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Watchman, Help to improve my dps


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Hi guys, as title i play a sentinel watchman almost full 78 (except 1 enhanc 72 and 2 armoring underworld bonus, with a crit rating of 130).

I currently parsing around 3500-3520 (best). I dont know how to improve it, 'cause i know that i should do more then 3500. I don't use any keybind atm and my apm is around 44-44,5. Is it possible that i loose around 250-300 dps just for this reason?

Thx for help and attention

Edited by PlacJac
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You cant play ANY of the Knight classes as a clicker, this game just doesnt work like that. Your losing ~100 DPS from that alone. I would boost your Crit higher, 30% is near ideal for Watchman because it A. Boosts Surviability. and B. Boosts Focus Management.
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If you're at 44.5 APM as a clicker then I think you're doing fine. However, as Macedonicus says, don't ever look at DPS leaderboards because all they are are comparisons of god lucky parses.


Also, crit at 30% nowadays is a terribad idea. Your 130 is fine.

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You cant play ANY of the Knight classes as a clicker, this game just doesnt work like that. Your losing ~100 DPS from that alone. I would boost your Crit higher, 30% is near ideal for Watchman because it A. Boosts Surviability. and B. Boosts Focus Management.



If you try getting to 30% the DR will hit you hard.

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Ye don't aim for 30% crit chance idk what version of swtor the guy that suggested that lives in but it certainly isn't the current one... 2 crit mods or enhancements should be the max you are going for...


Also the numbers you post aren't so bad tbh esp for a clicker...

Edited by AngusFTW
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Well, ty all for the answers, currently i improved my dps, always as clicker, at 3640, so i'm satisfied atm. One last question, i always had the doubt about a 120 crit rating, as i have now, or a full power version. Suggestions about that?
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I run 100% accuracy, 72% surge and 0 crit. Then I stacked power. I have strength Augs on my Sentinel and power on my Marauder don't really notice a difference.


Don't need crit bc that is what Zen is for. As for the survivability, Sentinel has the best def cool downs in the game for dps and let's not forget about the Defencive Roll. Should always have 2 points in it for HM and NiM.


Yeah I would stop clicking and buy a Nostromo type key pad.

Edited by Toweleeeie
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Ye don't aim for 30% crit chance idk what version of swtor the guy that suggested that lives in but it certainly isn't the current one... 2 crit mods or enhancements should be the max you are going for...


Also the numbers you post aren't so bad tbh esp for a clicker...


But... the benefits from crits outweigh the "cons"


Pros to 30% Crit (which is COMPLETELY ACHIVEABLE [i had it on my marauder and he only had 2 pieces of Oriconian gear, though that toon is dead now possibly to be revived and remade with 2.8])


+ Crits give you 1% Hp per crit on DoT's

+ Crits on Melee attacks give 1 Focus/Rage at a 100% chance

+ DoT's have 30% Surge in the Watchman tree, making them hit harder when they crit.


Supposed "cons" of Crit


- Crit has a high DR (Complete Myth)

- Crit is RNG (True, but so is Carnage Mara/Combat Sent and they deal good damage)

- Crit doesnt out benefit Power - For the most part, yes. but in this case, and the case of Madness Sin's Crit > Power even Evo has stated that 30% Force Crit is ideal for Madness Sin's come 2.8 in this quote


Thinking ~30% crit right now.


Will test when we actually have our stuff go live.


So, Crit being less benefitial than power is dependant on the spec, and not the myths out there surrounding Crit.

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A target of 30% critical chance is too high. First off, there are two different Critical Chances to be aware of Melee Critical Chance (mCrit), which applies to all of your attacks except DoTs and Force Critical Chance (fCrit), which applies to your DoTs. Ignoring Critical Rating altogether, you will gain Critical Chance from a variety of sources:


  • Strength
  • Skill Tree
  • Smuggler Buff
  • Companion Buff


From these sources alone, you should have ~20% mCrit and ~24% fCrit. Adding Critical Rating would obviously increase both of these values; however doing so comes at the expense of Power, which increases your Damage Bonus. The ideal amount of Critical Rating is very minimal potentially 0. Still, you won't see an appreciable drop in DPS with up to ~150 Critical Rating.


In order to achieve 30% mCrit you would need to stack 600 Critical Rating. In order to achieve 30% fCrit you would need to stack 300 Critical Rating. Your overall stat budget for Power & Critical Rating is ~1,500 and both 300 and 600 Critical Rating are too much and will reduce your expected damage potential.


