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Removing the missile break on DF


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Directional Shields

Large reactor

Regen Thrusters

Frequency Capacitor

Regen magazine



Copilot: Kendra

Tactical: Kendra

Defense: Nadia

Offense: Qyzen


Pretty basic build.


Rapids are a problem use quads, they're just flat out inferior in every way.


use turbo reactor instead of large reactor if you're going to use directional shield because you can regen your shield stupidly fast, reducing the delay to 1.2 seconds.

Use Qyzen as your co-pilot, Kendra is trash when you're not stacking evasion already,


protons are bomber killers not scout killers, use concussions or clusters, I prefer concussions for the slow,


frequency capacitor is garbage because the energy draw per second isn't worth the dps increase.


Use ammunition magazine, your potential damage per life goes up dramatically.


Use doc instead of Nadia for defense for the increase to shield pool as well as regen.


Who's your engineering? Yuun is optimal for strikes though in my opinion. Though any of the efficiency/power or efficiency/efficiency engineering guys are great. Ignore any power/power because it just means you take longer to regen.

If you want an expansion on my thought process here, comment and I will, for the most part

Edited by tommmsunb
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Directional Shields

Large reactor

Regen Thrusters

Frequency Capacitor

Regen magazine



Copilot: Kendra

Tactical: Kendra

Defense: Nadia

Offense: Qyzen


Pretty basic build.

I've got to take a look at the rest of the companions in about an hour, but we use pretty similar ones (I believe).


Your Build: Heavies / Rapids - You have the lethality to kill armored targets, for sure. But I've never been a fan of rapids. Coupled with your frequency, it may make up for the difference in damage for a range + quad combo, but the fact that I see the best scouts rocking quads + range + concentrated fire tells me that the combination proving most effective is heavies / quads. I've also heard from several strike pilots that the quads are lethal for dogfighting, and they aren't wrong, especially coupled with range + CF


I use quads and heavies - heavies for anything with armor (Turrets, bombers, GS), and quads for scouts / battles with star fighters specifically.


Your build: Protorps - Massive damage, horrible lock on time, takes a bit of time for missile travel. Can't really say much about these as I know good pilots who use both.

I went with concs, but ItKovian uses protorps and loves them (though I'll ask him next time if he hits scouts a lot as I don't know).


Your companion ability aids you in evasion, but switching to your copilot ability will increase your crit (coupled with quads, that's the most effective way to kill anything quickly). The two best scouts in the game (Tom and Scrab) both run quads with CF (they have TT too, but not having it is completely fine assuming you can aim).


Your Build: Directional Shields + Large Reactor - you're getting a lot of shield per arc, no doubt.

I think you'd be better off with a Turbo Reactor if you're running directionals. Not 100% on the math cuz it came from a 13 year old (or what I can only assume is one) and he said that the regen time for the shields with turbo reactor are less than 0 if you take the T3 option for directional shield that reduces the regen delay time. This has minimal to do with taking down scouts and more to do with overall survival. That being said, I hate how directionals appear at the back before the front. Seems silly.


Your Build: Retro Thrusters - SO FUN!!!

I use retro too :) So fun. But I'd go range instead of frequency, especially because you'd have concentrated fire to crit and the longer range to hit people sooner (which seems ideal given the circumstance).


Your Build: Running Interference - You ain't no Gunship or a scout! This isn't needed for a strike. You'd be better off having an ability that complemented the offensiveness of your build.

Right now, your copilot ability isn't suited for your build. If you were running lightweight armor, it'd make more sense but because this is a strike fighter, it's kind of out of place. This is why I'd recommend either concentrated fire or wingman for an ability (wingman will let you hit more often as it's an accuracy buff).


This is how I built my strike - it may not be exactly how you want yours to be, but I have no problems killing anyone except an overzealous Tom / Scrab. Hope this helps!



Edit: Hey, the 13 year old posted right before me! Pretty sure he's gonna say the same thing

Edited by SammyGStatus
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Everybody has come to this inevitable conclusion. Scouts don't need a second missile break. - Ad populum


The OP had the right idea when he made this thread -- how to stop scouts from doing this without ruining the GS. Circular reasoning as well as fallacy of the single cause.


Keep in mind that it really has to be a simple solution...given that we're not going to get many more major GSF updates, I don't expect any more sweeping GSF changes that involve anything other than modifying 1-2 component abilities.

Also fallacy of the single cause, there was once a comment saying that they're going to devote more work to strongholds. But where is this held to be true in any official sense that we're not getting any more changes.

