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A new faction, end game options


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Read around the forums today and read about the new class thingys. But.. wouldn't it be cool to have in a new faction to the game? What i have in mind is working for the Hutts, be their minion. Expanding their fleet, territory and etc.


And for the end-game. I really wish that would be an option for level 55's (Both Reps and Imps), during or before the ending of the Oricon story, that you could join up with the Dread masters, that will create perhaps more story, ops, flashpoints, heroics and area 2+.


Or on Ilum, to join Malgus on his rebellion. Not sure what for reps can get, but it would make pve players play more. I know i would :)

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Unfortunately, the trend is going in the other direction. We aren't even getting separate content for the two factions we do have any more, so it hardly seems likely they are going to make another entire faction.


When was the last time the two factions got their own content? Makeb? The original game had a few flashpoints that were faction-specific. All the more recent Tactical Flashpoints are identical for both sides, apart from a few cosmetic differences. The older daily areas had different missions for each side. That too has gone by the wayside. Imp and Pub Czerka and Oricon are identical.


It's one-story-fits-all from now on, I fear.

Edited by PLynkes
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