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Tighter mouse controls


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I try not to shoot at anything that's too far off my center line, but pointing my nose at a target that's moving across at a high angle of attack usually requires me to move the cursor off to the far end. By the time i've got my nose lined up, I've lost the shot in the 100th's of seconds it takes for me to drag the cursor back over the target.


How would you all feel about the option to customize the sensitivity of the directional controls relative to the cursor? If I had my way, I'd set it way high so that I wouldn't have to move the cursor more than 5 degrees to get to max turn rate. Would it drastically affect the balance of the game?


Sorry if this has been brought up before.

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personally I've always thought an option to lock mouse/crosshair to center would be nice (ideally one you could toggle on/off at will during a match) but being able to tweak sensitivity so you could get max turn rate close to center would be nice (especially on strikers that tend to have higher tracking penalty weapons than scouts)
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Reticule lock is the main reason why joystick controls are not in the game, I have heard the dev's say something about it being difficult to implement with the engine (or some such statement)


At any rate, you can change the sensitivity on your desktop and it will translate into GSF, I would love to see a sensitivity slider in game though. This is pretty standard fare for most games, not sure why it hasn't made its way in yet.


Slowing down the targeting reticule would help a lot of players tracking ability (I adapted, but not everyone can effectively)

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Sensible idea. Would like that.

Effect on game balance ? Not sure. Mostly it would help high rof lasers, like rapids, becaus they need to stay constantly on-target, but it would benefit every type of weapon that uses the targetting reticle and has some tracking penalties.

Edited by Loc_n_lol
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Reticule lock is the main reason why joystick controls are not in the game, I have heard the dev's say something about it being difficult to implement with the engine (or some such statement)


At any rate, you can change the sensitivity on your desktop and it will translate into GSF, I would love to see a sensitivity slider in game though. This is pretty standard fare for most games, not sure why it hasn't made its way in yet.


Slowing down the targeting reticule would help a lot of players tracking ability (I adapted, but not everyone can effectively)


The whole thing about reticule lock being difficult in this engine is news to me. I'd like to find out more about that. Time for some internet digging.


Sorry real work. looks like you're taking the back seat again

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