So we can:


-Take the missile break off of DF, and change the GS somehow to compensate


-Add a negative aspect to DF, so that using it as a missile break doesn't always result in a win/win scenario


Ideally, any change will make other shield options more viable. Right now any ship that has DF is always going to use it, no matter what.


Highlighted your logical fallacies.


Furthermore, I'd like to know who's skill your basing your conclusions off of.

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I've got to take a look at the rest of the companions in about an hour, but we use pretty similar ones (I believe).


Your Build: Heavies / Rapids - You have the lethality to kill armored targets, for sure. But I've never been a fan of rapids. Coupled with your frequency, it may make up for the difference in damage for a range + quad combo, but the fact that I see the best scouts rocking quads + range + concentrated fire tells me that the combination proving most effective is heavies / quads. I've also heard from several strike pilots that the quads are lethal for dogfighting, and they aren't wrong, especially coupled with range + CF


I use quads and heavies - heavies for anything with armor (Turrets, bombers, GS), and quads for scouts / battles with star fighters specifically.


Your build: Protorps - Massive damage, horrible lock on time, takes a bit of time for missile travel. Can't really say much about these as I know good pilots who use both.

I went with concs, but ItKovian uses protorps and loves them (though I'll ask him next time if he hits scouts a lot as I don't know).


Your companion ability aids you in evasion, but switching to your copilot ability will increase your crit (coupled with quads, that's the most effective way to kill anything quickly). The two best scouts in the game (Tom and Scrab) both run quads with CF (they have TT too, but not having it is completely fine assuming you can aim).


Your Build: Directional Shields + Large Reactor - you're getting a lot of shield per arc, no doubt.

I think you'd be better off with a Turbo Reactor if you're running directionals. Not 100% on the math cuz it came from a 13 year old (or what I can only assume is one) and he said that the regen time for the shields with turbo reactor are less than 0 if you take the T3 option for directional shield that reduces the regen delay time. This has minimal to do with taking down scouts and more to do with overall survival. That being said, I hate how directionals appear at the back before the front. Seems silly.


Your Build: Retro Thrusters - SO FUN!!!

I use retro too :) So fun. But I'd go range instead of frequency, especially because you'd have concentrated fire to crit and the longer range to hit people sooner (which seems ideal given the circumstance).


Your Build: Running Interference - You ain't no Gunship or a scout! This isn't needed for a strike. You'd be better off having an ability that complemented the offensiveness of your build.

Right now, your copilot ability isn't suited for your build. If you were running lightweight armor, it'd make more sense but because this is a strike fighter, it's kind of out of place. This is why I'd recommend either concentrated fire or wingman for an ability (wingman will let you hit more often as it's an accuracy buff).


This is how I built my strike - it may not be exactly how you want yours to be, but I have no problems killing anyone except an overzealous Tom / Scrab. Hope this helps!



Edit: Hey, the 13 year old posted right before me! Pretty sure he's gonna say the same thing


Quit the 13 year old crap. That would make you 17 :p

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In my experience, my Starguard only has trouble with scouts if I try to fly like a scout. Trying to get into a turn fight with a scout you are disadvantaged. I find that I have better luck pooling some engine power and boosting away is a better approach. Use the range on HLC to your advantage to get some early hits off. Directional Shield forward with Doc and Large Reactor gives you a huge shield arc to joust. Turbo reactor is also great (and what tend to prefer) for the super fast shield regen delay. Simply using retro thrusters gives you enough time to begin your regen.


As for missile locks, I rarely need them for a scout. Their HP is low enough to simple burn down with quads alone. Often I'll just hold a lock on one to see if they'll burn their break before I fire it. If they do, I'll just re-lock them. If they don't burn it, I pick a very inopportune time for them to fire it, like when they are lining up for a shot. If the missile misses, it's really not a huge deal since they have such low HP. If it hits, super mega bonus points.

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Rapids are a problem use quads, they're just flat out inferior in every way.


use turbo reactor instead of large reactor if you're going to use directional shield because you can regen your shield stupidly fast, reducing the delay to 1.2 seconds.

Use Qyzen as your co-pilot, Kendra is trash when you're not stacking evasion already,


protons are bomber killers not scout killers, use concussions or clusters, I prefer concussions for the slow,


frequency capacitor is garbage because the energy draw per second isn't worth the dps increase.


Use ammunition magazine, your potential damage per life goes up dramatically.


