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Yet another Companion Combat Role Re-Spec thread

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Your "assessment" sounds a bit like venting to me, unlike venting has a different meaning altogether for you.
Or you're assigning a tone to text because you feel like playing Pocket Therapist in a thread about a Star Wars computer game, which I can't help you with.


Also, I'm not exactly sure why Temple's personality would even have an issue with her dual-wielding pistols but that's just me.
Because it isn't? Since I never said that?


The fact that you somehow believe that Bliz, as a scavenger, would serve better compared to Mako and her slicing abilities is a bit of a eye-roller, for example.
An eye-roller. Kay. Because it makes more sense that a scavenging Jawa is one of your main Tanks, taking massive beatings from giant swarms of enemies. But sure, it's ludicrous to think he can take that same technological advantage and turn it to flinging some kolto bombs.


I assume the later understands a bit more of technology, thus she would be more akin to using kolto and that kind of stuff?
What does being a cybernetic slicer have to do with using kolto and medical techniques correctly? Do you trust the lead of your company's IT department to perform chest surgery on you, just because "Internet firewalls and pacemakers are both technology"?


Or how about Guss Tuno, the failed Jedi who shows no particular aptitude for anything during the course of your encounter with him on Hoth? He's somehow more trustworthy to heal you than a Jawa with scavenged tech or a trained Imperial officer?


Every single thing either one of us comes up with is going to be hand-waving because that's all comp role assignments are. Again, except in rare cases (Doc), the role has almost zero to do with their in-story behavior and if BioWare had assigned a randomly different one, you'd be vehemently defending that simply because of precedent.



  • Ashara Zavros is released as a Melee Tank.
  • 2 years later someone says "I would like Ashara to be a Melee DPS. She could dual-wield sabers."
  • Forum response: "lol you're an idiot, you just want her to DW because that's cool, she's obviously a Tank because she's your crew's Jedi and so she has more discipline and control and is trained in defense"


This is all so, so subjective that debating it is like debating what color an imaginary unicorn's tongue is.


Obviously the tongue is blue, because it's a unicorn.

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RandomXChance;7411737]When you are just looking for the 1K kills achievement, why in the world would you go to Oricon!?!? I left them in starter gear and went to early planets and did other achievements while getting the 1K. What a non-starter argument.


Why? Maybe because I can do my dailies and weekly and do the achievement all at one time.

Edited by casi
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Your "assessment" sounds a bit like venting to me, unless venting has a different meaning altogether for you.


Also, I'm not exactly sure why Temple's personality would even have an issue with her dual-wielding pistols but that's just me.


The fact that you somehow believe that Bliz, as a scavenger, would serve better compared to Mako and her slicing abilities is a bit of a eye-roller, for example. I assume the later understands a bit more of technology, thus she would be more akin to using kolto and that kind of stuff?


Perhaps it is the way we are reading it. Venting usually has a high amount of irritation or anger behind it, yet I found the assessments to be light and humorous.

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No they don't. The alternate 'stance' is pathetic and even if it was boosted, half+ of their skill bar is still neutralized when they try to switch roles. I'm asking for actual role identity changes.


Or to play it your way: Stop being lazy, and learn to RP more and create more detailed storylines for your characters, so you appreciate why it's frustrating to be stuck with a given companion fulfilling your only option for a given role.


Since I have 12 55's with every companion at max affection all 100% completion in companion achievements, I think that I have experienced using the different companions.


As I said in my first post, all the companions need is a boost to DPS to somewhat match what HK puts out. Tank companions when you are on a ranged DPS toon are fantastic. Heal bot companions are a favorite because they take very little maintenance and as a player you just ignore them and they do their job. People tend to not use the DPS as much because of the weak numbers they put out.

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]Well, do you have to play with a companion on Oricon? I am talking the normal sequence of planets. Sorry, I should have specified it

Yes you can play with a companion on Oricion. My boyfriend and I use our companions when we group but there are also times I will solo Oricion with my companion.


And the normal sequence of planets makes sense when you are leveling up I will give you that.


But for me being level 55 I try to do my dailies, weekly and any killing achievements at one time. For me it makes sense to do it this way instead of having to do my dailies, weekly and then go to another planet just for the achievement.

