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Voss Datacron #73 (**spoiler**)


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This is the one where you do the Gormak quests.


I did the quests before I knew about datacrons and did not click the datacron.


Now I can't seem to go back and use the datacron, The quests are not available either. I've tried the obvious stuff like clicking the heal crystal.


Someone told me this is an empire side issue?


One thing that may be unrelated or not, this is one of the old bugged assassins from when the class line was hosed, I get "Unavailable at this time" when arriving on Voss and a few other planets. I did complete all the class quests eventually.


Can anyone confirm, deny or help? :o

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If you are referring to the endurance datacron on Voss, then you indeed have to complete the planetary quest line up to and including the shrine of healing part.


There are some quests in this game that are not recoverable if you deleted them, but I'm not sure if Voss is one of them or not.

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Well, I haven't had to get this datacron in a while, but I looked it up on swtor-spy.com (which is the site I use for my datacron hunting), and remember it now. When you click the healing crystal in the NE corner of the room, do you start to meditate? If not, then you haven't done The Trials yet.


(from http://www.swtor-spy.com/datacrons/voss/858/ , 3rd entry down):

".There is a possibility that you will not have to use the healing crystal , and just go directly for the datacron (this might be a situation where you finish couple of missions before you go for the datacron , missions like Roadblock or The Trials ). For Empire:

Imperials need to complete the following quests to be able to use the green crystal in the NE corner of the room and subsequently the datacron. The Gormak Problem – obtained at Pilgrim Retreat.

Once have completed that you get sent to see Dalga-Wo in the Shrine of Healing, who gives you the quest The Trials.

The Trials doesn’t take that long to do, once completed then you can use the crystal in the NE corner and then the datacron.


Now, if you have done The Trials, then you *should* be able to use the healing crystal and then the datacron. If you still can't, after having done The Trials, then I would submit a bug report/ticket.


As for the 'Unavailable at this time' error when arriving at certain planets when using an assassin, I honestly don't know what is up with that, either. I can confirm it's not only you, though, and that it's been happening since beta.


I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with your datacron problem, though, but I would love to know the reason for that particular error myself. :D


(I used to turn it into a game. I would travel to a new planet/place, and try to get to the exit & click it before the error would come up. Sigh, yeah, I'm sometimes easily amused, lol!)

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Hmm, low reading comprehension so far...


I've done the quest line, but did not get the datacron at that time.


Hmm, seems you suffer from the same afflicition... :rolleyes:


If you've done the quest line, and can't use the datacron, then you should open a bug report or ticket.


Not that difficult.

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Hmm, seems you suffer from the same afflicition... :rolleyes:


If you've done the quest line, and can't use the datacron, then you should open a bug report or ticket.


Not that difficult.


Done 5 actually, been trying to get this toon fixed on and off for over a year.

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Hmm, low reading comprehension so far...


I've done the quest line, but did not get the datacron at that time.


The question remains, have you gone to the north-east corner and first clicked on the green crystal to meditate? that is something you have not answered.


And yes, the other thing is unrelated and has as far as I can tell no negative influence on any part of the game. It's been saying "Unavailable ..." on arrival at those planets for me since I can't remember how long. Never noticed any side effect. It also didn't prevent me from getting that datacron

Edited by LeJarC
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