Use doc instead of Nadia for defense for the increase to shield pool as well as regen.


Who's your engineering? Yuun is optimal for strikes though in my opinion. Though any of the efficiency/power or efficiency/efficiency engineering guys are great. Ignore any power/power because it just means you take longer to regen.

If you want an expansion on my thought process here, comment and I will, for the most part


Yes I use Yunn, I had thought on changing copilot for a while.


What would you recommend over Frequency?


As for the shields and Doc, I'm of the big shields over regen shields, but I'm making a new pilot on another server so I'll give that build a try, thanks fro the tips.


Actually since I'm trying to see how far I can get flying nothing but T1 Strikers your build seems more balanced in all aspects.

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Directional Shields

Large reactor

Regen Thrusters

Frequency Capacitor

Regen magazine



Copilot: Kendra

Tactical: Kendra

Defense: Nadia

Offense: Qyzen


Pretty basic build.


I'm actually replying to Tommmmmmmmmmmmmsnub too, as far as I can tell he's a scout pilot. Pretty he isn't a Striker main like I am, and I just can't bring myself to trust a Scout jock on a Strike build.


I'm not going to comment on companions for your build, they matter but that is it's own discussion. Also I so rarely change them once they are set I forget all their bonuses.


Honestly I mostly like your build but the Protons need to go I think. Now I am the biggest advocate for Protons out there, but they are not the weapon of choice for the Type 1. I use Concussions there for my main and Clusters for many of my alts. Looking at your build you could go either way, I'd say go concussion first get the 14% lock time reduction and see how you like them.


Otherwise I approve of your build, keep the RFL + Frequecy , HLC + Regen mag, and the Directional + Large Reactor. Despite what a scouty will try to tell you all are a synergistic build and effective.


Edit: Absolutely nothing wrong with Frequency Capacitor, especially if you have a high RoF weapon.

Edited by mr_sim
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Actually since I'm trying to see how far I can get flying nothing but T1 Strikers your build seems more balanced in all aspects.


False, Quads + HLC is Redundant. Quads may be the most balanced weapon out there but your taking a ship that can do multi-role and trying to make it a Single role + trim package.


Strike Fighter is the pick-up truck of GSF. HLC + Quads is the equivalent of putting 2 hitches on a truck, Yes it can now tow anything but you can't load anything into the box now because you have a giant fifth wheel hitch there.

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False, Quads + HLC is Redundant. Quads may be the most balanced weapon out there but your taking a ship that can do multi-role and trying to make it a Single role + trim package.


Strike Fighter is the pick-up truck of GSF. HLC + Quads is the equivalent of putting 2 hitches on a truck, Yes it can now tow anything but you can't load anything into the box now because you have a giant fifth wheel hitch there.


You are very very wrong. Quads are still infinitely superior to RFL, and the beef of your argument is "I dont know anything about this guy, but he flies scouts so he must be wrong.


Next, range or damage capacitor is superior. Range is useful because it creates an area that burst laser scouts can't hit you within, also it increases your weapons "ontime"



Next I'd like to add that, though my strike isnt as played, my stats in my strike are still consistently higher than most scouts as well as most strike fighter pilots. My strike dps record being 174 in domination and my scout dps record in domination being 216

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False, Quads + HLC is Redundant. Quads may be the most balanced weapon out there but your taking a ship that can do multi-role and trying to make it a Single role + trim package.


Strike Fighter is the pick-up truck of GSF. HLC + Quads is the equivalent of putting 2 hitches on a truck, Yes it can now tow anything but you can't load anything into the box now because you have a giant fifth wheel hitch there.


As a Striker main, I disagree. Quads and HLC are different enough to warrant use. HLC get armor and shield piercing as well as having great range and accuracy at the cost of lower DPS and Tracking. Quads have great DPS and burst potential with Concentrated Fire, if that's your thing. Rapids do serve a good close range purpose if that's what you want to do, but they don't really compare well with the other close range option, BLC that you may encounter on enemies. Both builds can work, I've tried every single component on my Star Guard and have had varying degrees of success with each. Point is, play to the strengths of your build.

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False, Quads + HLC is Redundant. Quads may be the most balanced weapon out there but your taking a ship that can do multi-role and trying to make it a Single role + trim package.


Strike Fighter is the pick-up truck of GSF. HLC + Quads is the equivalent of putting 2 hitches on a truck, Yes it can now tow anything but you can't load anything into the box now because you have a giant fifth wheel hitch there.