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Or you're assigning a tone to text because you feel like playing Pocket Therapist in a thread about a Star Wars computer game, which I can't help you with.


Again, I wasn't the one venting.


Because it isn't? Since I never said that?


You implied she didn't have a personality last I checked; I just inquired how was that relevant.


An eye-roller. Kay. Because it makes more sense that a scavenging Jawa is one of your main Tanks, taking massive beatings from giant swarms of enemies. But sure, it's ludicrous to think he can take that same technological advantage and turn it to flinging some kolto bombs.


I believe it makes far more sense for him to be a ranged Tank than say, Mako or Gault... Just like it makes more sense to me that Mako would be more adept, from a technological standpoint.


I for one wouldn't like to rely on a Jawa for healing, given their reputation as unreliable scavengers.


What does being a cybernetic slicer have to do with using kolto and medical techniques correctly? Do you trust the lead of your company's IT department to perform chest surgery on you, just because "Internet firewalls and pacemakers are both technology"?


Like I said above: More technologically adept.


Or how about Guss Tuno, the failed Jedi who shows no particular aptitude for anything during the course of your encounter with him on Hoth? He's somehow more trustworthy to heal you than a Jawa with scavenged tech or a trained Imperial officer?


He shows a knack for surviving; That should count for something... I for one have no issue having him as a healer and it just fits, far more than he would as a Tank or DPS.


Every single thing either one of us comes up with is going to be hand-waving because that's all comp role assignments are. Again, except in rare cases (Doc), the role has almost zero to do with their in-story behavior and if BioWare had assigned a randomly different one, you'd be vehemently defending that simply because of precedent.



  • Ashara Zavros is released as a Melee Tank.
  • 2 years later someone says "I would like Ashara to be a Melee DPS. She could dual-wield sabers."
  • Forum response: "lol you're an idiot, you just want her to DW because that's cool, she's obviously a Tank because she's your crew's Jedi and so she has more discipline and control and is trained in defense"


This is all so, so subjective that debating it is like debating what color an imaginary unicorn's tongue is.


Obviously the tongue is blue, because it's a unicorn.


Again, I'm fine with the roles as they are.


I would greatly enjoy if companions were capable of taking some in-combat scenarios in account but they're not. The most I expect from Bioware is for them to take into account the existing feedback and make new companions more versatile, which is what they're doing.


Regardless, I've been playing the game since the late beta sessions; Their roles, at least for me, are an intricate part of their personality overall, which is why I NEVER use an original Melee Tank as a DPS or a Healer as a DPS.


I wouldn't mind a bit more versatility as their abilities go but nothing more than that, really.


To conclude, it would be pointless in my book to waste resources in such time costly(?) venture overall.

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To conclude, it would be pointless in my book to waste resources in such time costly(?) venture overall.


This is my feeling as well. As Darth Wicked said, some tweaks here and there to the companions would be nice, but spending the resources to totally overhaul them to fix some small issues would be a waste.

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Doesn't mean people are going into a murderous tirade though. :D


Being irritated or angry generally doesn't translate into a murderous tirade. At least not with sane people.


Words can have multiple definitions and nuances. For instance (quoted from your link) "To vent is to unburden oneself of a strong pent-up emotion". This is the way I typically see the term "venting" used. When I read SW_display_name's assessments, they did not come across as emotional, just humorous. Clearly when you read them you took away a different impression.

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Being irritated or angry generally doesn't translate into a murderous tirade. At least not with sane people.


That was joke. Wasn't the smilie a giveaway?



Words can have multiple definitions and nuances. For instance (quoted from your link) "To vent is to unburden oneself of a strong pent-up emotion". This is the way I typically see the term "venting" used. When I read SW_display_name's assessments, they did not come across as emotional, just humorous. Clearly when you read them you took away a different impression.


I read the second post as "venting", which as you can read here...



give free expression to (a strong emotion).

Regardless, you're just over analyzing it.

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To OP...a ton of good ideas i think. Dont like the Pierce on..I think he is better off as a Vanguard type tank.But there seems to be a ton of tanky companions. And the ones you would think should tank (Like Jeasa) dont.

I dont think they will revamp the companions, but it would be a good idea.

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That was joke. Wasn't the smilie a giveaway?


