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Over-levelling Planets


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When I first leveled, I did most every mission and very little else (no PVP and very few FPs), and mostly found myself at the right level for each planet.


There were a few earlier planets where after doing the bonus series I found myself over-leveled a bit, while at the higher levels I found I needed to do the bonus series to not fall behind heading into Belsavis and Voss.


Now days I unlock the various legacy XP boosts, make sure to join a 10% XP guild, and use XP boosts constatnly, all the while doing things like the daily FP (typically KDY so it is very fast) and whatever else I find interesting while skipping anything on the planets besides story and any Heroics I know are fast and easy to do solo.

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Planet and story line solo quests


no flash points,

no heroics,

and no bonus series content (though why people skip it is beyond me, some good stuff there in the planetary story lines)

One further clarification, when you say, "planet solo quests", are you including the various NPCs handing out additional side quests along the way of the main planetary quest line?

I have done this on upwards of 25 - 30 characters during beta (damn constant Beta wipes) and retail and NEVER. I repeat NEVER have I not out leveled planets to the point I'm usually doing Taris and Voss class story line only because everything else is grey already.


And normally I hit 50 on Tail End of Belsavis, NOT Corellia.

/shrug. My third toon, which I did with class quests and planetary quest lines, finished Corelia at level 49.

I repeat


The ONLY WAY to not out level planets is to skip content available and very doable to ANY solo player.

The only thing I can think that would make your leveling experience different from mine is if you include other optional side quests under the classification of "planetary".


Personally, I classify solo quests into 4 types:

1. Class story

2. Planetary story

3. Bonus series

4. Side quests


The optional side quests add up to a truly staggering amount of XP, if taken while leveling. And they are mostly one-off quests, and seldom contribute much to the planetary story (in my opinion, of course).

Long and short of this game (or any MMO) is the more conflict you partake in, the more rewards you receive (in credits, loot/gear, xp). This game specifically is way to easy to level in and its IMPOSSIBLE to not out level the game content if you simply take part in the standard solo missions available to all players.

I'm sorry this causes you such distress. Here's my take on the way the game is laid out:


1. If you really want to see everything the game has to offer, you need to run all 8 class stories.

2. If you ran every possible solo quest on a single toon, you would vastly outlevel content.

3. Also, when moving onto alts, you'd see a lot of duplicate content (i.e. quests you've already run).

4. Many people (not saying this is you) find it boring to run the same quests over and over.

5. The structure of the game lets you skip some optional content on one toon, and pick it up on an alt.

6. Done properly, you can see everything there is to see AND NOT BE OVERLEVELED AT ALL.


I've seen almost every possible solo quest (including class, planetary, side, bonus series, etc) for every class on both Republic and Empire. And with the exception of my first two toons, I've successfully not out-leveled content in doing so.

Edited by Khevar
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Depends on the class, some classes I feel bad a** and just feel like wrecking everything thus I do all quests all the time. But some classes I just feel don't stack up and I'll try over level through PvP and Flashpoints. They seem to play better in team based environments opposed to solo based ones. Maybe I just play them so bad I need people to carry me through stuff. Either way. There are some planets that annoy me to the point where I try over level to skip the planets. Balmorra being one, Taris, and Belsavis. Hoth is one of those planets that I sit on the fence about. I think I don't like it but end up doing everything anyway.
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Of course you do the available quests

Not sure why I have to clarify that but yes


you do all available solo quests (IE: You play the content, not avoid the content)


No heroics, no bonus series, no flashpoints, no xp boosts, no double xp week ends, no rested xp


Just play the normal content on each planet for your storyline and the planet storyline.


Pretty simple


And again, this is NOT opinion, it has been triple checked and 1000 checked by others since beta and onwards.


If you are not greying out at least 2 planets while leveling up and hitting 50 by the mid part of corellia (I said I normally hit 50 by tail end of Belsavis, not everyone) you are skipping quests and probably avoiding combats you could easily just go through and be faster for it.


To each their own,

just tired of people lieing about the difficulty (as there is no difficulty) about the leveling process.