As has been said in this and other threads, they're not the same thing. If we had the option for LLC, I'd maybe argue for using them with heavies on a Strike 1 more than Quads, but we don't get that choice. Rapids just don't look better on paper and I don't prefer them in practice, and ions require me to be too close. Really, I can get using ions over rapids more, even if it's all a matter of choice.

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I'm actually replying to Tommmmmmmmmmmmmsnub too, as far as I can tell he's a scout pilot. Pretty he isn't a Striker main like I am, and I just can't bring myself to trust a Scout jock on a Strike build.


I'm not going to comment on companions for your build, they matter but that is it's own discussion. Also I so rarely change them once they are set I forget all their bonuses.


Honestly I mostly like your build but the Protons need to go I think. Now I am the biggest advocate for Protons out there, but they are not the weapon of choice for the Type 1. I use Concussions there for my main and Clusters for many of my alts. Looking at your build you could go either way, I'd say go concussion first get the 14% lock time reduction and see how you like them.


Otherwise I approve of your build, keep the RFL + Frequecy , HLC + Regen mag, and the Directional + Large Reactor. Despite what a scouty will try to tell you all are a synergistic build and effective.


Edit: Absolutely nothing wrong with Frequency Capacitor, especially if you have a high RoF weapon.


Oh I have an almost mastered T1 that is the same as the one I listed except with Concussions, I'm trying different build, I'll give the one Tom listed a try, no harm in it.

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Oh I have an almost mastered T1 that is the same as the one I listed except with Concussions, I'm trying different build, I'll give the one Tom listed a try, no harm in it.


If you've almost mastered it why would you go for a major rebuild now? Master first then break it apart and rebuild it, master gives req gains.

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You are very very wrong. Quads are still infinitely superior to RFL, and the beef of your argument is "I dont know anything about this guy, but he flies scouts so he must be wrong.


Next, range or damage capacitor is superior. Range is useful because it creates an area that burst laser scouts can't hit you within, also it increases your weapons "ontime"



Next I'd like to add that, though my strike isnt as played, my stats in my strike are still consistently higher than most scouts as well as most strike fighter pilots. My strike dps record being 174 in domination and my scout dps record in domination being 216


Appreciate you proving me correct on the whole scout pilots don't know Strike thing. You build your Strike like a Scout Emulator, and that's fine actually. In fact I would probably recommend it to someone who is a Scout master, stick to your niche. I have the bad habit of making my other class ships "Strike Like" because I'm a Strike master, nothing wrong with that. However don't try bossing a strike pilot around when you don't understand the full potential of the class.


First if you need ranged capacitor against BLC then your doing it wrong, Drop a missile and then break off the Head-head and keep the range open, drop another missile then finish with lasers. Head-head vs BLC is plain stupid.


The point on Quads is not that RFL is better, it's that Quads and HLC are too similar. Read again I didn't say quads were bad, in fact I've recently posted that Quads were the most balanced in game. I get it Scout pilots hate RFL and LLC, stop telling Strike pilots what to though

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If you've almost mastered it why would you go for a major rebuild now? Master first then break it apart and rebuild it, master gives req gains.


Oh I have 4 pilots, it's another Star Guard all together.


I enjoy playing on different servers and have pilots in 3.

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I was making the point as someone with a completely mastered Star Guard and 100k banked req on it that Quads and Heavies are sufficiently different in use. I also don't feel that without rapids there is a major loss. In fact, rapids and quads have pretty similar stats if I recall, with better tracking and firing arc to Rapids, and better range for quads. I'm not in game so I'm not 100% sure on that, but I have put in many hours using rapids myself and found them wanting compared to Quads. Heavies no matter what have a range and shield/armor piercing niche in addition to their improved accuracy.
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I was making the point as someone with a completely mastered Star Guard and 100k banked req on it that Quads and Heavies are sufficiently different in use. I also don't feel that without rapids there is a major loss. In fact, rapids and quads have pretty similar stats if I recall, with better tracking and firing arc to Rapids, and better range for quads. I'm not in game so I'm not 100% sure on that, but I have put in many hours using rapids myself and found them wanting compared to Quads. Heavies no matter what have a range and shield/armor piercing niche in addition to their improved accuracy.


It's similar for me. Heavies for ranged and static target work, quads for dogfighting. They do pretty well in both those roles for me.

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How many more shield options are their besides DF? 2 usually


Which ones of them are taken? none



Why? Because they dont have a missile break



This is about balance as a whole. All other shield options dont have a missile break option. With out it and instead replacing it with (evasion increased by additional 15% while active) DF shields would still be strong.


