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For a new sentinel, who plans to just shred things up with kira (or just use treek), which is the most beginner friendly spec for sentinel?


I leveled mine in Watchman, but that was back in the days of patch 1.2.


My guess would be Focus, because its AoE potential is untouched for PvE (leveling up and stuff) and the rotation is pretty easy to pick up (Slash till you can zen, leap or sweep, and collect tears of NPCs)

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Yeah TAC is right, a good "leveling build" would be focus heavy for the AoE damage.


Myself, i prefer to level as my intended end game spec. If thats what your after then you might want to research the trees. Again like TAC i leveled my sentinel in 1.2 as watchmen as if i recall combat was broken or slightly broken at the time.

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Also move the points from pulse (reduced cooldown on stasis) into Zephyrean Slash, as you want to be using Leap + Sweep as much as possible, and Zephyrean Slash ends up reducing the cooldown on Leap + Sweep significantly

Edited by TACeMossie
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The best leveling build until somewhere between levels 30-40 is to spec Watchman but use Shii-cho (Focus) Form. You get your Dots for damage, and doing things right you only use Zen + Zealous Strike + Leap for focus, and spam Slash a lot. This will be gone by 2.8 though (since OS won't work in anything other than Juyo Form).
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Ok, and would you suggest using kira, to just shred most mobs, or use treek/doc for more soloing?


leveling wise, either will work. that been said, I've never been able to solo a heroic with kira only with doc

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Ok, and would you suggest using kira, to just shred most mobs, or use treek/doc for more soloing?


Kira against everything you can kill quickly. Doc/treek for longer fights/soloing heroics.

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