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Can this game get any easier?


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Was thinking about it today...

This game became so easy and not challenging I find myself many times go Alt-F4 and back to something else like Eve online or single player games instead on my free time.


Let's start this debate on time period which I started to play in back back when the game was launched. Was something like 1-2 months after game started.


No xp boosts or any perks.

Each character had 1 buff and if u wanted more then 1 type you had to be part of a group.

Only boost to xp was rested xp for which you had to log out while in "rested zone"

When you hit 50 you had to get "daily commendations" for purple Level 51 mods just for starting doing hard mods and other end game content, that daily commendations shenanigans held you long enough on the end game before you went full fledged end game raider.

each planet had its own commendation type so if you wanted specific level of item you had to do missions on that specific planet.

HM had lockout.. you could only finish FP 1 time per day!!

back then each rank of gear added something unique and was obvious with its change to your characters, I remember getting rakata Cunning off hand switching the mods to my MH weapon getting so excited with my dps increase.

Due to the small margin of Item level and character level (max level was 50 and max item level was 58) there was sane level of stats and many of the content types were still challenging even the SM ones.

NO GF > means people had to speak proper English and look for group in chat thus filtering those who can't communicate.

Overall it took back then few weeks to level 50 a fresh character and it took plenty of time to grind the gear from many types of missions and end game content... in fact it was so difficult many people used PVP gear instead on some occasions.


What do we have now?

MANYYY Types of boosts to xp including consumables\perks\double xp events. (add to that +41 crystals from level 10 and treek the most OP companion ever tank that heals himself).

With legacy and zergging of 4 characters to the end of chapter 3 each toon on a server gets all 4 buffs - who needs teaming up?

Again leveling up is so quick that during the latest double xp event my BH got to level 45! and he is still on balmorra!! (imp version).

Upon leveling to level 50 you get access to (58) purple mods (Rakata) with planetary cooms, generic cooms given on all planets. This means you can have full rakata set on the second you ding 50 and then you can do heroics on newbie planets to get more mods for your companions pretty much for free.

Also level 50 content drops "Classic commendations" which grants Black hole gear (61\63) which has SET BONUS on it and again pretty easy to get.

Next is the basic cooms and Black market (69) items for level 55, there is no limit on the daily amount you can get... due to so many quests and weeklys dropping this basic cooms you can get pretty powreful (69) purple set in a day if you are dedicated or few days if you are lazy without any FP or such.

ALL FP got NO Locout so you can grind for free 69 drops on HM 55s or for 61-63 stuff at 50 HM (which are piss easy) without any limit and gear yourself pretty quick... LETS not forget 16 man storymode runs of operations which drops loads of items for the fresh dinged toon.

You can also Augment ALL gear which makes your stats even more stupidly higher then it should be.

Due to the LARGE margin between item and character level (55 > 79) there is stupidly huge stats to all characters which they get pretty easily... I've seen healers with 40k HP and 4000+ main stat already ... this make most content in the game much less challenging and actually boring.

Next is the fact you can now CRAFT the most powerful items in the game including mods\relics\implants etc....

Add to that Legacy bound shells and someone with 8 55s (1 of each class) can get full set of gear with middle fingering the weekly lockout on op in a week without an hassle...


I'll give you now personal example...

My second toon was sith sorcerer... made him back then about 3 months after game released.

Took me about a month to get level 50... took me 3-4 months to gear him with rakata \ BH gear iirc, Each FP (hm) and content including ops I did with him back then was a challenge and each new piece of gear I got I revered and was joyed to have!

Last night I dinged 55 on my scoundral.. he had on storage waiting for him full set of mixed items from 69 to 78 mods including relics\implants and all the rest. 5 minutes after I dinged 55 with him I was healing 16 m TFB ops without breaking a seat steamrolling with the team not wiping on 1 boss (pug team I remind you).

He is so overpowered to the content I'm at right now (makeb) it's not even funny...