If you skip content, thats your own fault and no one elses

If you dont hit 50 till end of Corellia, well I guess grats for finally hitting 50 (kinda sorta) eventually

If you never grey out a planet you have a TON of grey quests to go back and do when you do hit that planet again


The game doesnt change for each player, it is what it is

What and how each play conducts themselves is the variant, not the game


Play the game as I described above and you will grey out half (to 3/4) of Taris and pretty much all of Voss.

Add in some flashpoints, pvp, heroics, or any xp boosts and you will drastically increase whats greyed out to you.


It is what it is what it is.


And doesn't cause me problems


I hear people with bad reps being left outta things all the time because they bad at their class

Doesn't effect me in the least.

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Of course you do the available quests

Not sure why I have to clarify that but yes


you do all available solo quests (IE: You play the content, not avoid the content)

If you don't mind my asking, what is so appealing about the generic fedex / kill 10 mobs / rescue my kitten side quests?


They don't change. If you've already done them once, why do them over and over and over again on each alt you level?


They also (for the most part) don't contribute very much to the planetary storyline, (e.g. Czerka on Tatooine is the planetary quest line). They're mostly there as "filler". It's like bread before dinner at a restaurant. If you snack on too much of it, you won't enjoy the steak.


When I say, "You can do class and planetary quests without overleveling", I'm referring to picking up the main planetary quest at the spaceport, and doing just that and the class quests.


Neglecting to do the optional side quests you've already seen isn't the same thing as "avoiding the content".

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Neglecting to do the optional side quests you've already seen isn't the same thing as "avoiding the content".


Not doing content is avoiding content


By your way of thinking

Whats so appealing about doing the plantary storyline on different characters? I mean you already done it once for your first character (hopefully but kinda doubting that to now honestly)


In fact I played NWN on AOL in 1991 and they had quests where I killed stuff so thats enough. I shouldnt be expected to kill again in this game 23 years later!


Why dont we just roll new characters at 55 and have our pick of all the epic drops for free?

I mean Ive done Raids in other games so surely that ENTITLES ME to everything in this game instantly.


Yes that was sarcasm if you didnt catch it.


I cant answer your question because the truth of it is in MMOs you take quests, kill critters, learn class, and advance. Thats how any MMO is built. If your bored of that then maybe a MMO is not for you because you clearly reject the very concept of how these games are designed.



You can paint it up any way you want but in the end there is one simple truth




And if you choose to avoid content, then its not on anyone else if you come up short experience wise.


MMOs are not rocket science, you get better by doing very repetitive actions

If the repetition is of no interest to you, Might I suggest avoiding all video games entirely because they all come down to repetition, no matter what genre or style of game.

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I enjoy the leveling process, the class stories, the planetary stories, even the optional side quests. I've got 16 alts, most of which I've taken to 55. I am seldom over leveled, and have a good time playing the game.


If you're trying to convince me I'm playing the game wrong because I don't do every side quest on every toon, you're wasting your breath.


You were complaining rather heavily how it is IMPOSSIBLE to keep from overleveling planets. I'm presenting a solution that not only prevents that from happening, but ALSO allows you to see all of the content in the game.


But I guess my solution isn't "hard core" enough for you?



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You were complaining rather heavily how it is IMPOSSIBLE to keep from overleveling planets. I'm presenting a solution that not only prevents that from happening, but ALSO allows you to see all of the content in the game.


And I presented my personal anecdotal evidence for the same - and I do/did everything on my main toon up to this point, and did not go out of my way to avoid battles, and usually play with rested XP the whole time. Yet my level 42 Jedi Knight has never outleveled one piece of content at this point, and it does not appear to be close to outleveling anything else in the future, either.

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And I presented my personal anecdotal evidence for the same - and I do/did everything on my main toon up to this point, and did not go out of my way to avoid battles, and usually play with rested XP the whole time. Yet my level 42 Jedi Knight has never outleveled one piece of content at this point, and it does not appear to be close to outleveling anything else in the future, either.


You probably didn't do the bonus series though right?

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You probably didn't do the bonus series though right?


As I and 1000s of others have said over life of this game


You dont have to do bonus series to cap out xp


I didnt respond to other guy because hes lieing. No other way to put it. but will now.


