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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Imperial Emperors get the shaft when it comes to ruling the galaxy

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That one time on Coruscant his Force Lightning crit he accidentally made a Jedi change factions.




Force lightning doesn't need a nerf, just because Rep Side pugs seriously needs to L2P when it comes to teamwork.

The Emperors saber attacks need a nerf though. He solo killed Windu's premade guildies. That's just op!

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And I'd like to add that the an Emperor's force lightning ability need a serious buff! Every time Palpatine just spams it against Jedi he dies or nearly dies:
As much as I agree with the Shaft imbalance (which also affects Assassins, as the above poster helpfully pointed out), I think Palpatine may be a L2P issue.


- burns his own face due to Windu's saber reflect ability
Obviously his fault, wait for Saber Reflect to expire and kite within 7yds until then. More than enough space in the office.


Also he could have just Overloaded him out the window early, it's like Palpatine never played Colicoid War Game / False Emperor.


- gets ganked by Yoda with floating senate pod thingies until he can LoS him
To be fair here, Yoda was hacking/exploiting and using that channeled NPC-only version of Project. :mad:


- gets a 2 on 1 vs the Skywalkers and dies
Definitely Palpatine's fault for not breaking Vader's stun, there's no way Unbreakable Will was on CD. Vader & Luke were dueling for like 5 minutes!


Stunbreak → Overload would have probably dealt with Luke and then he could bubble and Force Slow Vader and kite him into some Imperial Guards.

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Force lightning doesn't need a nerf, just because Rep Side pugs seriously needs to L2P when it comes to teamwork.

The Emperors saber attacks need a nerf though. He solo killed Windu's premade guildies. That's just op!

Well going in without a healer was kind of their fault. And I bet at least one of them was a meleeing sage as well.

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