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PTS Saturday Night Faceoffs


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-Opening Summary


It would seem that the time is upon us again, 2.8 is fast approaching and with it we see no changes to the matchmaking, and as they say, where others fail you can always pick up the flag. So in an effort to give ourselves our fix of challenging and interesting fights I'd like to introduce a weekly entirely pre-made based competition on Saturdays on the PTS. It's easy to copy your character over, ships and all so there's no arguing with me based on the work thats necessary. Just find a few friends think of a clever name, if you've got more than 4 people in your squadron make another one and attach a 2 to it or something, you figure that part out. Then make a post with the names involved and I'll attach them to an official roster. When the date comes you'll pop over to the PTS on these toons and group up, queue up, and when you get that queue your team will be a compound of whoever else you get grouped with. Winning will earn your squadron points, weighted on whether it's a 12 v 12 or an 8 v 8, Losing will lose you nor earn you points. Take a screenie of the score when you report it's a win or a loss.



Section 1 - Score and Score reporting


SS1 - Score Reporting


An example of a post would be:


Irrelevant + Black Squadrons vs Eclipse + Obsidian Squadrons - (Screenshot)


or Contrastly


Irrelevant vs Eclipse (Screenshot)


Should both teams be full premades from each squadron.


In the event that a squadron is represented on both sides this is where you seperate the teams based on who's involved and the point manager will attach points to the squadron's number.


Irrelevant 1 + Eclipse 2 vs Irrelevant 2 + Eclipse 1 (Screenshot.)


SS2 Score Rules and Weighting

i- The score will be 6 points for the whole team and then spread amongst the individual squadrons.


Irrelevant 1 + Black 1 + Eclipse 1 vs Irrelevant 2 + Black 2 + Eclipse 2

Team 1 wins, that means 2 points to all the squadrons of team 2.

Irrelevant 1 + Black 1 vs Irrelevant 2 + Black 2

Team 2 wins that means 3 points to all the squadrons of team 2.


ii -Game mode will make no difference in points earned as to not downplay different skillsets, also because it is too random to be able to account for mathematically on a balance scale.


iii -There are no ship restrictions or limits on how many of each ship you can have, if you think you can make it work, go for it.


iv - In the event of a player crashing or having to go in the middle of the match, the match won't be scored. Real life comes first. There will be no evaluation of whether a real life event is worthy or not. Unless it is deemed that this mechanic is being abused.


Section 2 Registration and Expulsion


SS1 Eligiblity

- In order to be considered eligible a squadron must prove 2 things, that all of their members have or are willing to download a VOIP software, whether to listen and talk or just listen.

- A squadron must have four members.

- A squadron must identify one member as their leader who will be considered responsible for posting match details.

- A squadron must have characters on the PTS.


SS2 Expulsion


- In the event that it is deemed that a squadron has earned an expulsion, whether it be due to cheating with game-mechanics or event-mechanics, a strike will be applied to that squadron, three strikes and the members of that squadron will no longer be allowed in the competition.






Any further ideas? Also, the logging of teams will be handled with google docs for the most part.

I'd like to get the first faceoff going by Saturday May 17th. Starting around 5PM EST, 2PM PST 10PM BST

Edited by tommmsunb
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That would be awsome .

Ill talk to the guys from black squadron and see what i can do about getting a team togther most of us can play there and have toons allrdy to go .

Need to know what time to tell them

Edited by Lytewraith
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