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PvP'ers get the shaft when it come to money making options!


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I concur. The devs should cut the reward opportunities given by PvE to match PvP. That's only fair. Maybe I should start a thread about that. :)


or they could add repairs to pvp to even it up..that would be fair. if it makes ques pop slower so be it.

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Okay, OP, you've converted me.


Make PvP rewards on par with PvE ones, even though PvP comes with no risk. Don't add any, either. (wow...lets take a look at this new and already addressed tangent you guys are on...

1. You are demanding there be risk if there is more reward, but for what reason?....If its because as you say there is risk involved with pve dailies and you could have to pay a repair bill? Well that argument really doesn't work and for two very good reasons. First I already took that (repair bill) problem out of the equation, because I am not asking for as much money as you get, but only what your actual profit potential is. Second, You can't really argue about pve dailies having risk...what risk?....that I might die and accrue a small repair bill (which I have addressed)....Hello, pvp dailies are super easy to complete....there risk is equivalent to me getting hit by an asteroid! I could easily turn it around the other way.... You can easily go through a daily and do a horrible job killing people, but when you are finished you are guaranteed your reward in full!....However the risk in pvp is that if I do not do well because I am up against a premade nightmare group, then no matter how hard I try I will get little to nothing...NOW THATS RISK!)

I, too, want a button I can click, not have to wait or travel (since queue times would dramatically decrease, right?), then run around in circles hitting random buttons for a few minutes, and walk out with the same payout as doing the time equivalent for a PvE activity. Jolly great idea, and I can't imagine why I was against it to begin with! /sarcasm

LOL...and yet you have totally missed what I have been asking for. I have not asked that pvp rewards simply be increased for everyone who plays. I have asked "that there would be the opportunity via pvp to make near equal amounts to what you can make in pve." To expand how that is different I will repeat what I have said previously again.... If they add a material that is say equivalent to isotope 5 to pvp....purchaseable via ranked comms.

1. Since it is only purchaseable through ranked comms.... all pvp'ers could get them since reg warzone comms can be traded for them, however because of the exchange rate it would take a lot of work to get them.

2. Because pvp ALREADY pays those who do not do so well in the match a lot less.... those who would want to "push a button" for easy money as you say would find it would take them far too long to earn comms.

3. Because ranked pvp comms are only available at lvl 55.....the increase would not affect those in lower levels.

This would not only increase the amount of money available to pvp'ers who are willing to put forth the effort, but it would increase queue pop.....since those who would normally leave to go make money could do so where they are.


I swear, with all the namecalling that goes on in these (and, in-fact, almost every gaming) forums, I would think that (some of) the PvPers here were the true 'carebears,' considering it seems that reward without risk (however small) is what is truly being asked for here. (Not that I would call anyone a 'carebear,' simply because it's a stupid way to label anyone, but dayum...)


Also, I've been floating in and out of this thread while I've been amassing mah mahoosive PvE lootz, but this might (might! I say lol) be my last response. I do want to say that this thread has kept me very entertained over this weekend, and I'll be kind of sad to see it go tomorrow (because, let's all be honest, it will be lol). So, yeah, snarky reply, but, frankly, it doesn't seem that logic and true equality are welcomed in this thread; unless, it's cherry picked, of course. ;)


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or they could add repairs to pvp to even it up..that would be fair. if it makes ques pop slower so be it.


This has been addressed and thrown out the window already....please refer to previous posts in this thread for enlightenment.

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Yes I do PvP. I am just saying while multiple posters have brought up that PvP rewards need to be up to par with PvE then the PvE'ers feel the need to compare apples to oranges and think that PvP needs to have repairs. PvP is vastly different to PvE in gameplay and it takes lots more skill.


if you had those awesome skills you wouldnt die as much and repairs wouldnt bother you

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This has been addressed and thrown out the window already....please refer to previous posts in this thread for enlightenment.


thrown out by you. who are not a dev and cannot be trusted to be an judge of truth or fairness. your points were thrown out the window a 100 posts back or so..



/thread nothing left to discuss, both sides lost.

