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PvP'ers get the shaft when it come to money making options!


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I have no objection to raising the PvP credit reward to make it more inline with PvE dailies. But I notice you're using the words "BIG money".


The way to make BIG money in this game is the GTN. The GTN is neither PvP nor PvE. It is its own separate mini-game.


Rich PvE players spend time on the GTN. Rich PvP players spend time on the GTN. Poor PvE players and poor PvP players don't.


Now, there will always be a few exceptions to this (someone posted a while back that they made 250 million credits doing dailies for 3000 hours :eek:). But setting those aside, if you want to make BIG money, you play the GTN.


Actually I do already make "BIG money". But it comes from pve. Pve dailies and using the basic coms to buy isotope 5. As well you could sell occasional Mass Manipulator Generator for 750k. As well as selling mods or armoring for 2+ mil each. All of which made possible through pve content btw. All of which I do not like doing. I rarely use the gtn also btw....I sell over trade chat. Give me a way to do what I love (PVP) and make this kind of money! Heck even 1/2 as much money.

Edited by Malckiah
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Actually I do already make "BIG money". I have over 100 mil spread out amongst my toons. But it comes from pve. Pve dailies and using the basic coms to buy isotope 5. As well as selling the occasional Mass Manipulator Generator for 750k. As well as selling mods or armoring for 2+ mil each. All of which made possible through pve content btw. All of which I do not like doing. I rarely use the gtn also btw....I sell over trade chat. Give me a way to do what I love (PVP) and make this kind of money! Heck even 1/2 as much money.


Credit Boxes. Credits from Matches


You get credits for doing PvP.


Deal with it.

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Actually I do already make "BIG money". I have over 100 mil spread out amongst my toons. But it comes from pve. Pve dailies and using the basic coms to buy isotope 5. As well as selling the occasional Mass Manipulator Generator for 750k. As well as selling mods or armoring for 2+ mil each. All of which made possible through pve content btw. All of which I do not like doing. I rarely use the gtn also btw....I sell over trade chat. Give me a way to do what I love (PVP) and make this kind of money! Heck even 1/2 as much money.


Why do PvPers think that they should not have to run dailies but PvEers should have to run dailies? I would rather not run dailies either.

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Actually I do already make "BIG money". I have over 100 mil spread out amongst my toons. But it comes from pve. Pve dailies and using the basic coms to buy isotope 5. As well as selling the occasional Mass Manipulator Generator for 750k. As well as selling mods or armoring for 2+ mil each. All of which made possible through pve content btw. All of which I do not like doing. I rarely use the gtn also btw....I sell over trade chat. Give me a way to do what I love (PVP) and make this kind of money! Heck even 1/2 as much money.

I dunno man, it sounds like the big thing you're doing that makes money is crafting.


That's kind of the point I was making. Just because you're using trade instead of GTN doesn't make it a PvE activity.


In point of fact, you could level exclusively with PvP, never finish your class quest, never once do dailies, flashpoints OR operations and make the same kind of money just doing crafting. Which, I should point out, can be done by your companions while you're in the middle of a PvP match. :)


Again, nothing wrong with increasing the PvP rewards. But BIG money isn't made in PvE. BIG money is made on the GTN (or in trade if you want to be pedantic about it).

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Err... ok. Tell you what OP, lets up the amount of creds you can earn in PvP, but... lets also make it so you have to pay for repairs at the same rate as PvE. There you go! If you refuse to find other ways to make creds you will be able too do so with just PvP, just... don't die.
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I dunno man, it sounds like the big thing you're doing that makes money is crafting.


That's kind of the point I was making. Just because you're using trade instead of GTN doesn't make it a PvE activity.


In point of fact, you could level exclusively with PvP, never finish your class quest, never once do dailies, flashpoints OR operations and make the same kind of money just doing crafting. Which, I should point out, can be done by your companions while you're in the middle of a PvP match. :)


Again, nothing wrong with increasing the PvP rewards. But BIG money isn't made in PvE. BIG money is made on the GTN (or in trade if you want to be pedantic about it).


Buying and selling an Isotope 5 or a Mass Manipulator Generator requires no crafting

Edited by Malckiah
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Err... ok. Tell you what OP, lets up the amount of creds you can earn in PvP, but... lets also make it so you have to pay for repairs at the same rate as PvE. There you go! If you refuse to find other ways to make creds you will be able too do so with just PvP, just... don't die.


LOL....u forget I do PVE...and the repair bills are not a factor in comparison to what I make. And in order to really pvp well you need to keep using some of your comms for warzone medpacks.

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Buying and selling an Isotope 5 or a Mass Manipulator Generator which is the most of the money I make requires no crafting

You made the bulk of 100 million credits selling isotope-5 and (in your words) the "occasional" MMG?


