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Possible RNG fix for Carnage

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So I was thinking today about ways to help out the amount of RNG with Carnage and I thought "Why not revert Execute and Blood Frenzy to the way it was pre-2.0, and make Slaughter a stacking buff like Rampage (Or w/e it's called) for Veng Juggs?" Make it gain at stack for every Ataru form hit and at 2 or 3 stacks it activates Slaughter (Keeping the 20 sec lockout of course). Would this happen? Probably not, but just a thought. Edited by twotilmidnite
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Carnage's rng is problem only until you learn Massacre. After that, with Massacre's +30% Ataru form attack chance, there is no problem with RNG.


Except that you just sit there flailing hoping for that gore proc and if you're not paying enough attention all the time every time, wasting rage on an unnecessary massacre. Completely sucks when I'm facing random mobs and getting gore procs like it's nothing, then on some bosses flailing my sabers over and over waiting. Not sure why it would be such a horrible thing to have it work where there's a chance to proc anytime but it's guaranteed at a certain number of stacks.


The RNG issue is a pain and something no amount of skill can overcome.

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Carnage's rng is problem only until you learn Massacre. After that, with Massacre's +30% Ataru form attack chance, there is no problem with RNG.


yes massacre helps, but you are clearly dreaming when you say there is no RNG issue after that. The top carnage parse, i can guarantee, was 60% luck 40% skill. carnage suffers from RNG so much i dont use it in raids anymore. some fights the star will align but most fights im sitting there wasting a whole bar of rage and dont get a single execute/slaughter proc. Every carnage mara ive ever talked to experiences this more then they care to share.

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