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thrown out by you. who are not a dev and cannot be trusted to be an judge of truth or fairness. your points were thrown out the window a 100 posts back or so..



/thread nothing left to discuss, both sides lost.


If you really feel that way then please stop posting in it. :rolleyes:

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The fact of the matter is you incur repair costs in PvE, regardless of dying or not. No, it's not a big amount, but it's still a credit sink. (Yes, it might be a hard concept to grasp, but insignificant =/= nonexistent.) Even if you don't die a single time in a PvE daily, you will still have a very miniscule amount of repair costs. PvP has no such thing in place. Nada.


Also, being awarded anything (which, if I recall correctly, is a very tiny amount of comms) for losing in PvP is still better off than PvE. The equivalent would be someone not capable of completing the PvE daily, just as someone quitting a PvP match early is the equivalent of one simply abandoning the PvE daily without attempting to finish it.


Finally, when you say you've addressed the risk issue by saying making the same amount as PvE minus the repair costs, you really haven't addressed it at all. Saying 'make it the same as PvE minus the repair costs' is still allowing PvP to have no credit risk.


(The possibility of being grouped with morons that make it nigh impossible to win a match (which, by the way, is not inclusive to PvP) and the risk of wasting time (which, again, isn't mutually exclusive to PvP, either), which happens plenty in PvE, especially in PUG Operations and/or the GF FP queues, is universal. So, in that respect (the possibility of having one's time wasted) is already equal for both activities. So, having one's time wasted doesn't enter the equation here, since it's possible for anyone's time to be wasted trying to do either type of activity.)


Anyhoo, I do hope BW looks at this thread before they delete it (again, it's fate was sealed upon conception imo), because I would be curious as to their opinion on increasing credit reward opportunities for an in-game activity that has absolutely no credit risk at all. However, we probably won't hear anything by them on the matter, although I would be happily surprised to be wrong.


Either way, if they up the rewards and implement some kind of credit risk, then I'll be happy for the PvPers getting more opportunity to make credits. If they simply increase the rewards without any credit risk, then I may just have to game the system. Trust me, I wouldn't be the only one who would be doing so...

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The fact of the matter is you incur repair costs in PvE, regardless of dying or not. No, it's not a big amount, but it's still a credit sink. (Yes, it might be a hard concept to grasp, but insignificant =/= nonexistent.) Even if you don't die a single time in a PvE daily, you will still have a very miniscule amount of repair costs. PvP has no such thing in place. Nada.


Also, being awarded anything (which, if I recall correctly, is a very tiny amount of comms) for losing in PvP is still better off than PvE. The equivalent would be someone not capable of completing the PvE daily, just as someone quitting a PvP match early is the equivalent of one simply abandoning the PvE daily without attempting to finish it.


Finally, when you say you've addressed the risk issue by saying making the same amount as PvE minus the repair costs, you really haven't addressed it at all. Saying 'make it the same as PvE minus the repair costs' is still allowing PvP to have no credit risk.


(The possibility of being grouped with morons that make it nigh impossible to win a match (which, by the way, is not inclusive to PvP) and the risk of wasting time (which, again, isn't mutually exclusive to PvP, either), which happens plenty in PvE, especially in PUG Operations and/or the GF FP queues, is universal. So, in that respect (the possibility of having one's time wasted) is already equal for both activities. So, having one's time wasted doesn't enter the equation here, since it's possible for anyone's time to be wasted trying to do either type of activity.)


Anyhoo, I do hope BW looks at this thread before they delete it (again, it's fate was sealed upon conception imo), because I would be curious as to their opinion on increasing credit reward opportunities for an in-game activity that has absolutely no credit risk at all. However, we probably won't hear anything by them on the matter, although I would be happily surprised to be wrong.


Either way, if they up the rewards and implement some kind of credit risk, then I'll be happy for the PvPers getting more opportunity to make credits. If they simply increase the rewards without any credit risk, then I may just have to game the system. Trust me, I wouldn't be the only one who would be doing so...


I have listed the risk....I guess you just choose to ignore it. I would like to here from you why you would demand there be a risk beyond what I said in post 405?