Regardless, you're just over analyzing it.


Sorry didn't notice the smiley face. ;)


Many of my friends are writers, so discussing the subtleties of word choice and use is second nature to me. It's like sports fans discussing stats.

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Excellent posts OP, I completely agree. :)


As long as Bioware didn't just assign alternate roles all willy-nilly (no, Skadge won't heal you, lol) I think each Companion could easily have an alternate role added without it going against their personalities and back stories. And it isn't as though they all make perfect sense anyway! Just imagine if certain Companions had been released with different roles:


- "Quinn is a ruthless, cunning military man and is your pilot. Being a healer would totally go against his character!"

- "Vette is obviously meant to be the healer. She is poorly trained in combat compared to the rest of the crew and she has a caring personality."

- "LOL Blizz as a tank. How could you use your cute little Jawa as a meat shield??"

- "I just can't see Zenith as anything but a tank. He obviously cares for his people and fights fiercely to protect others."

- "Broonmark really isn't suited for anything but DPS. He's this aggressive ball of violence, not exactly a stalwart defender."


That's not to say that the current Companion roles are bad or anything, I just think that there is definitely room for some flexibility. ^^


An example of why I'd love this feature:

I plan to make an Assassin DPS, which means I'd want to play with either a healer or a tank Companion, or maybe a melee DPS (I really dislike using ranged dps with non-tank melee characters, and prefer not to go dual DPS anyway). Khem and Xalek are not to my liking and they want to murder me. Ashara annoys me. Talos is sweet, but I can't take him seriously as a battle buddy. Which leaves the only one I kind of like . . . Andronikos. The ranged DPS. >.<


Needless to say, I'd love to be able to use Andronikos differently. As it is now though, I have to choose between somewhat risky and messy combat (for me) or using a Companion that I simply do not like. Unless I want to respec my character to tank -- but hey, waitaminit! My character is the important one, let the Companion respec instead! :p

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They friggin need a companion expansion all together....plus right before launch they had it already implemented that any companion could fill any role through kits....why they didn't do this boggles my mind
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This is all so, so subjective that debating it is like debating what color an imaginary unicorn's tongue is.


Obviously the tongue is blue, because it's a unicorn.


I think that captures the spirit of Internet debate perfectly. :)


@casi - I have a feeling you could gear up anything for any role. :) For me Makeb, Oricon, PvP, K-Yards firmly belong in the realms I do not worry about. I just want to play 8 class stories (12 if I am lucky) before they pull the game off (since the fora tells me that the game is DEAD! :eek: )

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I really wish they would implement this.


I really hate missing out on all the companion's dialog but I prefer using Treek so I only have to gear one companion while I am leveling. I would love to be able to quest alongside companions I like instead of the one that happens to be the proper archetype.

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I really wish they would implement this.


I really hate missing out on all the companion's dialog but I prefer using Treek so I only have to gear one companion while I am leveling. I would love to be able to quest alongside companions I like instead of the one that happens to be the proper archetype.


That's another thing - it would be nice if gear could somehow be shared among them. Like maybe it could be bolstered, or set according to the best gear you have on a companion.


(And Treek is a perfect example of how roles make no sense. An Ewok tank or healer? They should be ranged DPS at best)


I don't think it will happen, because they would need new voices (for the healing).

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You could share gear between companions and mains, if you use the Legacy Gear trick. But you need to play characters sequentially, and you would create 2 or 3 suits that pass around to the next character or companion who needs it. So, you will have Aim, Cunning and Strength suits on lvls...


It is a convoluted system, and it would be nice to have better starting gear for companions.


To get all their dialogues, you do not need the gear up. Just a stash of presents. Basically, what works for me, is buying level 1, and mission-hauling level 2 (partially), completely mission hauling (or bargain hunting) lvl 3-4, and hoping that the dialogues from the 1000 kills run will make up the last 2000 points. If not, between Zenith and Vette, lvl 5 gifts should not be an issue if both crews have TH. I have a list of who stores which gift so the management is relatively easy. And, yep, Legacy unlocks once the crew has enough credits! And, yeah, romancing companions w/o favored gifts... I know, I know. But I wanna see those dialogues!


But, I don't want Treek/HK47 if Bio paid me to play with her, so, yeah.

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