the ultimate removal of ranked 8s FOR the controversial and criticized 4s.


Heck EAware even stated 2.4 would be THE PvP patch and that it would focus on ranked, many PvPers spend lots of IRL money to transfer their toons to the PvP servers for ranked focus, and then they commit a bait and switch and tell us that ranked 8s are going for 4s. PvP guilds are now a thing of the past due to the removal of 8s ranked, and was really the nail in the coffin for SWTOR PvP.


you had to semi-necro a thread to tell us what you have been spamming again and again in every other thread?


also, yeah, 2 expansions on the way, one of which is supposedly makeb-like, and dude, no one is being pressured to buy cartel coins, for gods sake I never spent a dime on cartel coins yet thanks to saving my monthly sub grant and my refferal link I can buy hypercrates!

Edited by Sangrar
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you had to semi-necro a thread to tell us what you have been spamming again and again in every other thread?


Looking at the bright side..... 3 more days and he will either move on... or be proven once again to be deceiving in his Wildstar rhetoric. :)

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You may be an exception to the whole CM agenda EAware is running but that doesn't change the fact that the devs have a clear objective to milk the rest of the players to keep the game afloat.


milking is a derogatory term. It implies that as a human beings players do not free will. It implies that the playerbase is being forced to spend real life money on cartel coins. And it implies that players have to spend cartel coins in order to play the game, NONE OF WHICH IS THE CASE.

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milking is a derogatory term. It implies that as a human beings players do not free will. It implies that the playerbase is being forced to spend real life money on cartel coins. And it implies that players have to spend cartel coins in order to play the game, NONE OF WHICH IS THE CASE.



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Honestly, I would look into Wild Star, I have been Beta testing it and this is one game that the company has actually gotten right. SWTOR is nothing more than the cartel market. They add more dailies, big deal, they get boring after the 100th time just like any other daily. They aren't going to add any playable race that have a unique body style.



They aren't going to add any new classes. They aren't going to advance class stories. I would assume that when the license runs out, EA will shut the doors on this game and call it a lost cause, if they do not shut it down before then.



Servers are losing more and more people by the day. The PvP servers are almost a joke. The game isn't going anywhere in the direction players want it, only the way EA wants it.



I hate to say it but this game was doomed the moment it hit F2P. They will use the Cartel Market to get as much cash as they can before it is completely dead.

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I actually am aware of any and all the flaws a game has and don't blindly defend it. I never specifically stated I was quitting SWTOR for Wildstar. I'm only objectively analyzing the state of the communities and the hype with Wildstar compared to the very poor state SWTOR has been stuck in after its launch.


here is the thing about that: there was intense hype for eso before it came out. Then eso came out. From what I hear its still a good game, but you cannot deny, bots in the pvp!? thats ridiculous and cannot be good at all for that game. The point is, there is NO PERFECT LAUNCH for any mmo, I can believe Wildstar will make money, I can believe it will have a loyal playerbase, and I can believe some players will leave for wildstar. HOWEVER, its not going to kill any games, and its launch is not going to be perfect, its going to have flaws and problems, and ultimately some people will get angry with it when they realize its not the ultimate mmo that they built up in their heads.

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It's only a derogatory term because it negatively assesses the game. :rolleyes: Ignoring your response to twist my words into something I'm actually not saying or implying, that doesn't make it true. However, the players do feel coerced to spend IRL money on CC and that they have to spend CC to play the game because if you're not subscribed you're stressed with multiple F2P cartel coin pop ups in game that you can't use a certain feature/mechanic unless you subscribe or spend CC. You can deny it all you want but that doesn't make it any less true.


what! a gaming company encourages its f2p players to upgrade to sub status or pay money to it!!! Oh the humanity :rolleyes:



swtor is not the first and certainly not the last gaming company to encourage its free to play playerbase to upgrade to sub or spend money on the cash shop, you are kidding yourself if you think that swtor is the only game that does that, but the subs are not getting drained at all.

Edited by Sangrar
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