While it's true that good things happen when attacks crit, this must be balanced. For example, unlike combat dummy parses you will generate resource via Defensive Forms in a boss fight. Since your goal should be to have just enough resource to complete each 6s rotation, there is such a thing as too much resource. Higher fCrit will certainly increase your sturdiness, but between your defensive CDs and ~24% fCrit you should already be pretty sturdy.


One thing to note, the DR on Critical Rating is actually not very punishing in the strictest sense. That is the amount gain from the first 100 points is not too dissimilar than the amount gained from the second 100 points. This issue is that the stat formula is pretty flat.

Edited by oofalong
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A target of 30% critical chance is too high. First off, there are two different Critical Chances to be aware of Melee Critical Chance (mCrit), which applies to all of your attacks except DoTs and Force Critical Chance (fCrit), which applies to your DoTs. Ignoring Critical Rating altogether, you will gain Critical Chance from a variety of sources:


  • Strength
  • Skill Tree
  • Smuggler Buff
  • Companion Buff


From these sources alone, you should have ~20% mCrit and ~24% fCrit. Adding Critical Rating would obviously increase both of these values; however doing so comes at the expense of Power, which increases your Damage Bonus. The ideal amount of Critical Rating is very minimal potentially 0. Still, you won't see an appreciable drop in DPS with up to ~150 Critical Rating.


In order to achieve 30% mCrit you would need to stack 600 Critical Rating. In order to achieve 30% fCrit you would need to stack 300 Critical Rating. Your overall stat budget for Power & Critical Rating is ~1,500 and both 300 and 600 Critical Rating are too much and will reduce your expected damage potential.


While it's true that good things happen when attacks crit, this must be balanced. For example, unlike combat dummy parses you will generate resource via Defensive Forms in a boss fight. Since your goal should be to have just enough resource to complete each 6s rotation, there is such a thing as too much resource. Higher fCrit will certainly increase your sturdiness, but between your defensive CDs and ~24% fCrit you should already be pretty sturdy.


One thing to note, the DR on Critical Rating is actually not very punishing in the strictest sense. That is the amount gain from the first 100 points is not too dissimilar than the amount gained from the second 100 points. This issue is that the stat formula is pretty flat.


Ok? I am ONLY talking about getting to 30% Force Crit, though 30% Melee Crit would be nice too, because DoT's already have a passive 18% crit from 6 Juyo stacks. which would give them 48% Crit with 6 Juyo stacks.

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But... the benefits from crits outweigh the "cons"


Pros to 30% Crit (which is COMPLETELY ACHIVEABLE [i had it on my marauder and he only had 2 pieces of Oriconian gear, though that toon is dead now possibly to be revived and remade with 2.8])


+ Crits give you 1% Hp per crit on DoT's

+ Crits on Melee attacks give 1 Focus/Rage at a 100% chance

+ DoT's have 30% Surge in the Watchman tree, making them hit harder when they crit.


Supposed "cons" of Crit


- Crit has a high DR (Complete Myth)

- Crit is RNG (True, but so is Carnage Mara/Combat Sent and they deal good damage)

- Crit doesnt out benefit Power - For the most part, yes. but in this case, and the case of Madness Sin's Crit > Power even Evo has stated that 30% Force Crit is ideal for Madness Sin's come 2.8 in this quote




So, Crit being less benefitial than power is dependant on the spec, and not the myths out there surrounding Crit.


So your argument is that sents should get the same crit as Madness Assassins, a spec where 2/3rds of their damage is high crit (+30% or more), and requires force hits for the melee crit boost? Wow.


Crit rating IS dependent on the spec, BUT:


Watchman only has high crit damage on burns + merciless. One might argue this is also >50% of its damage, but then again 6 burns every ~18 seconds are a guaranteed crit.

Watchman gets +4% force crit and a whopping +18% burns crit through talents. This means running 0 crit rating gives you over a 50% burn crit rate (all burns are force attacks last time I checked) after Zen

Watchman doesnt really need the crits from melee attacks on burns for resource management, especially come 2.8


I normally run high crit on my specs (e.g. >300 crit rating on my dread forged assault vanguard with no dread masters pieces, if he gets full dread masters its gonna be ~520 crit) and my sentinel is happily sitting at 151 crit rating (oriconian earpiece + crit crystal) and even thats a little high.

600 crit rating on a sent is suicide


If you are desperate for a 50% pre-zen crit rate on burns, go 36/7/3 and get 26% force crit rate (pre talents). Its probably the least hindering option, which is saying something

Edited by TACeMossie
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