Many times I just log in gets loads of cash\new gear and stuff doing some dumbed down tactical mission getting bored and logging out. Also guild ops are not what they used to be even DP\DF we use TS to manage the team and it's so stupidly easy we finish them in less then an hour... I remember EC SM took 3 hours back then and that we used to do it for 2-3 days until we finished it.


So what next? purchase level 55 character with all datacrons and fully augmented verpine set for 5000 CC?


Can this game be any more easier?

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depends your play style and what you seek in the game

personally i find it hard to get achievements and with cartel items (if you collect things) is unbelievable hard to gain so much credits


The BoP is killing me

Edited by Kissakias
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New to MMOs?


I ask, because this is common in MMOs.... they get easier over time for the old content.


If it troubles deeply, play the game without armor on your character. If that does not challenge you enough, then play blindfolded.. that should do the trick. :p

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Reno to the rescue with awesome informative replies!


How about some in depth explanation so we can get bit wiser here ? :p


It can get easier by simply giving everyone only 1 attack that does 1 dmg and everyone including npcs only have 1 hp and npcs have 0% accuracy so an NPC will never kill you.

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New to MMOs?




then play blindfolded.. that should do the trick. :p


Well Swtor was my first MMO I ever played in depth with.


Before swtor I had 2 months on WOW when it had the witch king expansion but I didn't liked it at all.


Before that I used to play for many years on the original Neverwinter Nights multiplayer on persistent world Role play server... it was so in depth the owner of the server collected all the stories and chronicles of our adventures and created a book!


This days I'm mostly on Eve Online which is a different game in so many ways from swtor but still I like to play swtor from time to time see the new stuff coming out.

But with each patch some new system comes out which makes the game easier and let's be honest as players we always look for the best way to play the game and how to abuse it in every possible way within the boundaries of it.

With swtor it became so so easy to play and get into end game hardcore content that it's plain boring and mind numbing.


I didn't even started to talk about pvp and the bolster system, instead of some kind of "Recruit" gear we had in the past we now got full 2000 exp stat from pve gear *** :X

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That's just something lame that someone says when they post a negative rant about SWTOR and someone has the nerve to have a different opinion. It's a variation on the "fanboi" attack.


No no... it's the fact that ever since I've started reading his posts on the forums it's always 100% praise without any kind of complaint of some kind.

It's even got to "praise bioware" random threads he opens.


I'm big bioware fan I own most of bioware games and I love each one of them including SWTOR, when I open thread like this is because I want to voice a concern regarding major changes in gameply which was not there when game first launched, Also if I voice some kind of critic on bioware is from valid concern as a big fan of theirs.


Reno only praise them 100% of the time like some kind of paid poster or something hence I'm joking on the subject.


And Reno I voiced a concern about the game becoming too easy without any value to the gameplay or mechanics which are important in lack of story so instead of voicing your opinion you are trolling on the subject, not cool.

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No no... it's the fact that ever since I've started reading his posts on the forums it's always 100% praise without any kind of complaint of some kind.

It's even got to "praise bioware" random threads he opens.


I'm big bioware fan I own most of bioware games and I love each one of them including SWTOR, when I open thread like this is because I want to voice a concern regarding major changes in gameply which was not there when game first launched, Also if I voice some kind of critic on bioware is from valid concern as a big fan of theirs.


Reno only praise them 100% of the time like some kind of paid poster or something hence I'm joking on the subject.


And Reno I voiced a concern about the game becoming too easy without any value to the gameplay or mechanics which are important in lack of story so instead of voicing your opinion you are trolling on the subject, not cool.


You poor thing had you read a bit more into my posting history, you would have seen plenty of complaints I've had with this game.


For example the Dye System. It's not a very good system and could be easily fixed but they won't.


And btw you get the response you ask.


Your thread is titled "Can this game get any easier?" I answered that question. I'm sorry if you don't like the answer but you should always be prepared for things you don't like.

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I'm assuming you have NiM DF timerun then?