People talk about this being QQ from Strike fighter pilots, but I want you all to take a good long hard look at that statement. What ships would benefit from this nerf in their ability to kill...... Nova Dive's running Thermites, Spear points (thats 2 scouts right there) The strikes of course, The Comet Breaker which its main BENEFIT over the Quarrell is supposed to be its missiles and bombers set up for long range support.


The ones it would hurt the most are the Flash fire and the Quarrell. The 2 strongest ships in the game right now. And would it nerf them into uselessness? no...


They have 2 other shield options 1 of which in the quarrell is getting buffed right now and a substantial buff at that.


Can a Strike fighter land Conc's thermites or Protons? Yes. Against good pilots? Yes. With the frequency and ease of a Gunship railgun or a more importantly and more releventaly a Flashfires burst laser spam with Target Telem.... not really.


I play strikes and I can get 20 odd kills in it. I can do well in it against other ships, but i Laugh Out Loud HARD when I just jump into a Flashfire and see how much just is not threatening to this ship. I Laugh Out Loud when I hear a missile long missile tone on me cus I know the poor guy has no shot with that. I still eat the occassional Cluster and LAWLS cus shields are still strong enugh to take a volley with out any trouble. 2 becomes a problem sure but its just so much easier in a flash fire, and its not just DF that makes it so. its just 1 more thing to add to the icing. Hell I have started getting in the habit of Blowing DF less for the missile break and more just for the evasion buff because I am so used to a strike that I dont lean on DF's missile break to compensate. if I dont have anything LoSing is easy for a good 10 seconds (3 second engine maneuver duration 15 second CD over 2 Second Lock on time + Travel time) most of the time dont even need that full 10 seconds either since an early DF means it might just be up in 5. To top it all off I have BLC and Target telem and spammable missiles. Dont know how many times get to head to head a Strike and pop disto just as my clusters finish lock on his shots miss and his lock breaks he tries to lock again and I just easly boost past him and turn around before he can do anything wrinse and repeat with barely a love tap. Its just so easy in a T2 Scout.

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Scout v scout will still be dealing with clusters. I think I could evade most missile locks on my scout just from flying, but the point is that the nerf affects more than the target audience and wouldn't help. Locking on missiles can't be hard if someone who isn't an <insert ship type> pilot and they can do it, because it's really not as difficult as people are making this seem... Having the missiles do something worthwhile - that's a change that comes with upgrades, but 1 missile break will only stop 1 more missile... so fire another one and be done with it


Ya I will get right on firing that second missile that everything besides a Pike doesnt have..... oh wait I have a 6-12 second CD give me a moment.


(Maneuver CD 15 seconds..... Proton CD 12 second.... lock on time 4 seconds.... 12+4 16.... well engine manuever is all that is required to evade Protons. Some ships dont have another option with out a 12 second CD.... Comet Breaker, Clarion, Spear point, and Rampart come to mind)


(Maneuver CD 15 seconds..... Concussion CD 6 seconds.... Lock-on time 3 Second.... 6+3 9 seconds.... 1 second travel time 10 seconds, a person with power dive can near indeffinately dodge concussions as well. Clearly a Second missile break might be over doing it).

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I'm actually replying to Tommmmmmmmmmmmmsnub too, as far as I can tell he's a scout pilot. Pretty he isn't a Striker main like I am, and I just can't bring myself to trust a Scout jock on a Strike build.


I'm not going to comment on companions for your build, they matter but that is it's own discussion. Also I so rarely change them once they are set I forget all their bonuses.


Honestly I mostly like your build but the Protons need to go I think. Now I am the biggest advocate for Protons out there, but they are not the weapon of choice for the Type 1. I use Concussions there for my main and Clusters for many of my alts. Looking at your build you could go either way, I'd say go concussion first get the 14% lock time reduction and see how you like them.


Otherwise I approve of your build, keep the RFL + Frequecy , HLC + Regen mag, and the Directional + Large Reactor. Despite what a scouty will try to tell you all are a synergistic build and effective.


Edit: Absolutely nothing wrong with Frequency Capacitor, especially if you have a high RoF weapon.


I agree with this guy mostly. Proton's are just not landable on anything really with out back up and a T1 Strike just doesnt have the back up. The cost of the weapons such as Heavies and Rapids is Low enough that the extra cost of the Frequency is negligible. The "energy problem" only happens when you take their advice and use Quads. But no quads frequency is fine.