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This thread seems... emotional, so I will post my opinion and never be seen again.


The idea that "I should be able to make just as much money doing what I love as other people doing what they love" is ok at first glance, but doesn't really hold up to good old logic. I love ganking lowbies. Should I make as much money as WZ players by doing what I love? No. Making ganking lowbies reward as much money would be disastrous. Heck, what if I love walking into trees? It just doesn't make sense.


PvP is not half the game. I think it's fair to say the majority of this game is PvE based, and more people engage in PvE activities than PvP activities. Taking that into consideration, rewarding WZ's a proportional amount of credits seems logical.


If all you want to do is PvP, well, you're making enough money to augment, buy consumables and swap mods. If you want more, you're going to have to do more.

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Here are a few posts that show it can work from this thread....

Anyone who has posted what supposed "negative" effects it would have has had there issues addressed and dismissed. To be clear very few people even listed things opposing it...unless you are referring to the people who opposed the idea simply by making negative comments to me about me, but as far as the thread topic itself.....moving forward here, if you have something to bring to the table that is constructive, lets hear it! :)


You and one other dude being in agreement does not mean that You are right.

There is an overwhelming number of people here that don't agree with you (even some PvP players), yet you choose to ignore them.


Your most common response to posts that go against your points or don't agree with them is (besides personal insults and posturing of course) to simply dismiss them by saying "no that's a bad idea" or "that's not true".

You saying that, does not make it true and does not disprove their points.


  • You say you want PvP activities to make money that is equivalent to PvE dailies.
    -Well that would mean you could only do a certain number of matches per day since the dailies are just that, daily. Say you put a 100k reward on that PvP daily at 55. Then you still wouldn't be satisfied since there are 6 or 7 PvE dailies.
  • You say that more people would PvP if there were better rewards.
    -I doubt it, since those who like to PvP do it anyway, and the ones that would only do it for the money wouldn't even make an effort. Now, I know you say that you don't mind that, but I'm pretty sure you'd mind when your team consists of people running around in a circle, jumping every now and then to avoid getting kicked for being AFK, but other than that not contributing to the match. This is what will happen, I have seen it happen in other games that are purely PvP based.
  • You say that since losing gives next to nothing, people wouldn't just sit there and do nothing.
    - You miss the fact that even just sitting there and losing the match still adds to your dailies and weeklies quota. People will just stand there doing crafting or chatting or whatnot and still fill up their daily quota. Hell, some will even simply run into the enemy to speed things up... Again, I've seen it happen.
  • You claim that it would only be beneficial to make PvP earn as much money as dailies grinding would.
    -I disagree. If you add a revenue stream as great as the dailies to simply playing PvP, then most people who do dailies would play PvP as well (poorly, but still). That would suddenly double the credit influx to the game, increasing inflation by quite alot. That's certainly not a good thing.
  • You claim that PvE players make money doing what they like.
    -That's simply not true. I have yet to meet a single PvE player that likes doing dailies. I've also stated this to you on multiple occations but (as per your MO) you just ignore that point.
  • One suggestion you make is to introduce rare mats like Isotope-5 to PvP that they can buy for comms.
    -That's an option, sure. But you would still get the slackers that just do the bare minimum to get those comms. They don't care that they might get more comms if they win the game, since if they purposefully play poorly, the matches will go faster, their dailies will fill up faster and they'll get that big chunk of comms at the end of the day anyway. And then they'll go off to do their PvE dailies.
  • Someone suggested lowering the PvE dailies credits to counter the inflation that would happen if you increase the PvP earnings.
    - Horrendous decision. There would be an outcry from those who grind dailies since they would suddenly get less money for the amount of time put in. I mean, how would you like it if they LOWERED the credits gained from PvP?



But the absolutely main problem here is that you equate PvE dailies with having fun and playing what you like as a PvE player.

That is simply not true. The dailies is as much a grind for us as it is for you. It robs us of just as much time as it does for you. Time that we would rather have spent on other things.


Crafting and the GTN is something you can do while waiting for queues. When we do it, it steals time by forcing us to travel or to not travel as the case may be. You lose no time doing it.


