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How to Improve GSF Participation and Experience


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Chris Schmidt just posted in regards to spawn clusters for the overcharge abilities. Hopefully he'll take a look at this thread too. I'd love an X-wing mount, or a cool Space-jockey-style VIP area on the fleet.... No, I'd definitely want the mount more. Better yet, TWO MOUNTS! Yes, that is the answer :rolleyes: Let's get the first one out first though :p
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I never said they dont make a BIG difference they do. I said they are not a bar to success (which is true) ill post the screens to prove it, and if you really want ill get everyone I know to post theirs so you can be proved wrong that people "can't" be successful with unmodded ships.


If you read everything I wrote, it doesn't say you can't be successful. However, it's almost impossible if your entire group is in mostly unmodded ships. If there are 1 or 2 guys in unmodded ships in a group of mostly heavily modded ships, they can be very successful. If they are in a group where 6 or 7 people are in unmodded ships against a group that is mostly heavily modded, they're screwed. It's that simple. When they designed the upgrades they made each tier way too effective for the matchmaking possibilities in the game. There aren't enough people playing to matchmake well. I don't see that changing on my server and I'm not going to switch servers for GSF. It's not worth it for a mini game. Having one server where everything works isn't a sign of health or good design. The design needs to be fixed and then they can try to improve the health of it.

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Wow, way to necro and derail my thread. Obviously cross server would help many aspects of the game however, as Bioware has said, it ain't gonna happen. Here is a simple explanation why: it will cost money. Possibly a lot of money. The return it would provide would be negligible because its not going to draw in any new players, and at this point its not likely that it will keep the current player base either (especially if they have to devote several patch cycles to just that). So for Bioware implementing cross server is a net loss for sure in the short term and possibly in the long term as well.


My suggestion will work however because its just 2 simple token quests only slightly different from the warzone dailies. It would encourage social participation and mentoring which will certainly help improve participation in GSF.


So please no more discussion about cross server here. If you guys like/dislike my idea feel free to comment. If you don't care let it die again. Enough with the wishful thinking about cross server. It's not on the table as an option right now.

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Wow, way to necro and derail my thread. Obviously cross server would help many aspects of the game however, as Bioware has said, it ain't gonna happen. Here is a simple explanation why: it will cost money. Possibly a lot of money. The return it would provide would be negligible because its not going to draw in any new players, and at this point its not likely that it will keep the current player base either (especially if they have to devote several patch cycles to just that). So for Bioware implementing cross server is a net loss for sure in the short term and possibly in the long term as well.


My suggestion will work however because its just 2 simple token quests only slightly different from the warzone dailies. It would encourage social participation and mentoring which will certainly help improve participation in GSF.


So please no more discussion about cross server here. If you guys like/dislike my idea feel free to comment. If you don't care let it die again. Enough with the wishful thinking about cross server. It's not on the table as an option right now.


To be fair, with the number one complaint being matchmaking, it'd make sense that x-server would increase the amount of $$ BW makes because it would increase the size of the player base (knowing you won't get ROFLSTOMPED will encourage newer players to give it more of a go), thus creating the desire to master their ships which they could spend to convert ship to fleet req. Remember when Microsoft said they were adding the restrictions to the Xbox One.... And how did that turn out? When it comes to a thread about how to improve GSF participation and experience, the underlying cause needs to be addressed furiously (not in an angry way, but the same way that a piano player furiously strikes his keys during a performance) and often. *Channeling Sheldon Cooper* If we don't tell them they're wrong, how will they know? :rolleyes:


I do like the idea of adding more GSF quests though, as well as in game incentives... We also don't know of any tie ins with the future "conquest" stuff that's planned, which also could add some fuel to participation.

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