Edit: Not saying quads/heavies are bad, just arent inherintely better then rapids heavies. The 2 have different jobs. Quads heavies you largely use quads except when you run into an armor target. Rapids/ Heavies is more about the ranges you are fighting in. If you start out long range use heavies until you end up in a turning fight at or below 2.5K you use rapids and your good. With the Quads/heavies you want Damage as frequency makes the quads use to much energy and for Heavies/rapids you want frequency as the cost of the weapons is nice and low so you want the largest amout of DPS that you can get.

Edited by tunewalker
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Directional Shields

Large reactor

Regen Thrusters

Frequency Capacitor

Regen magazine



Copilot: Kendra

Tactical: Kendra

Defense: Nadia

Offense: Qyzen


Pretty basic build.


HLCs: Very good, really the core strength of most Starguard builds.


Rapids vs Quads: Either can work, but Rapids are equal or superior in so few situations that unless you really work at creating opportunities for them Quads will generally be better. If you're supernaturally bad at power management though, Rapids might be called for.


Protons: In a multi-way tie for, "galaxy's worst anti-scout missile." If you're going after less skilled scouts, use concussion missiles. Concussion missiles have nice upgrade options and they hurt a lot. If you're going after the real aces, use cluster missiles with double volley because that's the only way you have any hope of getting decent missile damage on them. Spam them like they're going out of style. You'll run dry on missiles doing this, but the dps is needed if you want to burn down a good scout before it gets away or bursts you down.


Directional Shield: The only one that really works with the rest of the build, so keep it. Take the regen delay reduction upgrade.


Large Reactor: The best choice by a fair margin, unless you're bad at power management. The other choices aren't terrible, but in most cases by the time they start catching up with large reactor's initial advantage you'll either have won the encounter or been blown out of the sky.


Regen thrusters: All the strike thruster choices have stiff tradeoffs, and the only choice that's really lacking compared to the others is power thrusters. Making speed thrusters work requires a pretty specialized build and turning thrusters leave you constantly wanting more engine power than you have. For a generalist strike build regen is the most well rounded choice, but it does mean giving up the potential for either running or turning about as well as a scout. Instead of being worse at one, you'll be worse at both. It is a lot more forgiving when it comes to not running short on engine power though. It also doesn't require rebuilding all the other component slots to make the ship work, so I'd say keep it.


Frequency Capacitor: Keep it if you stick with rapid fire lasers, because they'll need the extra damage (assuming you have good aim). If you swap to quads I'd say range or damage, just because with HLC's and quads you'd run through your blaster pool very quickly with frequency capacitor. If you start getting more than a 75% hit rate on your blasters maybe it could work as a bursty strike build. Most people aren't that good at aiming though. This is a slot where there's room for personal preference to have a large role in the final decision. Capacitors are cheap, try them all and see what you like.


Regen Magazine: The right choice for the Starguard, especially if you're running both HLCs and Quads. Even if you go with cluster missiles running empty on blaster power is worse than running empty on missiles.




Offensive: Qyzen Fess. All other choices are inferior for the starguard.

Defensive: Nadia or Tanno Vik. Evasion is best when stacked, but the shield regen takes so long to produce a significant effect that the evasion is better, though not by very much.

Tactical: Depends on whether you're going for active or passive effects. For passives Lord Scourge, Kendra, and Elara are good choices. For the active if you want to kill scouts then Lt. Iresso's wingman ability is very good.

Engineering: Yuun or C2-N2 have the passives that best patch some of a strike's weaknesses.


Co-pilot: Qyzen, Nadia, and Iresso all have strong offensive buffs. Maximum uptime is 10%, 25%, and 33% respectively.


Qyzen gives a strike something that vaguely resembles burst damage. The downside is that concentrated fire has a short duration so you suffer if you don't hit it at the right time.


Nadia works best when combined with weapons that lack shield piercing, so consider how you're doing most of your damage. If it's with quads and clusters she's a great choice, if it's with HLCs and concussion missiles chose another copilot.


Iresso's accuracy buff from wingman lasts a long time, and erases most of a scout's passive evasion. A strong choice for increasing blaster damage against scouts, especially with higher rate of fire weapons.


C2-N2 an unorthodox choice, but it does give you something sort of like a partial ion railgun shot with very short range. Needs other CC working with it to really shine, so better on a Clarion or if you decide to get a bit weird with your blaster choices and try something like quads and ions. More for surprising a scout than for killing it.

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