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Mandalorian RP guild/clan?


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All I have to say is, Clan Adenn.


Undoubtedly one of the best Mando'ade Guilds in the game, they specialize in RP/PvP. They have RP battles with <THE JEDI ORDER> from time to time. You'd definitely love the people in there, everyone is easy-going and they're all real life Mandalorians.

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I just went through the whole application, posted that I understood their rules, and made a potentially problematic discovery.


None of their usernames are working.


Are they on this server?

Edited by ZydrateVials
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The issue with them is that their leaders all have special letters in their name, so what I did before I left the Guild to speak to someone is just type /who Adenn and the players would pop up. They're a pretty active Guild and it's rare to not see anyone online (Assuming it's not like 2 AM server time lol).


Anyways, if anything, what happened with me was that I waited for about a day or two. If it takes longer than that, just say 'hi' to Nope/Deshii (There's a special letter for both of their names) and try to explain in a non-rushy way that you applied and are wondering what's up.


They're a nice group of people and I hope you'll enjoy them.

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Actually I got rejected because I don't have a mic. It wasn't very nice at all. It was a "So you read the rules, but you are rejected for not wanting to follow one of them." Wasn't a case of "not wanting to", there are personal reasons.

So. Anything else?

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Actually I got rejected because I don't have a mic. It wasn't very nice at all. It was a "So you read the rules, but you are rejected for not wanting to follow one of them." Wasn't a case of "not wanting to", there are personal reasons.

So. Anything else?




biggest RP community on BC, but i must warn you its quantity over quality with these guys. some very cool people here (shout out to my boi Kyra) but the majority of them are derps.

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