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PvP'ers get the shaft when it come to money making options!


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why does it have to be that way? can't people just ignore attacks and put the thread back on track? eventually it goes past the point of no return and only the first 10 out of 32 pages have anything to do with income. if his previous thread shared the same idea, and resulted in the same end, why bother?


the key is to be civil about it, but still share the idea, even if it means getting people cranky. if you are so focused on keeping people happy, so long as you aren't trying to get people riled up, that you fail to share an idea, there is no point of making the thread in the first place. also, saying there is a problem with anything (there are lots) in the game, people assume you are whining about it. by assuming you are just whining, they fail to see that you're actually trying to fix the problem, and also point out the pros/cons of your idea.


while many OPs are provocative and ask for trouble many times, it is other people's fault for giving them attention, as well as ignoring the actual idea the person is trying to express. some people say they are just disagreeing, and do in fact give valid points, they do so in a sarcastic, snooty attitude that also asks for trouble from the OP.


Well, considering the OP just got aggressive and insulted someone who came in the thread and effectively said "let's keep this on topic guys", I'd say that it would be nigh-impossible to keep this thread civilized.

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....perfect example of what the problem in this thread has been ....look at the last 3 posts....They do not do anything but start trouble. They are not bringing forth anything vaild to help the thread. They have brought no point to assist the thread topic. My advice to those who are going to post:

Please do not post at all if you are not bringing forth a vaild point, rebuttle or idea that is in line with the thread topic.

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....perfect example of what the problem in this thread has been ....look at the last 3 posts....They do not do anything but start trouble. They are not bringing forth anything vaild to help the thread. They have brought no point to assist the thread topic. My advice to those who are going to post:

Please do not post at all if you are not bringing forth a vaild point, rebuttle or idea that is in line with the thread topic.


By that standard pretty much all of your posts in this thread shouldn't have been posted either.

Edited by horrorfaneightys
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Well someone needs to point out your hypocrisy.


How about point out the truth. I challenge you to go back to the beginning of this thread with a fresh pair of eyes (please) and look at the posts. look at who was actually rude first. Look at my posts and see that they were not rude. When I did make a response that would be perceived as rude look at the post that I am responding to and see where the problem really stemmed from. Also please notice how many times I brought forth ideas to the thread and tried to keep things focused. Also look at the fact that there were several kind things I said in this thread. I ask you please go back and do this. I am not saying I am without fault. Indeed some of my responses to peope being rude to me were a bit out of line, but please I ask you in sincere kindness. Please start with the beginning and see for yourself.... with a fresh pair of eyes.

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How about point out the truth. I challenge you to go back to the beginning of this thread with a fresh pair of eyes (please) and look at the posts. look at who was actually rude first. Look at my posts and see that they were not rude. When I did make a response that would be perceived as rude look at the post that I am responding to and see where the problem really stemmed from. Also please notice how many times I brought forth ideas to the thread and tried to keep things focused. Also look at the fact that there were several kind things I said in this thread. I ask you please go back and do this. I am not saying I am without fault. Indeed some of my responses to peope being rude to me were a bit out of line, but please I ask you in sincere kindness. Please start with the beginning and see for yourself.... with a fresh pair of eyes.


Pointless endeavor since you can go back and edit your posts and try to hide your shame.

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Pointless endeavor since you can go back and edit your posts and try to hide your shame.


Pretty much all of my posts were quoted and responded to....so you would see if I changed them.

Edited by Malckiah
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How about point out the truth. I challenge you to go back to the beginning of this thread with a fresh pair of eyes (please) and look at the posts. look at who was actually rude first. Look at my posts and see that they were not rude. When I did make a response that would be perceived as rude look at the post that I am responding to and see where the problem really stemmed from. Also please notice how many times I brought forth ideas to the thread and tried to keep things focused. Also look at the fact that there were several kind things I said in this thread. I ask you please go back and do this. I am not saying I am without fault. Indeed some of my responses to peope being rude to me were a bit out of line, but please I ask you in sincere kindness. Please start with the beginning and see for yourself.... with a fresh pair of eyes.


Ok, I can concede that, although the title is hostile, the actual post isn't. My apologies - my perception was coloured by that when it shouldn't have been.

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Ok, I can concede that, although the title is hostile, the actual post isn't. My apologies - my perception was coloured by that when it shouldn't have been.


