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The Black Hearts are now Recruiting **New Guild**


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Hello, for some time now i have been asking around about guilds. Looking into other groups and their interests and generally speaking, trying to avoid the extreme ends of immaturity. Alas I have decided to create an Empire Guild. I named it "The Black Hearts" which is in no way racial so please keep those comments to PMs. Below are some of the goals of the guild.


Guild Goals:

Help Players Level to End Game

PvE groups to gear members




So really, other than being mature (any age can be mature) and helping one another are the only requirements. I have ZERO interest in getting 500 members and will fund guild bank and flagships independently, not hounding people for contributions. Donations are welcome but nothing is mandatory. Lastly, I plan to promote from within until there is a healthy number of officers, and hold weekly votes via MOTD and mail to get everyones opinions and votes on promotions, changes to the guild, social gatherings and the like. I don't want to single handily manipulate as i see fit, because i want everyone involved.


If this sounds like a place you could call home please message me in game, my name is Rookin. You are welcome to post here as well. Thanks for your time!



Edited by DarthRook
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Nice reference! The wife is nuts about them. I was going to name the guild Dark Hearts but that was taken.


The guild now has a guild bank which I funded my self as none of my members have any cash (level 10-20's). Still looking for members if anyones interested.

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Mind If I join, I am a fairly new player but I currently have a level 11 or 12 Sith Inquisator and I am currently online almost all the time the name on it is Vilirinia, I would love to hang out and help you guys out as much as I could
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