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Sentinel being looking at?


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I have been a sentinel for a good while now. I believe we need some Dev attention. It just seems we have revived a lot of nerfs and that has left us not where we need to be. Watchmen takes too long to build up. Combat is way to random on burst. I know a lot of people say combat is in a good place and like the way it is calling it skill to play. Maybe i just don't get it. We have a 15% chance of making opportune attack proc under blade rush and a 6% chance without it. And

every blade rush give us a 3 extra proc per minute if used every 6 secs. A lot of combats burst relies on all those moving parts. Ideally it has a 45%(15% under blade rush proc and 30% from blade rush it self for 45%) or so chance to proc but it doesn't always proc like that. Why doesn't blade rush give us a 2 stack buff to proc it ?


And why does merciless slash cost 5 focus and require us to maintain a buff to lower it CD? Either lower the cost of the attack or lower the cd and remove the stacking buff? it only make target switching too taxing on dps. Juyo form takes 9 sec to fully activate that is way too long and only last 24 sec ? Why cant you make it faster to activate or extend the duration to help with target switching ? again this makes target switching very taxing on dps.


I completely understand i will be flamed for wanting Opportune Attack to have a more predictable proc but is all that moving parts really necessary for 1 buff. Almost all the class has had ring removed from there specs and the dps and burst has gone up and people are asking to keep ours on level of them pre nerf. Do you understand when they fix shadow/assassins procs to increase there dps which i believe is coming the gap between us and other controlled burst specs will just widen.

Edited by Othed
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I don't know, maybe I'm crazy, but personally I like Combat the way it is now. If something doesn't proc right, you have to adapt to keep your dps up. I don't feel OA should go to a stack based thing, but I wouldn't mind a much higher proc chance (50 to 60% up from 15 to 30%). I just don't like the whole "Making everything a stack based buff" idea. It makes things too simple imo.
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I also think that combat is in good shape, one of the rewarding parts on playing combat is because it's a difficult spec to master. If I were to do any changes it would be to the OA proc, probably something like "using blade rush grants you one stack of OA at 2 stack it makes your next BS an instant crit". Also a small buff wouldn't be bad :p:D


If they where to do a change to HOJ then I would make it so that it cannot proc while PS is off CD. This would keep from happening that is proc's before the first PS window during the initial pull and substantially reduce the chance of happening right before PS comes off it's natural CD..

Edited by g_mK
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I don't know, maybe I'm crazy, but personally I like Combat the way it is now. If something doesn't proc right, you have to adapt to keep your dps up. I don't feel OA should go to a stack based thing, but I wouldn't mind a much higher proc chance (50 to 60% up from 15 to 30%). I just don't like the whole "Making everything a stack based buff" idea. It makes things too simple imo.


Agreed. Combat is fine as it is.

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Agreed. Combat is fine as it is.


I also agree that combat is fine as is, and the incoming changes for Watchman in 2.8 should help a bit. I'm not sure if it will be quite enough for PvP, but it should help.

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