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EU Server Vanjervalis Chain Fleet Terminals all broken


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Hi all,


please fix the Fleet Terminals (Prior Terminals) at each Class Hanger.

After a server reboot they all work fine, but after a few days one after another dont work.

At moment non of them are working for over a week.

Seems thats this is a special Bug on the Server Vanjervalis Chain, on other Server it looks like working fine and there not broken.

This is a problem we have now for month on the VC Server and after BW make only every 3 weeks a server reboot it is very strange that these Prior Terminals are all not working for weeks.


Kind regards,


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I can confirm this. All fast travel terminals which are standing close to the individual ship hangars (the class ships) are broken - I can confiorm this for the Republic Fleet Station.


In ine case I managed to get around this by just choosing a different fast travel terminal, but that hardly ever works now.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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