I don't believe it.

Edited by Khevar
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The Title says it all. I can pvp all day every day for a week and use all my commendations to buy the credit boxes and do everything possible to make money through pvp that compares to what I can easily make doing pve content and I come up with nothing in comparison.


Here are a few key points to consider:


1. This is a game. A game should be fun for the player and each person should be able to play the way they like without having to resort to "the grind"


2. PvE money making opportunities- Just a couple of examples: Mass Manipulation Generators drop in Ops. They sell for around 750K each!!! Isotope-5 can be bought exclusively with basic comms. They sell for around 100k each! This kind of money can add up really fast! This doesn't even include the money you can make doin dailies.... If I do every daily I make easy 1 million credits!


3. PvP has nothing like what I mentioned above. Sure pvp can make money, but we are talking about the difference between a hyrotti scrapper (crappy mount) and 5 Bantha Mounts and a Walker!


4. Why do I a pvp'er want to make money? Um it should be obvious, but I want things. I want to be able to get the new mounts and adaptable gear that comes out. I want to have a guild and be able to afford a few guild bank tabs and maybe a guild ship. PvP'ers should be able to get the things we want without having to go grind out content that is not suiting for us..... and this makes no sense considering that on many servers the pvp queue's are very slow- perhaps because we have to leave pvp to go make many doing something else!


I am not suggesting anything negative toward the pve'ers. All I am asking is that Bioware would add a PERMANENT way for pvp'ers to make bigger money as do our counterparts.


Once you reach a certain point with your credits, most of your profits will come from buying and reselling on the GTN.


Also, crafting is independent of PVE and PVP alike. I'm sitting at 89 mil right now and most of that was made by crafting and relisting.

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Well it's true. But they're not exactly alone in that regard.


There are only two parties who are catered too specifically for making credits above the norm. End-game crafters(generally PvE raiders but there are ways around that), and people who enjoy grinding dailies.


Yes, top end-game PvE content potentially gives much better credit rewards than PvP.


However, there is nothing equivalent to top end-game PvE content in PvP(or GSF, or Seeker Droid). Its possible to grind everything out in PvP.


Since you can grind everything in PvP(aside from ranked rewards), anything they add to PvP will never be rare, and as a result never command as high a GTN price as end-game PvE gear.


A raw credit increase is problematic for other reasons(largely related to the balance of the in-game economy). Post-BiS PvP rewards do need to be addressed, but I don't see how they can reasonably make it significantly more profitable.

Edited by Vandicus
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You made the bulk of 100 million credits selling isotope-5 and (in your words) the "occasional" MMG?


I don't believe it.


Mass Manipulation Generators go for 750k each....it adds fast. I can make 1 mil doing pve dailies in one day, then at the end of the week if I buy isotope 5 and sell em its about 1.5 mil. So right there is 8.5 million from pve dailies. With ops you can easily get around 3 Mass manipulation Generators a week, that's 2.25 mil and that is really a minimial figure.

(this is per character mind you)

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Mass Manipulation Generators go for 750k each....it adds fast. And I say occasional loosely because you get no where near the amount of those like you do isotope 5. I can make 1 mil doing pve dailies in one day, then at the end of the week if I buy isotope 5 and sell em its about 1.5 mil. So right there is 8.5 million from pve dailies. When I do ops I can easily get around 3 Mass manipulation Generators a week, that's 2.25 mil and that is really a minimial figure.


Time = credits. If you've got the time to put into doing enough OPs to get lucky enough to get 3 MMGs a week, and do enough dailies across your alts to hit 1mil in credits per day, then you're clearly dumping an obscene amount of time into the game and it shows.

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I level a toon through pvp mainly and only do class quests in between warzone pops. I send out my companions to gather stuff and sell it while I am in the warzones. By the time I am at 55 I have millions to spend how I see fit. If you cant figure out how to make money it is not the fault of PvP but your own inability to use the options available to everyone.
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Mass Manipulation Generators go for 750k each....it adds fast. And I say occasional loosely because you get no where near the amount of those like you do isotope 5. I can make 1 mil doing pve dailies in one day, then at the end of the week if I buy isotope 5 and sell em its about 1.5 mil. So right there is 8.5 million from pve dailies. When I do ops I can easily get around 3 Mass manipulation Generators a week, that's 2.25 mil and that is really a minimial figure.


So what you're saying is: You're not having any problems making money, you just want to be able to make even more money with no risk to your investment. Which is exactly what increasing rewards for PvP is, a no risk way to generate credits. After all, you have no repair bills, so the biggest expenditure per week for a PvEcentric player is gone. As others have said, they can hit 300k a week in Ops repairs alone.