And I presented my personal anecdotal evidence for the same - and I do/did everything on my main toon up to this point, and did not go out of my way to avoid battles, and usually play with rested XP the whole time. Yet my level 42 Jedi Knight has never outleveled one piece of content at this point, and it does not appear to be close to outleveling anything else in the future, either.


If you do all the planetary quests for class and planet story line and never touch as flashpoint, heroic, xp bonus of any type, pvp, you will out level and grey out planets leveling up.


So anyone claiming to have done differently is either unaware of how much they missed or just being untruthful.


As I said to K, the game doesnt decide to give player A more XP then Player B for the same content.


So once 1 person (and its been a whole boat load of people more then one person who have verified this over life of game) proves you can just do available solo quests (class and planetary missions, and yes that includes side missions because they are apart of the planetary missions) and grey out planets.




Simple as that.

You or I say something cant be done, soon as someone does it,

We were PROVED WRONG and its end of discussion


Its not a debate

Its an either or issue and 1000s have proven your claim false.

Move on.

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I enjoy the leveling process, the class stories, the planetary stories, even the optional side quests. I've got 16 alts, most of which I've taken to 55. I am seldom over leveled, and have a good time playing the game.


If you're trying to convince me I'm playing the game wrong because I don't do every side quest on every toon, you're wasting your breath.


You were complaining rather heavily how it is IMPOSSIBLE to keep from overleveling planets. I'm presenting a solution that not only prevents that from happening, but ALSO allows you to see all of the content in the game.


But I guess my solution isn't "hard core" enough for you?




And again, dont care how you play


But there is ONE truth


This whole arguement (cause holding your breath and virtually saying "no no no your wrong" when its been proven time and time and time again is argueing, not discussing or debateing because there is no discussion or debate to be had.


Ill say it again slower










(including side missions for those bored of them)





COMBAT (by going around or stealthing through)










Not an opinion

Not a proposition

Not a suggestion


Just a simple FACT


And just so we clear (as Im really bored of this arguement) I don't give a hoot if your on Corellia at level 10. It DOESNT CHANGE THE FACTS OF THE ISSUE.


Dont believe me and 1000s others (because this topic is far from new or original and was around in beta with most saying yes you out level and a few claiming they did everything and didnt out level planets... (and just a FYI, THIS was a issue in CLOSED BETA and they made the game even easier and leveling faster when they went retail)


OK Im done unless you now want to claim the sky at night isnt black and maybe the sun doesnt hurt eyes when you stare at it (cause they carry the same amount of credit in their claims)


PS: ROFLMAO! I have to now share your response with freinds cause im about as far from hard core as you get.


Just more false claims by you on this issue.


Whats next? EA magically gave all my characters xp bonuses with out me knowing?

Edited by Kalfear
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I think the whole point of there being as much content as there is now is that you will be overlevelled if you do all of it, so you can skip parts should you wish to.


Can you imagine the (justifiable) crying that would take place if you HAD to do all the side missions and "bonus" content just to avoid being underlevelled?

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Evening all,


I am curious as to whether any of you out there intentionally over-level yourself so you can skip planets whilst just enjoying the story quests or do you prefer to grind out each planet and do all the side quests:rod_confused_g:


yes. Belsavis. every time. its the only way I can get past mid 40ties. before, when I still attempted to play "properly" I'd get to Belsavis, and then my character would just sit there... for months. while I'd start another alt, level them up to Belsavis and.... set them aside too.


I finished that planet exactly twice. once imp side and once pub side. and it was very VERY painful. and I'm never EVER doing it again.


I just really dislike Belsavis ya'll


P.S. becasue the way quests are structured in SWTOR - it is very possible to overlevel planets without doing anything extra - like flashpoints or pvp or even bonus series. I've done that on release. - it is done that way to give people options. too many quests so that they never have to grind mobs. ever.


and now - even more so, becasue you are meant to be able to level through as a f2p... and they get no rested xp and 25% less xp in general.

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Just more false claims by you on this issue.

Interesting. I think you've misunderstood what I'm saying. Therefore, you think I'm lying.


As a matter of fact, I agree with you that if you do all available solo content, you will outlevel all planets. There's no question about it. If you carefully go back through my posts, you will not find anywhere that I state otherwise.