No problem....I will not hold it against you...indeed I am reaaaaaaaallly far from perfect. And as far as the title, I guess it is perception as well. Indeed it grabs attention, but I do not see it nor intended it to be hostile. But I guess I can see how someone would perceive it that way. It was intended to grab people, not make them hostile. I apologize as well.

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Ok, I can concede that, although the title is hostile, the actual post isn't. My apologies - my perception was coloured by that when it shouldn't have been.


One should keep in mind that the OP started another thread that was hostile from the start and when that thread completely derailed he started this one. So while he didn't start the hostility in this thread, he did bring it over (the thread is still up and running btw) with him.

Plenty of people went into this thread discussing the other thread (since it was about the same subject) but he is playing the victim card and saying "Look! I didn't start this, I'm innocent!" when most people here know that simply isn't true.

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One should keep in mind that the OP started another thread that was hostile from the start and when that thread completely derailed he started this one. So while he didn't start the hostility in this thread, he did bring it over (the thread is still up and running btw) with him.

Plenty of people went into this thread discussing the other thread (since it was about the same subject) but he is playing the victim card and saying "Look! I didn't start this, I'm innocent!" when most people here know that simply isn't true.


That other thread I admitted clearly the title was just bad. I ended up deleting most of my posts. But same concept applies there also. Since people quoted my posts for the most part you can see there also that I did not respond wrong until I was attacked first.

The fact of the matter here is that you can see I am at this point clearly trying to be nice and get things moving (again) in the right direction. It is not necessary to continue trying to point the finger. Lets just get past this and move on. ;)

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That other thread I admitted clearly the title was just bad. I ended up deleting most of my posts. But same concept applies there also. Since people quoted my posts for the most part you can see there also that I did not respond wrong until I was attacked first.

The fact of the matter here is that you can see I am at this point clearly trying to be nice and get things moving (again) in the right direction. It is not necessary to continue trying to point the finger. Lets just get past this and move on. ;)


I wasn't talking to you. I was having a conversation with someone else about your past behavior.

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I guess we can see who the real trolls are here. The thread has been on topic and without problem since at least post #277 all the way to you post at 312, then you come in and say this? Or is on topic for you really mean on troll topic?


i haven't seen any on-topic things for a while, and my comment had nothing more to do with you than anybody else. i, did not once, use the term "troll" in any way in my previous comment, just stating things had gone off track since the beginning. this comment of yours is not on-topic either.


by "then you come in and say this?" it seems like what i said was incredibly offensive. "troll topic" is exactly what i want to see not happen.


when people come in and show these things to you, you see it as an attack, instead of pointing something out.

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Ok, I can concede that, although the title is hostile, the actual post isn't. My apologies - my perception was coloured by that when it shouldn't have been.


sure, the beginning was regular and normal, but he continues to cat-fight with other people so much that everyone forgets that part. the cat-fighting also happens pretty early on.

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The fact of the matter here is that you can see I am at this point clearly trying to be nice and get things moving (again) in the right direction.


Did you perhaps learn anything in the process? Like maybe don't start a thread provocatively, AND then double down on snark and provocation when you don't get the support from other forum members you wished for. ;)


Two years ago... your approach would have worked well in the forum. But it is a much less rabid and emotionally driven forum now days.


TL;DR Know your audience, if you want audience support. :)

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One should keep in mind that the OP started another thread that was hostile from the start and when that thread completely derailed he started this one. So while he didn't start the hostility in this thread, he did bring it over (the thread is still up and running btw) with him.

Plenty of people went into this thread discussing the other thread (since it was about the same subject) but he is playing the victim card and saying "Look! I didn't start this, I'm innocent!" when most people here know that simply isn't true.


I saw that. I was just apologising for my inaccuracy in stating that his OP was hostile, when in fact it was just the title.


sure, the beginning was regular and normal, but he continues to cat-fight with other people so much that everyone forgets that part. the cat-fighting also happens pretty early on.


I agree. I think if he had handled the criticism better these threads would have gone down completely differently.

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So being that It has been shown that implementing big money opportunities near equal to that of what he pve side has already in place would not have a negative, but instead a positive effect on things.... what other rebuttles might you think of that can be brought to the table... or what other benefits do you see coming from pvp'ers having the options to make more money. ??
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So being that It has been shown that implementing big money opportunities near equal to that of what he pve side has already in place would not have a negative, but instead a positive effect on things.... what other rebuttles might you think of that can be brought to the table... or what other benefits do you see coming from pvp'ers having the options to make more money. ??


See? This is precisely why people don't want to talk to you any more.


