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So.... when will bombers be balanced, exactly?


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All the problems for imps on TEH that were introduced by <Damage Overcharge> were initially introduced to pubs by <Eclipse Squadron>. Matches had degraded to is_present?("Eclipse Squadron") ? pub_victory() : imp_victory();


Matchmaking has been a major issue for a long time.



lol. I'm not sure what you're saying about <Damage Overcharge>, but I laughed anyway.

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All the problems for imps on TEH that were introduced by <Damage Overcharge> were initially introduced to pubs by <Eclipse Squadron>. Matches had degraded to is_present?("Eclipse Squadron") ? pub_victory() : imp_victory();


Matchmaking has been a major issue for a long time.



Not to throw my own guild under the bus, but Eclipse Squadron has never, on the whole, been a credible threat to any Republic premade (like Saberwing or whatever Large's group is), especially in Domination, where one or two pilots cannot carry a team.


And honestly, in TDM most Eclipse Squadron victories happen within the margin of my own K/D spread.


Sure, ES will win against Pub PUG's, but so will any premade.

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Well, there certainly was a period when all of a sudden (about or shortly after 10 PM Eastern) experienced pubs would just stop trying to queue because everybody knew Eclipse was about to come on and curbstomp everybody for the next 2 hours. I know this because I experienced it multiple evenings (both the sudden and complete disappearance of any pub vets, and the curbstomping). Earlier in the evening it would be exactly the other way around: experienced pubs curbstomping imp noobs, no sign of Ecilpse or really any other imp aces. So you'd get imps saying things like "why bother trying? pubs always win" and then later pubs'd be all "yep, time to log off".


Partly this is an inherent instability in 2-faction PVP; people gravitate towards the winning side by nature. You need a 3rd side to the triangle to be able to balance things out (one of the reasons DAOC actually worked).


My experience more recently has been that it has evened out a lot, but a good chunk of it is due to pub pilots queueing impside (several key Sabers are regularly on imp characters). Certainly a lot of the old regulars have disappeared, and it's a shame.


Rhodogast / Kelril, The Ebon Hawk

Edited by Rollory
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Well, there certainly was a period when all of a sudden (about or shortly after 10 PM Eastern) experienced pubs would just stop trying to queue because everybody knew Eclipse was about to come on and curbstomp everybody for the next 2 hours. I know this because I experienced it multiple evenings (both the sudden and complete disappearance of any pub vets, and the curbstomping). Earlier in the evening it would be exactly the other way around: experienced pubs curbstomping imp noobs, no sign of Ecilpse or really any other imp aces. So you'd get imps saying things like "why bother trying? pubs always win" and then later pubs'd be all "yep, time to log off".


Partly this is an inherent instability in 2-faction PVP; people gravitate towards the winning side by nature. You need a 3rd side to the triangle to be able to balance things out (one of the reasons DAOC actually worked).


My experience more recently has been that it has evened out a lot, but a good chunk of it is due to pub pilots queueing impside (several key Sabers are regularly on imp characters). Certainly a lot of the old regulars have disappeared, and it's a shame.


Rhodogast / Kelril, The Ebon Hawk


And I greatly appreciate you and other pubs coming over to the dark side on occasion.


Still, it would've been neat to see Eclipse + DO vs. Saberwing + Large & Co as a regular competition. I think that would've been nicely balanced.

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