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Petition: More naming slots for GM's in guild ranks


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If I recall you have 9 ranks (not including GM) to create and play around with at your leisure. Now for a RP guild who only sticks to 1 class/area for RP its not so bad, but being in a guild where you're a mix and utilise all classes/roles in RP a bit more challenging, as it stands atm we use our site to list the actual names and descriptions of ranks etc etc, and in game we are ytrying a new rank and just have "tier 1-5 then officers and class officers" which has started to ruffle feathers of some guildies wanting an actual rank name (in my opinion a rank means nothing, it doesn't affect how you play), plus this way it gets guildies to make use of the site since they don't and always whine when they miss events event though its spoken about times before in gchat and listed on the MOTD, anyways I'm going of course...


I wouldn't mind at least another 5-10 ranks added to the guild listing, giving us a total of 15-19 (20 including renamed GM), I know since day 1 guilds have been requesting BW up the rank slots and from what looking around I've done BW have never given a reason not to add more ranks or even given it any thought.

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I reply on this thread because i'm on my way to build a republic-empire side coalition on the Mantle of the Force server, and i really want to play with fun/sophisticated ranks name.


But my wonder is why 10 ? If it's a matter of data storage limitation, it would be a powered byte value, like 8, 16, 32, 64... 'cause of limitation of 1,2,3 or 4 byte for example. But 10 is.. weird.

It is quite possible on whatever database to assign a byte value to a field, and take so, sooo low place in data storage, which allow a 256's possible value, which make that 10 ranks name value.. laughable.


I hope my reply will make the difference in this matter, because it's a real problem that other games don't have.


ps: i'm sorry if my English sounds bad, i'm a french person.

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