Ops is the only thing where you even have a leg to stand on in my opinion. Yes, there are people who like doing ops several times a week. And they do have the opportunity to make some big credits.

But Ops are also very costly. Both in time and in credits (repair costs).

Often people barely break even when they count their repair bills and those rare items/mats are no guaranteed drop. That's usually several hours of work for an unsure outcome.

Hardly the big moneymaker you make it out to be.


So no. You have not adressed and dismissed the issues people bring up. You have simply stated your opinion on them and decreed that it was enough to disprove them.

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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This thread seems... emotional, so I will post my opinion and never be seen again.


The idea that "I should be able to make just as much money doing what I love as other people doing what they love" is ok at first glance, but doesn't really hold up to good old logic. I love ganking lowbies. Should I make as much money as WZ players by doing what I love? No. Making ganking lowbies reward as much money would be disastrous. Heck, what if I love walking into trees? It just doesn't make sense.


PvP is not half the game. I think it's fair to say the majority of this game is PvE based, and more people engage in PvE activities than PvP activities. Taking that into consideration, rewarding WZ's a proportional amount of credits seems logical.


If all you want to do is PvP, well, you're making enough money to augment, buy consumables and swap mods. If you want more, you're going to have to do more.


Wow, I gotta hand it to ya.... So nice of you to pop into the thread... completely neglect the posts that have been made, then say you won't be back. First off to say you won't be seen again already shows you really have no interest in truly participating in the thread. As well to neglect the points that have already addressed your post shows you really don't care. My advice would be that if you are not willing to put forth the effort to read the thread and stick around for responses.....your just better off to not post at all.

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This thread seems... emotional, so I will post my opinion and never be seen again.


The idea that "I should be able to make just as much money doing what I love as other people doing what they love" is ok at first glance, but doesn't really hold up to good old logic. I love ganking lowbies. Should I make as much money as WZ players by doing what I love? No. Making ganking lowbies reward as much money would be disastrous. Heck, what if I love walking into trees? It just doesn't make sense.


PvP is not half the game. I think it's fair to say the majority of this game is PvE based, and more people engage in PvE activities than PvP activities. Taking that into consideration, rewarding WZ's a proportional amount of credits seems logical.


If all you want to do is PvP, well, you're making enough money to augment, buy consumables and swap mods. If you want more, you're going to have to do more.


OMG! A voice of reason! :eek:

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I will spend the time to answer your post. Even though all these points have already been addressed.....


You and one other dude being in agreement does not mean that You are right.

There is an overwhelming number of people here that don't agree with you (even some PvP players), yet you choose to ignore them. Correction, there have been just as many people agree with the thread.....but those who have opposed are very vocal and continue to come one here just to point the finger at someone and say rude comments. If you like them would like to come back and say that it is I who have been rude.... I challenge you to go back through and see for yourself.


Your most common response to posts that go against your points or don't agree with them is (besides personal insults and posturing of course) to simply dismiss them by saying "no that's a bad idea" or "that's not true".

You saying that, does not make it true and does not disprove their points. I am not sure what thread you are looking at but even in the last few pages you will see I have posted real responses to many things brought forth...just as I am here.


  • You say you want PvP activities to make money that is equivalent to PvE dailies.
    -Well that would mean you could only do a certain number of matches per day since the dailies are just that, daily. Say you put a 100k reward on that PvP daily at 55. Then you still wouldn't be satisfied since there are 6 or 7 PvE dailies.
    Well there are a few problems with your thought here:
    1. Though dailies can only be done one time per day...I can make 1 million credits doing them, plus the money I would make selling isotope 5 as well.
    2. You are also not taking into consideration that it boils down to time....since I can jump on another character and do them again in the same day.
    3. I have never nor would I ever ask for pvp'ers to get higher payouts for everyone. Then this would increase the number of people coming just for free money.... The plan that I have been trying to get across is outlined in post #405. It addresses that issue.

