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Looking for Questing Partner (M or F)


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Greetings, star travelers.


I am a returning player, having left SWTOR and online gaming about two years ago because of pressing life issues.


Generally, I'm a pretty laid back player, though I don't consider myself casual -- when engaged in an MMO I can be online nearly 24/7 with intermittent breaks for sleep and domestic necessities. As character continuity, completionism, and a desire to be good at what I do are important to me I will be starting from scratch.


Normally, I'm a solo artist, but my life has changed and I'd like to play with another individual (male or female) who'd enjoy playing the game with me. My hours are absolutely flexible in every respect and I can be 100% committed to the game. As I've yet to create a new character, server and faction are not issues. I will be happy to make a character for healing, dps, or tanking as required. I also prefer to communicate via TeamSpeak or one of the other major apps. If a potential partner's time is more limited than mine, that's okay because I'm also interested in crafting and am happy to spend downtime engaged in gathering and grinding. I do have a subscription and own the expansion.


Personal stuff: I reside in the Midwestern US, enjoy listening to music while I play (mostly Jazz, Classical, and movie themes), and I'm reasonably conversant on many subjects.


If the idea of teaming up with someone like me and beginning a new character appeals to you, please let me know.


And thank you in advance to everyone else for not mocking this desperate plea for friendship.

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