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You can get your APM up by having alacrity, but you'd have to stack a lot to really notice it. Carnage is where it's really noticeable. You'll usually have around 48 to 50 APM as Carnage since Berserk gives you 30% for 6 attacks. Edited by twotilmidnite
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Does anybody know how you can get your APM up? Is it purely dependent on ping or can one get it up by clicking more on abilties?


TORParse's APM includes all clicks of a button such as adrenal, relics, Frenzy, Berserk, Bloodthirst. Thus, if you are not using these things then you will always have a lower APM. Also, you can try adjusting the ability queue time in the game's preferences.

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Also nearly every attack can be activated towards the end of the GCD. Learning to press the key ahead of time will shave MS off but over the course of your rotation(s) this adds up. This is an intended game design which exists to negate user's lag effecting things i.e everyone can fire off an ability at the end of the 1.5s GCD as opposed to 1.6,1.7 etc.


As far as i'm aware the only skill this doesn't work on for marauder is ravage, i always find myself pressing it 2/3 times and causing the animation to clip lol (especially in pvp)

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How can I adjust the ability queue time in the game's preferences? Is that preferences -> user interface -> show tenths of second? I dont think so but can't find it...


Preferences>Controls. It's under the first settings tab that comes up in preferences.

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So whats the sweet spot? Mine is 0.5 be default - should I set it up or down?


The longer it is the less likely you will be to miss a GCD. However, you may not be able to take advantage of the most opportune attack as you might not get certain resource procs in time.


Ultimately, it is a personal preference. I would try a simple rotation using abilities on the GCD - maybe just alternate between Assault & Vicious Slash - and vary the queue time to see which gives you the highest APM.

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i think 0.5 is quite a good default...i tried it at 0 and 1 a while back and it just didn't feel right.


Just keep parsing and eventually you will be plugging out a 15min competitive parse any day of the week. Perfecting carnage/combat will also take you a while as you pay quite heavily in terms of DPS if you mess it up, a lot more than a jugg :D


Anyway, keep practicing and your question will soon be old news.

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