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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Strongholds are legacy wide...


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So the community has been asking for player housing since launch, no group more vocal on the subject then those who RP and now that it's finally here they will be completely useless to enhance the RP experience.


Hell if anything having a Stronghold will go *against* RP: "my Sith lord lives in the same house as my republic trooper and they have displayed trophies from achievements my scoundrel earned. Here you can see the one I got from freeing Revan on my JK, here's the one I got from killing him on my SW..."


Anyone else thinks this is kinda of a slap to the RP community? "Oh you guys want players housing? Sure, but we'll make sure it useless to you guys in particular huehuehuehue"


I was really looking forward to make customized living quarters to all of my characters, I was already planning to go do OPs and whatever else drops achievement trophies to furnish each's individual house, now? Well it's retroactive so no need to do anything ,a lot of people would have done extra OPs/FPs on alts to furnish their homes it would have really helped with queue and what not.

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So the community has been asking for player housing since launch, no group more vocal on the subject then those who RP and now that it's finally here they will be completely useless to enhance the RP experience.


Hell if anything having a Stronghold will go *against* RP: "my Sith lord lives in the same house as my republic trooper and they have displayed trophies from achievements my scoundrel earned. Here you can see the one I got from freeing Revan on my JK, here's the one I got from killing him on my SW..."


Anyone else thinks this is kinda of a slap to the RP community? "Oh you guys want players housing? Sure, but we'll make sure it useless to you guys in particular huehuehuehue"


I was really looking forward to make customized living quarters to all of my characters, I was already planning to go do OPs and whatever else drops achievement trophies to furnish each's individual house, now? Well it's retroactive so no need to do anything ,a lot of people would have done extra OPs/FPs on alts to furnish their homes it would have really helped with queue and what not.


I think you're looking at it in a bad light.


One thing, those trophies are not 'required' to be displayed. They're optional. So, you can tailor your Stronghold to your particular character.


Secondly, there are 'three' Strongholds that we can get now. For me, at least, that gives me a place to put three of my main chars and tailor them differently to fit each char's demeanor and personality.


Granted, I wish, like you, that we got a Stronghold for each character, but if it's not possible, then I'll survive. Though, I do hope that there's an option to purchase additional Strongholds for different characters.

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I don't see the problem since you can have more than one Stronghold. From what has been described, you can customize it including who you will see in the Stronghold in terms of companions etc. So... how is this a slap in the face? You get the first one for free, then pony up and buy another.
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I don't see the problem since you can have more than one Stronghold. From what has been described, you can customize it including who you will see in the Stronghold in terms of companions etc. So... how is this a slap in the face? You get the first one for free, then pony up and buy another.


I can see where he's coming from, even if I'm not seeing it as a slap in the face.


I have 4 mains, one of each main class from the Imp side. My Sith Warrior is going to sleep on his ship until a 4th Stronghold planet is released, and that's assuming that it feels 'right' to have him living on that 4th planet.


I'm lucky enough that my Agent 'would' live on Nar Shadda, my Sorcerer 'would' live on DK, and my Merc 'would' live on Tattooine.


The idea solution would be to give the players an option to buy a 'second' Stronghold on the same planet, but have it limited to a single character. But, I have no idea how hard it would be to manage that.

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Personally, my Sith Lord (who is the head of the Legacy) is holding out for a complex on Corellia. Sure, he has the main estate on Dromund Kaas for work, and the palace he got on Nar Shadaa for the wilder kids. He has been abusing his diplomatic privilege for years to sneak into his brother's house on Coruscant and mess with his accounts (sometimes even leaving children there due to Imperial law and their weird tendencies).


So really, what I'm getting at is that I'm sorry you can't figure out an RP reason for Sith and Jedi to be in the same house ever. If you'd like me to scan your family tree and character list, I'd be happy to help you come up with some reasons.

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I can see where he's coming from, even if I'm not seeing it as a slap in the face.


I have 4 mains, one of each main class from the Imp side. My Sith Warrior is going to sleep on his ship until a 4th Stronghold planet is released, and that's assuming that it feels 'right' to have him living on that 4th planet.


I'm lucky enough that my Agent 'would' live on Nar Shadda, my Sorcerer 'would' live on DK, and my Merc 'would' live on Tattooine.


The idea solution would be to give the players an option to buy a 'second' Stronghold on the same planet, but have it limited to a single character. But, I have no idea how hard it would be to manage that.


Pretty much this ^


I have 8 characters, 4 on each faction to see all the stories and enjoy all the playstyles (I have all the advanced classes or their mirrors).


That's 5 "homeless" characters, it bothers me because the *one* big RP expansion in SWTOR is not actually compatible with RP...

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So really, what I'm getting at is that I'm sorry you can't figure out an RP reason for Sith and Jedi to be in the same house ever.

It would make a great sitcom. Too bad Norman Fell has passed away, we'll need to get someone else to play the part of the annoyed landlord.

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I... honestly don't get the problem. Nobody forces you to say "yes, my trooper lives here with my sith" in an RP Situation. Nobody will ever see both of these characters inside the house at the same time, so... whats the problem exactly?


The displayed trophies? Those are OOC in most cases anyway, if you're not particularily fond of playing a mass murderer who tends to go on rampages that kill the population of a small city whenever he visits a new planet (you need to get them kill-achievements, after all). If you display trophies, just tell people they are art-pieces in Character.


Again, I don't see the problem.


