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Just rolled a new server, how about you?


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SithAce here,


Just curious since I made a new toon for GSF on a new server, have any of you done the same?


Format something like this:


Left server:_________

Went to server:_________

Why I left server:__________


Left Jedi Covenant.

Went to Harbinger.

Why I left was for more Que pops. But like I assume everyone else it is not permanent. Also toon name luckily did not change.

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I think at this point I have Ramalina and Rama-imp alts on all of the US servers as GSF alts, or potential GSF alts.


Still, the GSF community is very disorganized and we've not really managed to concentrate players on a particular server, even for special events. As a result for all of those alts I think I have two games on Ebon Hawk and one on Bastion.


Queue was popping nicely at home (Jung Ma) last night both for solo and group queues, and we've gotten to 3 GSF regulars in guild now. Sort of reduces the incentive for GSF server migration. Especially when people keep flying into my Clarion's un-upgraded proton torpedoes.;)

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I think at this point I have Ramalina and Rama-imp alts on all of the US servers as GSF alts, or potential GSF alts.


Still, the GSF community is very disorganized and we've not really managed to concentrate players on a particular server, even for special events. As a result for all of those alts I think I have two games on Ebon Hawk and one on Bastion.


Queue was popping nicely at home (Jung Ma) last night both for solo and group queues, and we've gotten to 3 GSF regulars in guild now. Sort of reduces the incentive for GSF server migration. Especially when people keep flying into my Clarion's un-upgraded proton torpedoes.;)


Would love to coordinate a JM day with you!


I too play on multiple servers, with level 10's on 4 east coast servers. I used to be die hard JM, but found that Fridays during the day, it's very difficult to get a pop on JM during that time, so I went with Pylan, Bosozoku, and Tomeeteje to Pot5 (I had already made a toon on JC). We got to level 10 there but haven't been server hopping as much. Typically, I'm now on TEH the most, but I'll still try and get my dailies done for JM. For me and Swansea, it's all about que pops. If it isn't popping, it isn't worth wasting time on the server hoping for a que that never comes

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I have some fairly strong incentives against server hopping. Partly a matter of missing my mastered ships (I took my starguard out last night for the first time in about a month, and mastered heavy lasers were soooo nice), but the other issue is that I'm usually on at the same time as guild members and I don't really like missing out on guild activies which are sometimes spontaneous/unscheduled. Hanging out in TS partially solves that, but things are put together through guild chat often enough that I still feel sort of unplugged if I'm in GSF on another server.


So my GSF server hopping is limited to when no guildies are on and the JM queue is terribly slow.


When I do server hop I've targeted TEH and Bastion on the basis of destinations of other JM GSF refugees and knowing about decent sized populations of good pilots on those servers from forum discussions.


As far as coordination, what would be really great is if we could get sort of a recruitment day(s) going where we'd have more experienced pilots on each side grouping with new GSF players and getting them onto VOIP so you'd have mentored groups flying on both factions. There's the /gsf channel but it seems pretty dead most of the time when I'm on which is usually after 9-10 pm eastern. There's good GSF community, but I often feel like we're unknown to people floundering around and getting destroyed in pugs or spending forever waiting for a solo queue to pop. If we could have somewhat well publicized (to the general server population) newb friendly GSF events that could do nice things for GSF populations ( or at least I choose to have the delusion that it could).


Tricky part is getting a reasonably high population time where people aren't too busy doing other stuff. I guess sufficient advanced notice would be the way to deal with that. Double xp weekends also might be a decent time to try it.

Edited by Ramalina
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Just got done leveling on Harbinger. Its kind of fun flying a non-mastered ship again lol. Reminds me how to fly and not just point and shoot hehe.


Thanks for all the replies all!


Maybe this thread can evolve into just telling our stories about how we are doing on different servers. That would be cool too cus if you are as sick of the bickering as I am then a thread that has none would be refreshing! IMO ;)

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SithAce here,


Left Jedi Covenant.

Went to Harbinger.

Why I left was for more Que pops. But like I assume everyone else it is not permanent. Also toon name luckily did not change.


Hey man you should mention you do not play at Jedi Covenant at server prime time, and que much later at night.


Just so everyone understands his move puts him a bunch of time zones later in the day. Jedi Covenant is a very healthy server, But obviously Harbingers Prime time is going to be healthier then JCs late night.


Best of luck to you man.

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Hey man you should mention you do not play at Jedi Covenant at server prime time, and que much later at night.


Just so everyone understands his move puts him a bunch of time zones later in the day. Jedi Covenant is a very healthy server, But obviously Harbingers Prime time is going to be healthier then JCs late night.


Best of luck to you man.


Ohh I haven't left, just have a toon on Harbinger.


And you're right about when I get to play too. I play late at night to early morning cus I work nightshift. During primetime I am at work.


Just this morning I had my best match yet on my pub main, 22 kills-9 assists-117K damage-0 deaths on the good ol' JC!:D

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