You claim that "it has been shown that implementing big money opportunities near equal to that of what he pve side has already in place would not have a negative, but instead a positive effect on things" but plenty of people have said otherwise... but you just chose to ignore them and their arguments. You just arbitrarily decide that it's good for the game no matter what.

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See? This is precisely why people don't want to talk to you any more.


You claim that "it has been shown that implementing big money opportunities near equal to that of what he pve side has already in place would not have a negative, but instead a positive effect on things" but plenty of people have said otherwise... but you just chose to ignore them and their arguments. You just arbitrarily decide that it's good for the game no matter what.


Here are a few posts that show it can work from this thread....


Ok, thank you for taking the time out to type all that.

1. My idea was to give pvp'ers the equivalent of Isotope 5 on the pve side. It sells religiously for about 100k each and u can make a lot of money farming comms to then buy Isotope 5 to sell. Give pvp'ers a mat that is around equal value to that that we can earn through pvp commendations, then sell. If I want more money I have to work hard and earn it, but at least the opportunity is there! And since Bioware creates the items and what mats are needed to make them this would be easy to implement.


2. People who lose in warzones make very little. If you lose a regular arena warzone you get like 30 comms and almost no money. Where as when u win you can around 140 comms and around 5,500 credits or so. If people started going more into the warzones because of their being more opportunity to make money that would help the queue pop problem and those who are just there for credits but don't put forth the effort will most likely lose and get hardly anything anyway.



As people love to repeatedly point out when threads are made about more solo content, this IS an MMO. By the same logic, shouldn't a multi-player component of the game give at least comparable rewards as the solo player planetary daily's?


Planetary daily's are a horrible grind that almost everyone hates. Having other activities like PVP and GSF give comparable (at least 50-75%?) payout encourages people to participate in the MMO aspect of an MMO and helps to slow down burnout of players. In early 2012 when planetary daily's was really the only way to make credits I almost unsubbed due to burnout from grinding daily's.


It should not become easier to get credits as this would just accelerate the credit inflation in the game. Greater variety of viable options for credit grinding would benefit the game by helping reduce burnout. In fact I would even be for REDUCING the planetary daily payout and increasing the PVP (maybe multiple tiers of daily's?) to balance out the credit generation and help keep inflation in check.



Adding repair costs to PVP zones would have very negative repercussions. As a player that does not like to PVP I frequently get thrashed in PVP and when going against a PVP guild 4 man pre-made it is truly ugly. How many casual players would continue to PVP if they had to pay repairs on 30 deaths after a match against a pre-made and the other team has 1-2 or even zero deaths? The same would be true for getting no rewards for a losing and big rewards for winning.


This would be the end of PVP due to only the most dedicated PVP players continuing to play. The idea should be to encourage be to try different activities in the game. Trying to make false comparisons to winning in PVP and "winning" in PVE does not forward this.



I think you may have missed my previous post where I recognized the issue of not adding to credit inflation:



The bottom line is that the planetary dailies are probably the number one way that credits are injected into the economy. Bioware has several times nerfed activities that generated a better time/credit ratio that the dailies. This would indicate that they form a "baseline" that the devs have found acceptable in terms of credit infusion.


As my suggestion above, increase the credit payout for PVP with perhaps more tiers of dailies to pay out more credits. I believe having some type of mats obtainable would have the possibility of too much disruption on the economy.


Uhmmmm...BTW....what overhead is incurred by doing something like Section X? Are you dying a lot and having repair bills? Using lots of adrenals? Most dedicated PVP people use lots of medpacks and adrenals and there are no reusable PVP versions of those.


By the way, I HATE PVP and would rather do just about any other activity in this game. My like of an activity does not prevent me from seeing the slight imbalance here and perhaps the benefit of encouraging more to participate in PVP.


Adding repair costs to pvp is just not a good idea nor is it a solution to the problem outlined in this thread. A simpler solution that I have already mentioned would be to give pvp the chance to make around what you can make in pve minus the repair costs. So repair costs are not even a factor.


So if (random numbers here to make a point) pve'ers can make 1 m a day, but repair cost was 100k, then give the pvp'ers the opportunity to make about 900k a day.


Problem solved.



Anyone who has posted what supposed "negative" effects it would have has had there issues addressed and dismissed. To be clear very few people even listed things opposing it...unless you are referring to the people who opposed the idea simply by making negative comments to me about me, but as far as the thread topic itself.....moving forward here, if you have something to bring to the table that is constructive, lets hear it! :)

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