  • You say that more people would PvP if there were better rewards. (actually no...I am not asking for better rewards. I am asking for the opportunity....as I listed in post #405.)
    -I doubt it, since those who like to PvP do it anyway, and the ones that would only do it for the money wouldn't even make an effort. Now, I know you say that you don't mind that, but I'm pretty sure you'd mind when your team consists of people running around in a circle, jumping every now and then to avoid getting kicked for being AFK, but other than that not contributing to the match. This is what will happen, I have seen it happen in other games that are purely PvP based. As I said, implementing my idea would help with queue pop, but not mainly from more people playing pvp....it would be from those who already play it and enjoy it being able to play it more since they will no longer need to leave pvp to go do pve content....unless they want to. Even if they did implement my idea I would still participate in pve stuff as well....it just wouldn't be forced on me.

  • You say that since losing gives next to nothing, people wouldn't just sit there and do nothing.
    - You miss the fact that even just sitting there and losing the match still adds to your dailies and weeklies quota. (not in ranked) People will just stand there doing crafting or chatting or whatnot and still fill up their daily quota. Hell, some will even simply run into the enemy to speed things up... Again, I've seen it happen. The plan I outline in 405 shows how that would not be an issue anymore than it is now. It would take those people so long to earn good money they would have been better off doing pve dailies.
  • You claim that it would only be beneficial to make PvP earn as much money as dailies grinding would.
    -I disagree. If you add a revenue stream as great as the dailies to simply playing PvP, then most people who do dailies would play PvP as well (poorly, but still). That would suddenly double the credit influx to the game, increasing inflation by quite alot. That's certainly not a good thing. Again my plan in post 405 deals with this issue....because they would not be adding an influx of credits....but instead an opportunity to obtain a mat that could be sold for credits much like isotope 5.
  • You claim that PvE players make money doing what they like.
    -That's simply not true. I have yet to meet a single PvE player that likes doing dailies. I've also stated this to you on multiple occations but (as per your MO) you just ignore that point.
    There are people who like pve dailies and there are people who don't....same with pvp. If you do ANY activity over and over again.... at some point you need a break.
  • One suggestion you make is to introduce rare mats like Isotope-5 to PvP that they can buy for comms.
    -That's an option, sure. But you would still get the slackers that just do the bare minimum to get those comms. (And as I outlined in post 405 if they are slackers....by the time they earn enough to get one, they would have been better off to go do pve dailies.) They don't care that they might get more comms if they win the game, since if they purposefully play poorly, the matches will go faster, their dailies will fill up faster and they'll get that big chunk of comms at the end of the day anyway. And then they'll go off to do their PvE dailies. As posted in my plan they would not receive any more money on their pvp dailies or weeklies.
  • Someone suggested lowering the PvE dailies credits to counter the inflation that would happen if you increase the PvP earnings. ( I am not that someone and I do not agree with that idea.)

    - Horrendous decision. There would be an outcry from those who grind dailies since they would suddenly get less money for the amount of time put in. I mean, how would you like it if they LOWERED the credits gained from PvP?



But the absolutely main problem here is that you equate PvE dailies with having fun and playing what you like as a PvE player. Pve dailies are fun (in my opinion)....but as I said...after you do the same thing over and over a few hundred times you need a break from them.....same applies with pvp.

That is simply not true. The dailies is as much a grind for us as it is for you. It robs us of just as much time as it does for you. Time that we would rather have spent on other things.


Crafting and the GTN is something you can do while waiting for queues. When we do it, it steals time by forcing us to travel or to not travel as the case may be. You lose no time doing it. You can craft just as much as I can....since you can do it from anywhere. GTN... well it takes money to make money....not to mention you have to be good at it and want to do it. And if I am ...."waiting for queue's"I am not doing what I want to do....whereas you who are not waiting in queues actually have the advantage because you are in the process of making money .....since you are not in a queue. Plus to compare apples to apples...queues are what I am in between matches. Matches take about 15 minutes. I can do cz-198 in 15 minutes and use the gtn before I do the next daily....so not much difference.


Ops is the only thing where you even have a leg to stand on in my opinion. Yes, there are people who like doing ops several times a week. And they do have the opportunity to make some big credits.

