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Elite Analysis: Imperial Intelligence


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Well before my sub is over(which I figured it'll be soon) I figure I would churn out a good Analysis thread. So here we are, gonna be diving into the Galactic Empire's Imperial Intelligence Network!



"It would really be simplest if you tell me what I want to know. Otherwise I must hand you over to Imperial Intelligence. Not a pleasant bunch. They… do things… to people."


―An anonymous Imperial Navy Intelligence interrogator




Imperial Intelligence is one of the few New Order's organizations which has remained largely unchanged since the days of the Old Republic. There were 4 organizations which gathered and analyzed intelligence for the Senate and other agencies, the Republican security organization, the Senate bureau of Intelligence, the Interstellar Consortium and the Special Accquisition's Branch of the library of the Republic.


As the Old Republic fell, the 4 organizations were merged into one, information being shared and compared among the branches to decrease the odds of contaminated information. Once Palpatine was in power the Ubiqtorate was formed which became the governing body of all the organizations, they could operate with the Emperor's blessing and the pretense of 4 different organizations was discarded. Imperial Intelligence was born.


The Ubiqutorate


The members of the Ubiqutorate are anonymous, they oversaw all aspects of Imperial Intelligence, they are unknown to their subordinates, a member is likely to be acquainted with perhaps 1/3 of the other members and to have personal contact with only a handful. When communicating with the rest of Imperial Intelligence, the members of the Ubiqutorate identify the originator "Ubiqutorate" never an individual. Created through compromise the Ubiqutorate has become an organization of thoroughness and effectiveness, it continues to improve.


Internal Organization Bureau(IntOrg)


Called "IntOrg" by those within Imperial Intelligence, this branch oversees the security from outside threats and those which might be generated within. As IntOrg must deal with the rest of Intelligence, its agents have cultivated a high civil manner and strong sense of political etiquette and then combined those with complete ruthlessness when the stakes are high and the threat is real. IntOrg is committed to the security of Intelligence, but rarely abuse their authority or conduct political witch-hunts, as a result they enjoy a good reputation.


Sub: Internal Security Branch(IntSec)


This branch is responsible for the physical security of personal, material and facilities of Imperial Intelligence. IntSec have upgraded its personal and procedures in response to bolder attack forces by the Rebellion. Their abilities have improved faster than their image, IntSec officers obviously are the only personal who are allowed to carry weapons within Intelligence facilities. They have a great many plainclothes agents who operate outside the facilities, trying to spot and stop potential trouble before it is realized.


Sub: Internal Counter-Intelligence Breau(IntCon)


IntCon looks for enemy agents or spy rings which may be implemented in Imperial Intelligence by the Rebellion or other forces inimical to the New Order. Through Sector Plexus, they have an extraordinary freedom to access any data they may consider useful. IntCon deals with all levels of Imperial Intelligence, but recently begun devoting greater resources to personnel at the bureau level. Information inside IntOrg is heavily secured against outside parties, but there is literally no information security from other members of IntOrg, this openess is out IntOrg monitors itself, every decision, action or piece of data is available to any other IntOrg member. This lack of secrecy makes it almost impossible for an enemy spy to operate within IntOrg.




When they join Infiltration they are told the legend of Uueg Tching, the ancient emperor's success against the people and nations of the newly discovered continents on his world was spectacular. After indoctrination, Infiltration agents are often reassigned to Intelligence, assigned as assistants to a few sector branches and then assigned to Sedition(Intelligence Bureau) the agents learn a vast amount during this period. Many agents have to be released due to overdose of mnemiotic drugs given to agents to enhance their learning, those who survive with their minds intact know a great deal.


Agents are then tested to see if they are to become moles, double agents or "polwocz". Double agents are active operatives, taking part in enemy actions against the Empire. Their job is to give Imperial Intelligence good enough information to do great damage.


A mole is inserted behind the lines to transfer important information about enemy activities when the opportunity arrives.


A polwocz is a type of creature located in the Spin ward sector, their spawn laying underground, undetected for years even decades. Once hatched the larvae initiate a feeding frenzy which is reputed to destroy entire cities. A polwocz therefore is an agent to be used only once, at a critical moment when his use can devastate the enemy.



Conclusion: I'm stopping here, waaay too much information the Imperial Intelligence to go through. I may do a part 2 later, but as you can see the Galactic Empire has a pretty awesome Intelligence agency.




IntSec Officer.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Just saw this, very nice. I wonder though, who is better: Imperial Intelligence or Sith Intelligence? I say this because the Intelligence arm of the Sith Empire seemed to have a lot more impact on galactic events and the war, and they also possessed a lot of powerful, military orientated individuals as opposed to just spies and what not.
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Just saw this, very nice. I wonder though, who is better: Imperial Intelligence or Sith Intelligence? I say this because the Intelligence arm of the Sith Empire seemed to have a lot more impact on galactic events and the war, and they also possessed a lot of powerful, military orientated individuals as opposed to just spies and what not.


That's because Imperial Intelligence is geared towards espionage and intelligence gathering. Imperial Intel does have an assassination branch though, but i'll get into that later and post what I find.

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That's because Imperial Intelligence is geared towards espionage and intelligence gathering. Imperial Intel does have an assassination branch though, but i'll get into that later and post what I find.
Hmm, that's what I suspected. I look forward to finding out more. :p
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