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How about making sweep single target for pvp?

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Would solve some issues with the spec if you ask me.

1. No longer mitigated by everybody and their grandmother's 30% aoe reduction. This would bring focus spec to a decent single target burst level on most targets imo. Still quite a bit lower then combat, but more reliable.

2. Decent teams can no longer use your negligible aoe damage to stay safe from mezzes. This really kills the spec atm. Atm sweep feels like a big single target attack with the added disadvantage of breaking every soft cc around you :/


To me personally it seems like this is really all that's needed to get focus pvp viable again. It's still the hardest spec to kite, reliable (less prone to being shut down by proper people who just KB you but don't whitebar with stuns), and with a bit more single target burst and no longer being a cc breaker all around, at least seems like a good place to start no?

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No, (Insert REALLY LONG STRING of NO here).


Focus spec is supposed to be an AOE spec, and "everybody and their mother's AOE damage reduction"? Off the top of my head there's only 2 - 3 specs that have AOE damage reduction. Tactics Vanguard, Sharpshooter Gunslinger, and Gunnery Commando. Scrapper Scoundrel will be getting it in 2.8. But still, Focus is supposed to be an AOE spec. Focus just needs more crit % on it's main abilities and something to make them use Sweeping Slash and it will be a decently viable spec.

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No, (Insert REALLY LONG STRING of NO here).


Focus spec is supposed to be an AOE spec, and "everybody and their mother's AOE damage reduction"? Off the top of my head there's only 2 - 3 specs that have AOE damage reduction. Tactics Vanguard, Sharpshooter Gunslinger, and Gunnery Commando. Scrapper Scoundrel will be getting it in 2.8. But still, Focus is supposed to be an AOE spec. Focus just needs more crit % on it's main abilities and something to make them use Sweeping Slash and it will be a decently viable spec.


Infiltration shadows, combat sents


Also yellow posts have already stated they want to move the game in a direction where ALL specs have both single target and aoe capacities. So no, they won't evolve focus back to it's previous "want aoe? spec here..." status. As long as your hardest hitter breaks all soft cc around you with negligible damage the spec will never be viable for ranked teams.

I realize this probably ain't the best solution but it would be a quick patch to at least make the spec playable in rankeds again.

Edited by Fopspeenzuiger
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Infiltration shadows, combat sents


Also yellow posts have already stated they want to move the game in a direction where ALL specs have both single target and aoe capacities. So no, they won't evolve focus back to it's previous "want aoe? spec here..." status. As long as your hardest hitter breaks all soft cc around you with negligible damage the spec will never be viable for ranked teams.

I realize this probably ain't the best solution but it would be a quick patch to at least make the spec playable in rankeds again.


Making Smash not break CC would be OP as ****... and also all Sentnels have access to the 30% AOE DR. If they dont want focus to be an AOE Spec, why even have the spec?!? Vigilance does Focus's job better than focus can! and same for Combat! And if they dont want all specs to have Single Target and AOE capabilities then Engi Sniper needs a HUGE revamp along with Lightning Sorc!


Your "argument" doesnt make sense. There are tons of specs that do both AOE and Single Target, the ONLY classes that dont have that are Sin's, Op's and Merc's.

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