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Juggernaut/Guardian chest in Black Talon/Esseles doesn't drop


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Ok i know it never did, not that i can remember anyways... But what i dont know is if that's a bug or not. Also if it's not a bug what's the reason for not letting it drop ?


When a sentinel + a guardian run Esseles the guardian will be frowned upon if he choose need on that chest over the sentinel. If you dont want to have both a medium and a heavy strenght chest drop in theese FP's how about making it adaptive ?

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Bug or ?

I know it's just a level 10'ish FP but i just find it a realy bad idea that no heavy strenght chest drop and would like to know the reason behind it if it's not a bug.


The way it is now juggernauts and guardians pass on medium chests when there's a sentinel/marauder in their group, and rightly so imo. The bad thing is most people, at least new guys dont know that no heavy chest drops and some will run Esseless/Black Talon several times in the hope of seeing a heavy strenght chest.

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Maybe. If it actually drops it's too rare. I cant remember ever seeing it drop in either Esseles or BT and when i asked in guild they never had the drop either. I've seen medium chest drop many times. I've even seen the aim chest drop from time to time.


Soloing BT as juggernaut you will most likely see the medium strenght chest, rarely the cunning, willpower and aim chest and never the heavy strenght chest. I've soloed it myself for affection and for the slight possibility that the chest might drop, even after beeing told it doesn't.


Ofc. me running BT 25 times (probably ran it more though) and never seeing it drop doesn't prove anything, it might just be bad luck. I ran it with opening the captains chest at least 15 times and before that about 10 times. Now add the times i ran it while leveling and the times my alts ran it.


Not only that, i'm not the first to make a post about the chest not dropping, so maybe it actually doesn't drop. If you can show me the chest then i'll have to agree that it drops, but forgive me for not taking your word for it.


Also, If indeed it drops, please up the droprate, it's absurdly low.

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