But Ops are also very costly. Both in time and in credits (repair costs). ( I have not been talking about ops and if I was the repair cost issue has already been addressed.)

Often people barely break even when they count their repair bills and those rare items/mats are no guaranteed drop. That's usually several hours of work for an unsure outcome.

Hardly the big moneymaker you make it out to be. Not all pve'ers are rich...and even if my plan were implemented most pvp'ers would not be rich.... but what I have been asking for is not a handout but the opportunity to make near equal money to that of the pve'er minus repair costs. The opportunity is there for people who do ops to make the big money...some do...some don't.


So no. You have not adressed and dismissed the issues people bring up. You have simply stated your opinion on them and decreed that it was enough to disprove them.


As much as I have taken the time to address the points you brought up....you don't have to agree with them, but please stop saying that I am not doing so. I am taking the time to bring forth vaild points. You can continue to debate those points if you would like. I would just ask that you do not ask for an explanation where it has already been given.

Edited by Malckiah
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OP, you should take your idea and post it in the Suggestion Box forums. Under a nicer title. The devs actually look at that foeum. They will not read this thread. they will avoid it like the plague. It is not constructive. It has been nothing but hostile for a long time and you are to blame as much as anyone.


You would be better off getting this one closed. Stop replying. Post your idea in the Suggestion Box and leave it at that. It is not for you to decide what the SHOULD do. They will decide what they should do. Just give them an idea to think about.


For the record, I am against your idea. Pvp does not need a way to make "big money". Nobody enjoys doing dailies. Most people despise it. Not everyone sells isotope-5 either. You want to make the money, put in the effort like the rest of us do. I hate running dailies. I run them to earn enough creds to get the things I want for each character. Pvp'ers should not be any different. You have ways t earn money, use them. Everyone else does.

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OP, you should take your idea and post it in the Suggestion Box forums. Under a nicer title. The devs actually look at that foeum. They will not read this thread. they will avoid it like the plague. It is not constructive. It has been nothing but hostile for a long time and you are to blame as much as anyone.


You would be better off getting this one closed. Stop replying. Post your idea in the Suggestion Box and leave it at that. It is not for you to decide what the SHOULD do. They will decide what they should do. Just give them an idea to think about.


For the record, I am against your idea. Pvp does not need a way to make "big money". Nobody enjoys doing dailies. Most people despise it. Not everyone sells isotope-5 either. You want to make the money, put in the effort like the rest of us do. I hate running dailies. I run them to earn enough creds to get the things I want for each character. Pvp'ers should not be any different. You have ways t earn money, use them. Everyone else does.


Thank you for your concern, here is my reply...

1. The devs do see threads on general and post in them...You may not think so but I can assure you at least one dev has taken note of this thread and its topic. I have my reasons for saying this that I am not at liberty to disclose.

2. You final paragraph makes it clear that you did not read through the thread and its progression (which is the most important part of a thread...that is where ideas grow and become better ideas....or where they die).

3. I enjoy pve dailies and I know many others that do also, but as with anything after you do them over and over and over again....you need a break....this goes for anything.

4. If someone does not sell isotope 5 that is there choice to miss out on that money opportunity....it is a choice. The idea that I have implemented which you can see at post #405 works under the same concept...it is not a get rich for all pvp'ers, but it is an opportunity to make equal to what a pve'er can make minus repair costs.

I and a few others have made very valid points as to how this would actually help the game.


I have not suggested that I only want to make money through pvp.....but that while I am pvp'ing I should not be gimped in the pocketbook for doing so. :)

Edited by Malckiah
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Thank you for your concern, here is my reply...

1. The devs do see threads on general and post in them...You may not think so but I can assure you at least one dev has taken note of this thread and its topic. I have my reasons for saying this that I am not at liberty to disclose.

2. You final paragraph makes it clear that you did not read through the thread and its progression (which is the most important part of a thread...that is where ideas grow and become better ideas....or where they die).

3. I enjoy pve dailies and I know many others that do also, but as with anything after you do them over and over and over again....you need a break....this goes for anything.

