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Jaesa Willsaam and Miraluka


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I've noticed since I just unlocked the Miraluka, their race ability is to detect the force alignment of someone. While you don't actually find out, you're character in RP terms does. So, is Jaesa related to the Miraluka? What are your theories on this?


For me personally, I made this work with my legacy. My main is a sith warrior cyborg, with his eyes being cyborg since he was burned by a lightsaber as an infant. After Jaesa and him got together, I made their son a Miraluka, seeing as they can't see without the force, and my cover story is that my main's eyes had their genetics ruined when he was burned. He didn't know this until after their first kid. So now, not only does it have the sight genetics of my main, it has Jaesa's power.

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I've noticed since I just unlocked the Miraluka, their race ability is to detect the force alignment of someone. While you don't actually find out, you're character in RP terms does. So, is Jaesa related to the Miraluka? What are your theories on this?


Since Miraluka are born without physical eyes, they can "see" through the Force. I think you can somewhat compare it to Neo's vision from The Matrix. If you play Knights of the Old Republic and go into first person view while controlling Visas Marr, everything will be covered in gray fog and you can only see the barest of shapes, but peole will appear as illuminated beings, blue for light side, red for dark side and I believe white for people with no Force alignment, but that is of course gameplay and story segregation.


I think that Jaesa's power is different from that, since people who know of Jaesa's ability say it's something completely unprecedented in both the Jedi and Sith orders. People can hide their Force auras with certain techniques and surpress their "alignment", which is how some of Darth Baras' spies have operated, I mean, on Corellia, the Sith Warrior runs into a Jedi Master who's one of Baras' spies, and has been for at least a decade. That has to count for something.


It may be possible that Jaesa's power of Force Sight is similiar to what the Miraluka use, but it would have to be indefinately more powerful, since she does it without having to try very hard. I do wonder though if Jaesa's power would actually work on the Children of the Emperor...

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I've noticed since I just unlocked the Miraluka, their race ability is to detect the force alignment of someone. While you don't actually find out, you're character in RP terms does. So, is Jaesa related to the Miraluka? What are your theories on this?


For me personally, I made this work with my legacy. My main is a sith warrior cyborg, with his eyes being cyborg since he was burned by a lightsaber as an infant. After Jaesa and him got together, I made their son a Miraluka, seeing as they can't see without the force, and my cover story is that my main's eyes had their genetics ruined when he was burned. He didn't know this until after their first kid. So now, not only does it have the sight genetics of my main, it has Jaesa's power.


That's some crazy origin story you got there. An infant got his eyes slashed out by a lightsaber so powerfull that every following child of your hero's legacy will now be born without eyes. :D :D

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Here's my main's backstory.


Was human, stolen as an infant from parents, adopted parent killed by a jedi at age 5, jedi's lightsaber burned his eyes, got cyborg eyes to see, learned to use the force properly, trained on his own and was ordered to train on Korriban at age 23. Rapidly grew stronger under proper training.

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I was looking through the companions in the holonet section, and one of the Jedi Knight's has one who appears to have a similar power. It's the last one on the list.


"In his many decades as the Emperor's personal executioner, Scourge has developed a unique view of people, and a fatalistic view of the galaxy at large. He possesses an uncanny ability to analyze those around him to discover their weaknesses, and use that knowledge to his advantage."

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  • 11 months later...
I was looking through the companions in the holonet section, and one of the Jedi Knight's has one who appears to have a similar power. It's the last one on the list.


"In his many decades as the Emperor's personal executioner, Scourge has developed a unique view of people, and a fatalistic view of the galaxy at large. He possesses an uncanny ability to analyze those around him to discover their weaknesses, and use that knowledge to his advantage."


It's not a power that Scourge has. After being over 300 years old, he has observed thousands of Sith and other peoples' behaviors. So just reading someone's body language he can make a calculated judgement on what makes them tick. Well that's how I see it anyway.

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I appreciate the creativity and effort, but sight genetics ruined by a lightsaber and it becomes hereditary? It's a stretch, at best.


The only thing genes determine with the eyes is color and if you will have poor or excellent eyesight. I can't see how trauma would become hereditary for the life of me.

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Here's my main's backstory.


Was human, stolen as an infant from parents, adopted parent killed by a jedi at age 5, jedi's lightsaber burned his eyes, got cyborg eyes to see, learned to use the force properly, trained on his own and was ordered to train on Korriban at age 23. Rapidly grew stronger under proper training.


yup cause we all know Jedi run around poking kids eyes out with light sabers! :rolleyes:

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My understanding of Force Sight is that you don't sense whether a person is "light" or "dark", but rather empathically detect their emotional state. "Dark side" is marked by emotional turmoil, strong passions; "light side" is marked by peace and serenity. Most "normal" people are somewhere in between. Jaesa's power appears to be completely different. Though I don't think it's ever made quite explicit, she seems instead to be able to detect lies and deception, which are independent of whether a person is "light" or "dark".


I do wonder though if Jaesa's power would actually work on the Children of the Emperor...

This is a very interesting question. If I'm right and Jaesa can tell when people are lying or hiding something, the Children would be safe, since they don't know that they're sleeper agents until they are "activated". If she has a deeper sense of the "true nature" of a person, then she could probably detect them (and since she probably came into contact with the First Son at least once, we can guess that she doesn't have that kind of power). But this is all supposition.

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