You see this is part of the thing which place me at an impasse


At one point Running the NiM version of the most newest operation should be after building a team of players all knowing each other and their classes in perfection, after many operations done together.


Also you should have done many operations before that so you'll have the experience and the best gear possible to tackle this challenge.


BUT with our current systems you can get best gear possible from many options which are opened before you started with crafting it yourself \ getting a crafting member on the guild craft it for the team or purchase it on gtn.

Then instead of having to grind the easier operations first you suddenly have best gear possible available and you just go there try the content...

Instead of long term goal it becomes short term goal without any sense of achievement in it...


So from one hand yes it's nightmare an all of that but from the other hand it's a challenge in best gear in the game while your team is bunch of guildies in same best gear which no one had to work hard for?


I remember back in the days of the old "Tier 2 HM FP 50" we had to grind gear in order to do Lost Island hard mode but this days everything gets so dumbed down and gear is easy to get I wonder if the trying it even will be worth the time ? It's just not fun... not any sense of achievement.

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You poor thing had you read a bit more into my posting history, you would have seen plenty of complaints I've had with this game.


For example the Dye System. It's not a very good system and could be easily fixed but they won't.


And btw you get the response you ask.


Your thread is titled "Can this game get any easier?" I answered that question. I'm sorry if you don't like the answer but you should always be prepared for things you don't like.


Part of the thread is the main post not just the title. Bring yourself to read the whole thread before you make a post.

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If it is easy now, I am glad I did not try it when it was hard! And, to answer your question it can get easier by changing the drop items to match Expected Rested levels for the planets rather than the initial ones and rising the XP cap so that one can come to Makeb overlevelled :) Edited by DomiSotto
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I did read it though. The end of your post was a question. I answered the question. Why is this so hard for you to understand?


And then I pointed out you were trolling.

Instead of taking my points trying to write what is your opinion on the subject you just wrote one sentence and that's it.

Pure trolling.


you want people to take you seriously you should take other people seriously and if you have nothing constructive to write don't write at all.


I've wrote about the state of the game now compared to how it was when I started to play..


you agree with my opinion? you don't? how is it you are the only one in this thread which didn't wrote anything constructive?

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You see this is part of the thing which place me at an impasse


At one point Running the NiM version of the most newest operation should be after building a team of players all knowing each other and their classes in perfection, after many operations done together.


Also you should have done many operations before that so you'll have the experience and the best gear possible to tackle this challenge.


BUT with our current systems you can get best gear possible from many options which are opened before you started with crafting it yourself \ getting a crafting member on the guild craft it for the team or purchase it on gtn.

Then instead of having to grind the easier operations first you suddenly have best gear possible available and you just go there try the content...

Instead of long term goal it becomes short term goal without any sense of achievement in it...


So from one hand yes it's nightmare an all of that but from the other hand it's a challenge in best gear in the game while your team is bunch of guildies in same best gear which no one had to work hard for?


I remember back in the days of the old "Tier 2 HM FP 50" we had to grind gear in order to do Lost Island hard mode but this days everything gets so dumbed down and gear is easy to get I wonder if the trying it even will be worth the time ? It's just not fun... not any sense of achievement.


LI HM could be done in Tionese(or the free blue pvp set if you were daring, has been done). The first two operations were the easiest, by far, so no, end-game content is actually harder than it was at launch(unless you only PvE casually).


Also, you're wrong about BiS being available through anything aside from Nightmare operations.

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And then I pointed out you were trolling.

Instead of taking my points trying to write what is your opinion on the subject you just wrote one sentence and that's it.

Pure trolling.


you want people to take you seriously you should take other people seriously and if you have nothing constructive to write don't write at all.


I've wrote about the state of the game now compared to how it was when I started to play..


you agree with my opinion? you don't? how is it you are the only one in this thread which didn't wrote anything constructive?


I'm not trolling you made a thread with a question and I answered it Honestly after having reviewed everything in the original post. I was being constructive and on topic. I'm sorry you're unable to see this.

