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Best Mara PVP spec Help!!


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Well, for in terms of raw DPS, Carnage is best DPS, IF the stars align and nobody stuns you. if not, then your better off with Anni or Rage, but Rage got so nerfed that, it's not worth it. If you like beating your head up against a wall trying to beat things up, play Anni. IMO Mara is currently the second worst PvP class, with Commando being the crown worst PvP class.
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Well, for in terms of raw DPS, Carnage is best DPS, IF the stars align and nobody stuns you. if not, then your better off with Anni or Rage, but Rage got so nerfed that, it's not worth it. If you like beating your head up against a wall trying to beat things up, play Anni. IMO Mara is currently the second worst PvP class, with Commando being the crown worst PvP class.


Uh, DPS operative is the worst class for PVP, then marauder. Commando is very strong right now. Electronet a person on the opponent team, then grav round, then heatseeker, then full auto. If the target didn't use defensive CDs, the target is dead, and the only part of that rotation that relies on a channel is full auto (tech override is on a 45 second CD for gunnery spec).


As for the thread's original question, the only halfway playable spec for marauder for PVP right now is carnage. Annihilation spec is underpowered, very susceptable to kiting, and very squishy (carnage's 6% damage taken reduction isn't as strong as annihilation spec's self healing, but carnage spec won't get hit for as big of hits as annihilation spec will). Annihilation spec needs cloak of pain to be included in blood ward. Rage spec got nerfed so badly that it is unplayable.


Carnage spec is strong if the carnage marauder isn't stunned when gore is active. If gore is stunned, then carnage spec's DPS drops to being the worst in SWTOR (if you don't believe me, ask any PVE marauder how much of his damage comes from gore windows). A gore ravage scream then vicious throw rotation can do over 25000 damage, but gore is often stunned.


I've been playing a sorcerer recently, partially because of how much of a mess marauder is. Marauder has been nerfed way too many times (1.4,1.5,2.0,2.5,2.7). Annihilation spec is in need of multiple buffs (DPS and survivability). Bioware has admitted that annihilation spec is underperforming. Rage spec needs to be reworked to be a single target DPS spec.

Edited by TheCourier-
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funny, all this "rage got nerfed into oblivion" crap

its no longer smash smash smash smash with 0 brains, u need to work a lil bit and use some other abilities too


it got nerfed, but the damage on the main target is still as strong as before, and in my case even stronger

how many times did u get pushed back in the past just when u were smashing? or stunned? so u smashed thin air

now u can't use smash if ur not close to ur main target. no more smashing in thin air, no more smashes gone to waste

my damage in pvp is lower yes, offcourse with the insane nerf to the aoe damage, but i always end up in the top 3 damage dealers when i play a round with decent ppl

(or the rest on my server just sux :p)



that said, if the opposing team has no healer, and dps who are unaware of cleansing, then annihilation is beast mode, tried recently and i ended with 1800 dps over the fight :')

(opposing team had no healer though)


and in conclusion if u know how to play carnage, and ur really good at it, then play carnage

Edited by jersyiii
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I'll admit that my 55 marauder is a rather unloved child for pvp. While I really like the char and pve (if I ever can be arsed to do any) is great, pvp is plainly frustrating.


I still will top 400k dmg each round minimum and top the killing blows, but all the snare, root, stun, mez and interrupts drive me insane.


Yesterday I had a 1on1 vs. Assassin at a node, and I guess everyone will know how it went. Spike, spike, stun, slow, mez dead with enemy at 80%.


I'll much rather play my sorc or my healer op. A lot more relaxed to play.


Back to op, if you want to pvp on marauder go carnage. In pvp you need burst and there's only true burst now in carnage. Other than that you'll deliver utility to your team by carnage buffed predation which you can use more often by gaining fury through talented gains, my favourite being brooding.

Edited by neijas
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  • 2 weeks later...
I'll admit that my 55 marauder is a rather unloved child for pvp. While I really like the char and pve (if I ever can be arsed to do any) is great, pvp is plainly frustrating.


I still will top 400k dmg each round minimum and top the killing blows, but all the snare, root, stun, mez and interrupts drive me insane.


