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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Help Stop Accidental Purchases!


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All they need to do is add a confim button. This way you go to purchase the item and a box appears asking if you are sure you want to purchase this item. If you accept the item you are stuck with it.


This would also help assist their customer service department because they would no longer have to deal with people buying the wrong item by mistake which will give them time to help people with more pressing concerns.


It is like this in many other games, once you buy something you are stuck with it. But give us a chance to confirm the purchase in some way.

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I am finding the whole left / right click when buy items / preview / splinting / buy stacks to be very annoying, inconsistent and I would consider it buggy.


Why is it to split and stack it is shift + right click + drag it also links the item to my chat. That is stupid and a bug imo. The same action should be trying to do multiple things. It shoud be the 1 combination to achieve 1 thing.




- Left click select an item

- Right click buy 1 item

- Shift + left click links an item to a chat channel

- Shift + right Click buys multiple stacks of item (or split if working from inventory). If items are not stackable it does nothing.

- Crlt + left click previews an item

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You know what would stop 'accidental' purchases? Not right clicking an option when in a vendor window. OH MY GOD, I'M AWESOME. Seriously people, do you guys need help using the toilet too? (if you actually do because you're hindered in some way, I apologise) Why the heck should Bioware have to look at vendor windows because apparently ten or so pages of dummies can't be bothered to not right click when they want to preview something? How hard is remembering to hit Ctrl+Left Click guys? If you're doing this multiple times, no amount of coddling by Bioware is going to help you. First it's the windows, then operation mechanics and whatever else you want handed to you. Open your eyes, don't *spam* the buttons (why would you even do that) and DON'T RIGHT CLICK WHEN YOU'RE IN THE VENDOR WINDOW. Problem solved, and Bioware and fix REAL problems in the game, not players' willful ignorance.


Wow sure is great to have really helpful *******'s like this one. Never made a mistake before huh buddy? I think the OP had a great suggestion unlike other posts I have seen on here, he actually didn't just cry about it he offered a solution. Then you get the really helpful types like this guy that seems to think that Bioware only has one person in their fix area. I can understand some ribbing because we all make a bonehead mistake at one point or another however this is one MISTAKE that is far too easy to make and the request IMHO is reasonable. BTW when you make a mistake it is not Willful Ignorance and just because it is not a problem to you doesn't mean that a 1000 other people are not having a problem with this. I myself was checking out how the customization looked on T7 and accidentally purchased it were not talking a few credits here were talking 12.5K worth. I was curious to see what could be worth 12.5K I was very disappointed to see that it was just a new skin that was not as nice as the original T7 IMHO. IF you go to sell it back you get 1200 for it hardly fare for something you had for 5 sec. If you got nothing helpful to say go to another thread Nobody cares how witty you think you are and what a Vender god you are. IF it is not a problem for you Great that is awesome for some of us it is a problem.

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