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Worst loss ever


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I still had fun, so don't think of this as a QQ thread, but I just wanted to share the most lopsided loss my team ever had today in GSF. I was flying Imperial, and we lost 1000-0. As I said, this is not a QQ thread, and I still enjoy GSF, and will continue to queue for more matches.
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.It happens. I was paired with a load of fresh pilots the other day. I managed 2 kills in TDM. The opposition were IMP vets who farmed everything. 3 gunships, mined to the nines, repair probes behind them. + a few scouts and strikes to lure us out, all camping on our side. I know one of the teams has voip too. We got crushed!


But on the upside, we got about 5 kills total, another match knocked off the daily /weekly and 500 or so REP to spend, so even a heavy loss isn't too harsh. Last night the tables turned and we won five matches on the trot with a scratch Pug Group. - Even without Viop, it pays to set a plan in mostion via chat before the match, and call out hotspots if you respawn.


Sorry ofr your loss, but it'll make you stronger! - Keep flyin'

Edited by Storm-Cutter
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