4. If someone does not sell isotope 5 that is there choice to miss out on that money opportunity....it is a choice. The idea that I have implemented which you can see at post #413 works under the same concept...it is not a get rich for all pvp'ers, but it is an opportunity to make equal to what a pve'er can make minus repair costs.

I and a few others have made very valid points as to how this would actually help the game.


I have not suggested that I only want to make money through pvp.....but that while I am pvp'ing I should not be gimped in the pocketbook for doing so. :)


Uh oh, he's played the Special Snowflake card now. Watch out guys, he's implying that he has a dev in his pocket now, so we're all doomed.


Regarding that last line, you're not. You get to complete your dailies win or lose, and have no expenses to cover for a whole day of activity. Congratulations, you're not being gimped in your pocket book for doing it.

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Uh oh, he's played the Special Snowflake card now. Watch out guys, he's implying that he has a dev in his pocket now, so we're all doomed.


Regarding that last line, you're not. You get to complete your dailies win or lose, and have no expenses to cover for a whole day of activity. Congratulations, you're not being gimped in your pocket book for doing it.


I never said or implied I have a dev in my pocket....they would never fit. And as far as your other comment...I am gimped in the pocketbook and have shown throughout this thread very clearly how. To reiterate for you. If I spend the whole day pvp'ing and I put all my comms toward buying pvp credit boxes....I would be lucky to walk away with a total earning potential of 200k for the whole day. If I spend that same day doing pve dailies (and yes I can spend the whole day doing dailies....I have more than one character.) I can make easy 1 million credits and that is pure profit....but wait... I also get to turn in my basic comms for isotope 5 and sell them at 100k each! In a week it works out to around this:

pvp: Max: 1.4 million for the week.

pve dailies: 8.5 million between daily payout and selling isotope 5's.


That is a huge difference...so ya when I pvp I am being gimped in the pocketbook!

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I never said or implied I have a dev in my pocket....they would never fit. And as far as your other comment...I am gimped in the pocketbook and have shown throughout this thread very clearly how. To reiterate for you. If I spend the whole day pvp'ing and I put all my comms toward buying pvp credit boxes....I would be lucky to walk away with a total earning potential of 200k for the whole day. If I spend that same day doing pve dailies (and yes I can spend the whole day doing dailies....I have more than one character.) I can make easy 1 million credits and that is pure profit....but wait... I also get to turn in my basic comms for isotope 5 and sell them at 100k each! In a week it works out to around this:

pvp: Max: 1.4 million for the week.

pve dailies: 8.5 million between daily payout and selling isotope 5's.


That is a huge difference...so ya when I pvp I am being gimped in the pocketbook!


So you made 200k, but you're gimped. Sorry, I humored you along for this thread, and the other one, but no. You are making more than enough to cover your expenses. Despite what you may believe, that's all you're entitled to.

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So you made 200k, but you're gimped. Sorry, I humored you along for this thread, and the other one, but no. You are making more than enough to cover your expenses. Despite what you may believe, that's all you're entitled to.


Well thank you for sharing your opinion.

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Thank you for your concern, here is my reply...

1. The devs do see threads on general and post in them...You may not think so but I can assure you at least one dev has taken note of this thread and its topic. I have my reasons for saying this that I am not at liberty to disclose.

2. You final paragraph makes it clear that you did not read through the thread and its progression (which is the most important part of a thread...that is where ideas grow and become better ideas....or where they die).

3. I enjoy pve dailies and I know many others that do also, but as with anything after you do them over and over and over again....you need a break....this goes for anything.

4. If someone does not sell isotope 5 that is there choice to miss out on that money opportunity....it is a choice. The idea that I have implemented which you can see at post #413 works under the same concept...it is not a get rich for all pvp'ers, but it is an opportunity to make equal to what a pve'er can make minus repair costs.

I and a few others have made very valid points as to how this would actually help the game.


I have not suggested that I only want to make money through pvp.....but that while I am pvp'ing I should not be gimped in the pocketbook for doing so. :)


What do you mean you have reasons that devs read this post? Are you somehow in direct contact with them or something? I read your reply here and I must admit its better thab previous ones but how on earth can you possibly know what the devs do or don't do.

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