If you're truly looking for balance, then you should be lobbying to make sure that PvPcentric players have the same restrictions/overhead that PvEcentric players do, to include repair costs, and lockouts. Is this what you're lobbying for? Not that I've seen, so far it's been more along the lines of "BioWare needs to cater to me more because I prefer to PvP rather than PvE". Choosing to be a PvPer doesn't lock you out of content, as you stated, you already PvE and seemingly do quite well for yourself doing it. Since this is true, why do they need to alter anything? Because you'd prefer to not do the PvE dailies? So would I, and in fact, I often forego them if I have enough credits to keep my gatherers gathering. It's a pretty safe bet that if I'm running dailies, my crafters are about out of money. As I said before, "I don't want to do that" isn't a valid reason for BioWare to change the game.

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Mass Manipulation Generators go for 750k each....it adds fast. And I say occasional loosely because you get no where near the amount of those like you do isotope 5. I can make 1 mil doing pve dailies in one day, then at the end of the week if I buy isotope 5 and sell em its about 1.5 mil. So right there is 8.5 million from pve dailies. When I do ops I can easily get around 3 Mass manipulation Generators a week, that's 2.25 mil and that is really a minimial figure.

(this is per character mind you)

Well, fair enough.


I have to say, it requires a truly epic amount of dailies to make 8.5 million per week. I think my eyes would bleed before I ever got that far. I would be surprised if very many people even came close to that. Largely because the monotony and repetitiveness of the activity can result in brain burn.


I recommend that you consider shifting into crafting as an activity to replace the dailies (since it sounds like you don't like doing them, based on the premise of your OP). I'd bet you could easily make the same kind of money in a fraction of the time, leaving you to pursue more PvP.


Just my opinion tho.

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The Title says it all. I can pvp all day every day for a week and use all my commendations to buy the credit boxes and do everything possible to make money through pvp that compares to what I can easily make doing pve content and I come up with nothing in comparison.


Here are a few key points to consider:


1. This is a game. A game should be fun for the player and each person should be able to play the way they like without having to resort to "the grind"


2. PvE money making opportunities- Just a couple of examples: Mass Manipulation Generators drop in Ops. They sell for around 750K each!!! Isotope-5 can be bought exclusively with basic comms. They sell for around 100k each! This kind of money can add up really fast! This doesn't even include the money you can make doin dailies.... If I do every daily I make easy 1 million credits!


3. PvP has nothing like what I mentioned above. Sure pvp can make money, but we are talking about the difference between a hyrotti scrapper (crappy mount) and 5 Bantha Mounts and a Walker!


4. Why do I a pvp'er want to make money? Um it should be obvious, but I want things. I want to be able to get the new mounts and adaptable gear that comes out. I want to have a guild and be able to afford a few guild bank tabs and maybe a guild ship. PvP'ers should be able to get the things we want without having to go grind out content that is not suiting for us..... and this makes no sense considering that on many servers the pvp queue's are very slow- perhaps because we have to leave pvp to go make many doing something else!


I am not suggesting anything negative toward the pve'ers. All I am asking is that Bioware would add a PERMANENT way for pvp'ers to make bigger money as do our counterparts.


This game was not created as a PvP centered experience and there are plenty of ways to make creds other than what you specified.

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I don't understand what the issue is with pvp'ers having an equal way to make big money....if you want take away your precious 300k in repair bills from how much I could make. I as a pvper should have the same opportunity to make cash as you do....doing what I enjoy. Edited by Malckiah
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I don't understand what the issue is with pvp'ers having an equal way to make big money....if you want take away your precious 300k in repair bills from how much I could make. I as a pvper should have the same opportunity to make cash as you do....doing what I enjow.


I am a pvper, and I make millions through saving and occasionally selling cartel market stuff, as well as crafting augment stuff, it does not take time out of your schedule in fact you can set your companions to craft for you while you warzone to boost your productivity. Also, do dailies or something while waiting for that que to pop, you got like 3 or 4 minutes sometimes for the que to pop, better to be doing something than just standing around at fleet waiting for it to pop, this is especially more convenient now that pvp mission terminals are located in all warzones and arenas.


Now this is good advice, straight up. Now you can either do some of this stuff which do not detract from pvp at all (especially crafting which barely even involves any work out of you) or you can just keep going with this same attitude of whiteknighting this pretending you are fighting for "equality"

Edited by Sangrar
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I don't understand what the issue is with pvp'ers having an equal way to make big money....if you want take away your precious 300k in repair bills from how much I could make. I as a pvper should have the same opportunity to make cash as you do....doing what I enjow.


But you do have an equal way.


Playing in PvP earns you credits.


How are you not getting this?

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