What is happening here, is what you call "planetary quests", I call "planetary quests + all available side quests"


Let me be perfectly clear:


1. If you're following your class quest, when you first arrive on a new planet, there is a quest giver at the spaceport.

2. This quest giver will start the "planetary quest line"

3. Usually, this is an actual single story with a starting and ending. Examples:


On Taris you deal with Czerka having unearthed a Rakata artifact.

On Alderaan you help Thul establish dominance for the Empire

On Belsavis you free the Dread Masters


4. Once you've started the planetary quest line, you never have to pick up another quest to finish it.

5. In other words, each stage of the quest you finish auto-adds the next "Go see officer bla bla"

6. IN ADDITION TO THE MAIN PLANETARY QUEST LINE there are a lot of other quest givers on the planet.

7. These NPCs offer optional quests that are not required to finish the planetary quest line.

8. If you do these, you WILL ALWAYS overlevel the planet.

9. If you don't, it is possible to stay at level.


Is this clear?


I'm also not going to disagree with you that skipping the optional side quests is technically skipping content. Sure, why not.


But while you are over there angry because the game is forcing you to be overleveled, I'll be over here having a good time playing the game.

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You probably didn't do the bonus series though right?


Incorrect. I am a completionist, so I do everything. I also go back to play the repeatable stuff every once in a while, but only after I have outleveled it so I get no XP from it (or only the 6 XP min) to avoid going overlevel on the current stuff.


If you do all the planetary quests for class and planet story line and never touch as flashpoint, heroic, xp bonus of any type, pvp, you will out level and grey out planets leveling up.


So anyone claiming to have done differently is either unaware of how much they missed or just being untruthful.


But I haven't greyed out anything and I don't miss/skip anything. Like I said, I am a completionist. I also have no reason to be untruthful. I don't know what else to tell you, but upon doing every single available piece of content when it was at a "green" level for my Level 42 main, I have not yet been in danger of outleveling any of it at this point in time, and from what I can see coming up, will not be in danger of outleveling it for the planets I have remaining.


I certainly don't claim that it is not possible to outlevel planets, of course it is, depending on how you play the game. I'm just saying that it is also possible to do "everything" and not outlevel them as well. Like I said, it just depends on how you play the game.

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But I haven't greyed out anything and I don't miss/skip anything.

Just remember that overleveling is when your level is higher than the level range of the planet. For example, Tatooine's range is 24-28. You can be level 32-33 on that planet and the quests and mobs will still be green.

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Evening all,


I am curious as to whether any of you out there intentionally over-level yourself so you can skip planets whilst just enjoying the story quests or do you prefer to grind out each planet and do all the side quests:rod_confused_g:

I learned early on that with the Subscriber XP rate and rested XP (plus now with the guild bonus and even the Complimentary XP Boost quest rewards) over-leveling is just something that's going to happen when I play.


So now I use that fact to customize my playthrough on each new character and help keep things fresh. I have different characters either play through or ignore the side-quests and even main faction arcs on different planets depending on which ones make the most sense (in terms of story or just thematically) for that class.


For example, my Knight only did his class quests and the main faction arc on Nar Shaddaa, but did every single quest and the bonus series on Voss; my Bounty Hunter on the other hand did every quest he came across on Nar Shaddaa, but will probably end up skipping everything except his class quests on Voss.


In addition to alternating between Empire and Republic characters every time I level a new alt, I've found being selective about which planets each individual character really gets involved with goes a long way towards keeping things from getting stale.

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I personally never get bored of the story and conversations, which can be depressing when the more and more stories they bring out that are group only.....its ruining the game in my opinion.

Have you tried looking for a casual guild that likes running the group content?

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I am curious as to whether any of you out there intentionally over-level yourself so you can skip planets whilst just enjoying the story quests:

Not me. I intentionally over-level myself so I can solo heroics and flashpoints.

or do you prefer to grind out each planet and do all the side quests:rod_confused_g:

Yep, I do every single sidequest.

I personally never get bored of the story and conversations, which can be depressing when the more and more stories they bring out that are group only...

My sentiments exactly. But, if the game survives and the level cap keeps going up, more and more content should become solo-able. So...that might give me a reason to come back down the road, when and if I've finished all the currently solo-able stuff.

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