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I want to understand Synthweaving better


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i've been looking at some threads to find my answer, but haven't seen a straigh answer. I currently have synthweaving, diplomacy, and scavenging for my Jedi Guardian lvl 29. So far, synthweaving is pointless. All I keep crafting is cruddy low items that hold no value or anything. I buy schematics and they're still not as good for some reason. I'm thinking of just switching to slicing so that I can make some creds to buy better armor and such, but i really want to start crafting and make cool items. Any tips on how to get better items? is there something i'm doing wrong?
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Well with Synthweaving you should have taken Archeology and Underworld trading so that you can get your OWN mats instead of buying all of the mats.


Slicing is good as well, but Im having fun crafting my own things, and making Orange items for people.


Agreed. 100%.

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But where do I get better schematics? The vendors don't usually have good ones.

You need to make the low level stuff and then reverse engineer it into blue/purples. There's a chart somewhere, but each green seems to have three blue options that you can get via REing (with different stat distribution), and then each blue has five purple options (with different additional stat). Underworld Trading missions also have a chance to drop orange schematics.


What I'm curious about is reverse engineering into orange... if I find a nice looking piece of armor and I get the schematic for it in green/blue form, can I turn that into an orange schematic? Or are orange schematics purely drops? So far people in general have thought that reverse engineering into orange isn't possible...

Edited by shadowflit
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what are mats? I assume that they are schematics that I get from udnerworld trading?


Mats are materials, the bits you use to make things. If you want to get better schematics, the easiest way is to Reverse Engineer the things you make. Make some green items, RE them and hope for a blue schematic. Make that blue item, RE it, and hope for a purple schematic.

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