So really, what I'm getting at is that I'm sorry you can't figure out an RP reason for Sith and Jedi to be in the same house ever. If you'd like me to scan your family tree and character list, I'd be happy to help you come up with some reasons.
You don't need to come up with an RP reason for that. The family tree is absolutely useless in RP anyway. Edited by Wylf
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Pretty much this ^


I have 8 characters, 4 on each faction to see all the stories and enjoy all the playstyles (I have all the advanced classes or their mirrors).


That's 5 "homeless" characters, it bothers me because the *one* big RP expansion in SWTOR is not actually compatible with RP...


Sorry that you're not really that creative. Some people use their legacies like a family on the same faction and families DO on occasion occupy the same space. I'm a HUGE RPer and have more characters than I care to admit, but some of my characters by their own personalities don't see the need to have a home beyond their ships (my Smuggler and my Bounty Hunter for instance), my Agent spends most of her time at the office and her ship is also more used as a sleeping area than her actual apartment, that leaves 4 houses for my big players, and if I wanted more I'd just pony up some CCs.


If you don't want to be a creative storyteller and roleplayer, that's your problem, don't call this a "non-RP" DLC when it is, you're just not using your brains.

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snipped for brevity


Where did you get that they will be legacy wide (meaning the same stronghold accessible by both factions in your legacy)? I may be reading this different but according to



The only legacy wide part is the storage. You get a faction specific stronghold on your home planet (s) plus a stronghold on Nar Shaddaa. And despite the fact that Nar Shaddaa can be visited by both factions, I don't see anywhere a mention that if you have characters in both factions that they will be sharing a single stronghold here.

Edited by LeJarC
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Where did you get that they will be legacy wide (meaning same strong hold accessible by both factions in your legacy)? I may be reading this different but according to



The only legacy wide part is the storage. You get a faction specific stronghold on your home planet (s) plus a stronghold on Nar Shaddaa. And despite the fact that Nar Shaddaa can be visited by both factions, I don't see anywhere a mention that if you have characters in both factions that they will be sharing a single stronghold here.



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noted with thanks. But then later on the thread Eric writes this


and this



which seem to indicate that faction separation is being looked at and the option for multiple strongholds would remove the need to timeshare. Well, time will tell how it pans out.

Edited by LeJarC
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noted with thanks. But then later on the thread Eric writes this


and this



which seem to indicate that faction separation is being looked at and the option for multiple strongholds would remove the need to timeshare. Well, time will tell how it pans out.


No, there's nothing ambiguous here. They are legacy-wide. The previous Strongholds page strongly implied that but it is confirmed now. The updated Strongholds page says "Choose a prestigious apartment in the heart of your faction’s capital world, or live in style among the high-rollers of Nar Shaddaa. Prefer a more remote location? Set up on the desert sands of Tatooine. Or have all four – your Legacy can own multiple Strongholds!" Then you have Eric's post in the Announcement thread:

Well then I have good news! Strongholds are Legacy wide, not character specific :rak_01:



I have no idea how anyone could think it's unclear whether Strongholds are legacy-wide after that. The comment you referenced relates to specifically the issue of DK and Coruscant.....i.e., what about Republic characters in your legacy accessing the DK stronghold or Imperial characters in your legacy accessing the Coruscant stronghold. Those particular Strongholds may be faction-specific within your legacy.....but it's been made crystal clear that Strongholds are legacy-wide.

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I think you're looking at it in a bad light.


One thing, those trophies are not 'required' to be displayed. They're optional. So, you can tailor your Stronghold to your particular character.


Secondly, there are 'three' Strongholds that we can get now. For me, at least, that gives me a place to put three of my main chars and tailor them differently to fit each char's demeanor and personality.


Granted, I wish, like you, that we got a Stronghold for each character, but if it's not possible, then I'll survive. Though, I do hope that there's an option to purchase additional Strongholds for different characters.


Agreed....and, actually, there are now 4 strongholds as they announced Tatooine today as one too. Those can be treated as 4 separate player houses....or for someone creative (aren't RP'ers supposed to be creative) then multiple characters (but not necessarily all) can share certain strongholds. They do have quite a few rooms if the NS one is coming with 5 rooms unlocked for subs. For those of us that have a LOT of characters, this is plenty. I don't need 4 houses for each of my 22 characters. 88 houses to design and maintain would be ludicrous, lol.

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I can see your point, but there are ways you can work around it. So far they have spoken about 4 planets with strongholds, so that is 4 houses you can buy for your characters and I'm sure more planets will be added before launch.
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I can see your point, but there are ways you can work around it. So far they have spoken about 4 planets with strongholds, so that is 4 houses you can buy for your characters and I'm sure more planets will be added before launch.


Make it three, since they haven't exactly confirmed that Republic players will be able to go to Dromund Kaas and Imperial players to Coruscant.


Ohhhhh wait...


The Jedi Knight does go to Dromund Kaas.


Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Sorry that you're not really that creative. Some people use their legacies like a family on the same faction and families DO on occasion occupy the same space.


My Light V Pureblood Sith Sorc healer has a sister who is a Pureblood Sith Light-side Jedi Guardian. Both sisters are working from within their respective organizations to free the Galaxy from the corruption and oppression of the Republic, the chaos and tyranny of the Empire, and the bloodshed and genocide each faction is responsible for.


All on the down-low of course. ;)

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My Light V Pureblood Sith Sorc healer has a sister who is a Pureblood Sith Light-side Jedi Guardian. Both sisters are working from within their respective organizations to free the Galaxy from the corruption and oppression of the Republic, the chaos and tyranny of the Empire, and the bloodshed and genocide each faction is responsible for.


All on the down-low of course. ;)


Then they would just be routing out corruption within the Republic, destroying the Empire from within, and letting democracy resume and take its course unfettered by corruption. So basically a pair of Jedi doing what Jedi do lol

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