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Oh, and to add to my other suggestions for making the game a bit easier, I would like to add the story-important FPs, like the Jedi Prisoner one to have a PVE version, so a player can get the story without having to find out the hard way that you just don't charge a nerfed sniper down the length of a corridor.... Of course, dying in public does embed the true meaning of LOS deep into one's psyche, but still... Edited by DomiSotto
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LI HM could be done in Tionese(or the free blue pvp set if you were daring, has been done). The first two operations were the easiest, by far, so no, end-game content is actually harder than it was at launch(unless you only PvE casually).


Also, you're wrong about BiS being available through anything aside from Nightmare operations.



Anyone actually did LI HM on the pre nerf version back when it was Tier 2 FP using recruit MK-1 blue gear or tionease?


I call shenanigans.


And yes the Bis may not be available except through NiM drops but the best gear you can get prior to that is, so the whole preparation phase of practicing and getting best possible gear before you attempt it is pretty much becomes redundant.


Also how do you find end game content easier?

Back then I remember when EC was released and it was the top end operation it was pretty tough even on story mode at level 50 using the gear which was available then.

Today I can pretty much run DF \ DP sm the moment I ding 55 and get my 66 set on oricon.. I can't imagine back then someone being able to run operations the moment they dinged 50 with pre - 50 gear.


And the entire legacy system while making gearing alts easier does not make me want to play with them later....

Back then to get drops I needed to actually play with a character to use them this day I'll run with my alt do my thing mail away in BOL shell the mods and after running the ops quest 1 time maybe unless my team need specific role I'll just stick with my main.

Double edged sword as they says.

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Anyone actually did LI HM on the pre nerf version back when it was Tier 2 FP using recruit MK-1 blue gear or tionease?


I call shenanigans.


And yes the Bis may not be available except through NiM drops but the best gear you can get prior to that is, so the whole preparation phase of practicing and getting best possible gear before you attempt it is pretty much becomes redundant.


Also how do you find end game content easier?

Back then I remember when EC was released and it was the top end operation it was pretty tough even on story mode at level 50 using the gear which was available then.

Today I can pretty much run DF \ DP sm the moment I ding 55 and get my 66 set on oricon.. I can't imagine back then someone being able to run operations the moment they dinged 50 with pre - 50 gear.


And the entire legacy system while making gearing alts easier does not make me want to play with them later....

Back then to get drops I needed to actually play with a character to use them this day I'll run with my alt do my thing mail away in BOL shell the mods and after running the ops quest 1 time maybe unless my team need specific role I'll just stick with my main.

Double edged sword as they says.



I get what you're saying about 2nd to BiS, but as far as I can tell, our raiding community likes that, because it gives them a very large source of income. It'd cost over 30 million credits, conservatively speaking, to prepare for an operation that way.


EV and KP SM would've been possible in the free blues, but I acknowledge that there wasn't a bump up into progression at launch. That has less to do with actual difficulty involved getting geared, and more to do with funky gear gaps that are created over time as content and new levels of gear are added.


The first two operations are EV and KP, I agree that EC was a hard operation.



Most of the community appears to like being able to use legacy gear to shift over mods and the like. If its not to your tastes, that's fine, but most people aren't upset about the idea of using gear that they've earned on another character.




And yes, many people did HM LI in Tionese, the devs even discussed later that it was the intended gear level to complete it at. Only a few groups did it in blues, but mentioned doing so on the forums.




Part of your perceptions regarding difficulty may have to do with SM basically not being considered part of progression anymore.

Edited by Vandicus
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Biggest problem on the old LI HM T2 version was the mechanics which was pretty harsh...

I remember killing that droid first time I felt like reaching the top of the Everest.

Mostly if someone had low end gear the margin for error was so small it was total wipe fest....

First time I did it back then I had full columi armor set (which I grinded on other HM FP.

iirc the LI HM T2 was only one to drop rakata gear at final boss which was big big thing back then.

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