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Planet below the fleets?


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As the title suggests.


We see our respective fleets orbiting planets with some moon/s (kind of foggy).


What planets are these? Do we know? Do we care?


I do care but just like you, I do not know honestly. From orbit, as far as Vaiken Spacedock is concerned, I always assumed both planets to be Korriban and Dromund Kaas.


However, the above should be pretty much impossible for a variety of reasons that are not even worth listing.


Concerning Carrick Station, I first thought of Coruscant and Utrost but yet again, it seems unlikely when you check the Galaxy map.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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i think they are coruscant and korriban, galaxy map lies


I feel like that can't be true, if only because of the Esseles/Black Talon Flashpoints. Why would it take a day to travel from the orbit of Coruscant/Dromund Kaas to the surface of Coruscant/Dromund Kaas? How could your ship be intercepted by an Imperial Dreadnaught (or intercept a Republic Cruiser) if you're just going from orbit to surface of a planet?

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I feel like that can't be true, if only because of the Esseles/Black Talon Flashpoints. Why would it take a day to travel from the orbit of Coruscant/Dromund Kaas to the surface of Coruscant/Dromund Kaas? How could your ship be intercepted by an Imperial Dreadnaught (or intercept a Republic Cruiser) if you're just going from orbit to surface of a planet?


This pretty much sums up why it CAN NOT be either korriban or couscant.


So. Unknown and unknown. Now the really interesting question: Why did some weird Sith/Politician place the Fleet's bases at these... uhm... significant positions?


- Material / Resources / Fuel?

- Hyperspace points where different routes/lanes intersect?

- Optimal points in space for navigation?

- Drugs?


I mea... there has to be a reason more important then "protecting the capital world".

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