Yesterday I had a 1on1 vs. Assassin at a node, and I guess everyone will know how it went. Spike, spike, stun, slow, mez dead with enemy at 80%.


I'll much rather play my sorc or my healer op. A lot more relaxed to play.


Back to op, if you want to pvp on marauder go carnage. In pvp you need burst and there's only true burst now in carnage. Other than that you'll deliver utility to your team by carnage buffed predation which you can use more often by gaining fury through talented gains, my favourite being brooding.


...Just don't expect any medals for the predation :)

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Well, for in terms of raw DPS, Carnage is best DPS, IF the stars align and nobody stuns you. if not, then your better off with Anni or Rage, but Rage got so nerfed that, it's not worth it. If you like beating your head up against a wall trying to beat things up, play Anni. IMO Mara is currently the second worst PvP class, with Commando being the crown worst PvP class.


Mara is currently the second worst PvP So right.. only reason to fix us make camo longer and make it like operatives still too remove all dots

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Uh, DPS operative is the worst class for PVP, then marauder. Commando is very strong right now. Electronet a person on the opponent team, then grav round, then heatseeker, then full auto. If the target didn't use defensive CDs, the target is dead, and the only part of that rotation that relies on a channel is full auto (tech override is on a 45 second CD for gunnery spec).


As for the thread's original question, the only halfway playable spec for marauder for PVP right now is carnage. Annihilation spec is underpowered, very susceptable to kiting, and very squishy (carnage's 6% damage taken reduction isn't as strong as annihilation spec's self healing, but carnage spec won't get hit for as big of hits as annihilation spec will). Annihilation spec needs cloak of pain to be included in blood ward. Rage spec got nerfed so badly that it is unplayable.


Carnage spec is strong if the carnage marauder isn't stunned when gore is active. If gore is stunned, then carnage spec's DPS drops to being the worst in SWTOR (if you don't believe me, ask any PVE marauder how much of his damage comes from gore windows). A gore ravage scream then vicious throw rotation can do over 25000 damage, but gore is often stunned.


I've been playing a sorcerer recently, partially because of how much of a mess marauder is. Marauder has been nerfed way too many times (1.4,1.5,2.0,2.5,2.7). Annihilation spec is in need of multiple buffs (DPS and survivability). Bioware has admitted that annihilation spec is underperforming. Rage spec needs to be reworked to be a single target DPS spec.




i have a operative.. and i do dmg as leth for 700k to 1mil .... and kills people so easy :(

if u can't kill as LETH operative then u really need to do like level 10 pvp

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  • 2 weeks later...
In low level PVP (10-29), rage definitely outshines both of the other specs. I don't know why anyone is talking about carnage when it doesn't even get gore until level 30 at the earliest. Annihilation is (and probably always will be) bad at all levels of PVP.
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Annihilation is (and probably always will be) bad at all levels of PVP.


I disagree, yet agree at the same time. Anni is great for solo fights, but I've found its not too good with healers around, yet at least.


Annihilation is great for long winded fights, but it does lack burst. I have seen many Anni Maras do amazing total damage, but its all fluff damage. Even in 2.8, I think Carnage will still be the king for Mara PvP. Not only does it have the best burst of ANY class atm, (aside from Concealment Ops, maybe) it also has some very nice utility to aid your group.


The thing about Marauders that I'm learning is that you don't want to rush into a fight. Stay behind your group, let the enemy start attacking other teammates prior to engaging. Try to save your Force Charge to get back on target from a knockback. If you are Carnage, save your Berserk for a very nice Gore window of Ravage, Scream, Vicious Throw.


It's taken me a few weeks to get the knack of Carnage, but once I finally did (and I'm still learning more), its such a fun spec. If you watch for your targets DCDs, knockbacks, and stuns, you can wreak havoc on ANY class.


Also, be sure to manage your DCDs as well. Don't use Saber Ward until you are taking heavy damage. Use Cloak of Pain on CD. And with the nerf to Undying Rage, its an "Oh ****" button that helps get you to your healer and use the /healme emote. LOL

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